Alpha Xavier

2035 Words
Janet quietly snuck into her home after dropping Lola. She’d had a quick smoke before smashing the butt of her blunt under her boot, taking her boots off, and praying to the moon goddess that she didn’t wake her mother. Janet had needed the blissfulness of a quick high to tame her raging beast. Her wolf and her were both agitated over this unexpected message from their mate who’d been ignoring her for the past ten years. Janet wanted to forget the pain of being forgotten. But the minute she stepped onto the first step that led to her room upstairs, the light to the living room clicked on. “Back from your night of partying?” Josie, Janet’s mother, asked ominously. Her eyes narrowed in on Janet’s dishevelled state and the stench of weed emanating off Janet. Josie growled in disapproval. Janet sighed. Great, a confrontation she really didn’t want to have right now. “I’m 20 mom,” Janet said sternly, making her way into the living. “I’m old enough to-“ “Don’t you dare talk like that with me!” Josie exclaimed, standing up. The fact that Josie was a few inches shorter than Janet didn’t take away from Josie’s authority. Janet took a few steps back. Josie rarely got upset, but when she did, all her children knew she was a force to be reckoned with. “Xavier wants us to come see him,” Josie snapped abruptly, holding up the keys to her car. “I’ll be driving.” “Now?” Janet asked blankly as she watched her mother make her way towards the garage. “Now,” Josie responded firmly. Tired, still a little high, and confused, Janet followed her mother silently. It wasn’t until Janet was inside Xavier’s house that she let out a snarl of indignation. She could smell the messenger’s presence. That rat! He couldn’t get to her so he’d come to Xavier instead! “Wait just a minute!” Janet exclaimed frantically, refusing to go inside Xavier’s study where she knew the messenger was waiting for her. “You have been ordered by your pack alpha to have a meeting with him tonight,” Josie said sternly. “Will you disobey him?” Janet hesitated a beat before finally squaring her shoulders. Xavier might be her pack alpha but she was also his baby sister. His only sister. He would understand when she explained her side of the story. Besides, she hadn’t hurt the messenger. He’d jumped away just in time. Xavier’s eyes focued on Janet as she entered his study. He could probably smell the alcohol, fratboy and weed on her. Xavier looked at her disapprovingly. Out of all the things, it was his disappointment that hit Janet the hardest. He didn't like her partying ways, she knew that much. After the death of her father, Xavier had been the closest thing she’d had to a father. Well him and Nick’s father, Alpha Johnathon Clayton. Janet looked at Xavier with wide terrified eyes, hoping her innocent girl act would work, like it always did. Xavier’s expression softened, the hard lines on his 33-year-old face becoming less pronounced. He always had a soft spot for her. “Janet, Martin, Alpha King's Royal Messenger seems to think you don’t want to accept a message from your mate,” Xavier said, cutting right to the chase and motioning to Martin who looked tired. Janet took a deep breath, ready to explain herself. “As you know, Alpha Nick has had no interest in me whatsoever for the past ten years. I highly doubt he has any interest in me now. So I have no mate as far as things with Alpha Nick are concerned,” Janet said calmly. “I do not wish to accept any message. I do not want to even hear of the royal kingdom or the monarchy.” Xavier’s expression softened even further. “Janet, I know you’re upset, but I’m sure Alpha Nick had his reasons. If he’d wanted to formally break off things with you, he would have informed me. I am your brother and alpha of your pack. But as he has not, we are duty bound to accept whatever messages he has sent for you,” Xavier explained patiently. “And what if I want to break things off with him?” Janet asked sharply. “Do I get no say in this? I don’t want an inconsiderate lout as a mate!” Martin gasped, completely offended by Janet’s words. “Janet,” warned Josie. “That was rude and offensive. You do not know Alpha Nick’s side of the story. I believe that before you decide anything, you must first give him a chance to explain why he has ignored you. And you were a little girl! He became a King with many responsibilities thrust onto him quite unexpectedly. What did you expect exactly?” “And now that I’m not a little girl, he’s finally reaching out,” Janet snapped. “When he finally has use for me. When he probably needs a trophy wife. Well relationships don’t work like that!” Xavier ran a tired hand over his face and looked towards the clock. It was already 3 am! “Just accept the message J,” Xavier said reasonably. “See what Alpha Nick has to say. Otherwise, I’ve been authorized to accept it and read it on your behalf.” Janet paled. She reached for the missive almost immediately. Whatever Nick had to say to her, she didn’t want Xavier reading it. “You must be tired,” Xavier said gently to Martin. “I’ve already instructed Rose to make sure the omegas have a room set up for you in one of our guesthouses. One of my men will lead you there.” “I…” Martin cleared his throat. “Thank you Alpha Xavier. But I was instructed to stay here and wait for Luna Janet’s response to the message.” There was a silence as everyone turned to look at Janet, reading over the contents of the letter. Suddenly, her eyes flashed yellow and she let out a low growl. Her nails extended to become claws and the letter was ripped to shreds infront of Martin. The only dsicernible scrap that held the Royal Advisor's seal, floated to the floor for all to see. “You tell that pompous assshole NO!” Janet exclaimed, turning on her heel and leaving. Everyone heard her as she slammed the front door to Xavier’s mansion and then turned into her wolf. “Well, I guess I’m driving home alone,” Josie said on a sigh. Martin shook his head, taking out a copy of the letter he’d given Janet. “We had a copy ready for you, just incase,” Martin confided. “The problem is in your hands now Alpha Xavier.” Martin couldn’t help but sigh in relief. He’d completed his mission and now he could rest. “What does it say?” Josie asked once Martin had left the study. “The monarchy wishes for Janet to join them in England where she will begin her Queen Luna training. After one year, they are to be married in a mating ceremony,” Xavier said grimly, handing the letter over to his mother. “As Janet’s brother and pack alpha, I’ve been entrusted to make sure their future queen is sent to them. Once on English soil, they will be responsible for her protection.” Josie bit her lip as she read over the missive. It was very detached and had the seal of the Royal Advisor at the bottom. Josie was a hundred percent sure that Janet had gotten an exact replica of this letter instead of a personal note from her mate. It would have been immensely helpful for Alpha Nicholas if he had atleast personally signed the letter for Janet. “They want ten of your best warriors and your beta to accompany her to ensure her safety. Isn’t that a bit…extreme?” Josie asked, looking up at Xavier. Xavier shrugged, understanding how protective alphas were of their mates. “If they knew Janet, they’d know she doesn’t need anyone to keep her safe,” Xavier said with a chuckle. Then his eyes darkened. “But they don’t know her. Janet’s right mom. She can’t be expected to just…blindly agree to everything all of a sudden.” “Xavier,” Josie scolded. “He is her mate. I know you love Janet and have always wanted the best for her. But sometimes I think you’ve spoiled her. Look at her! She parties and gets high and is completely irresponsible! She is not acting the way a future Luna should act. It’s time to put some responsibility on her shoulders. She should go and atleast give her mate a chance.” Xavier thought about what his mother said before nodding in agreement. “But if she wants to come back home, I won’t stop her,” Xavier warned. “She has every right to make her own decisions and I’ll let her know that no matter what, our pack is always ready to welcome her back with open arms.” “Fine,” Josie huffed, crossing her arms. “But you tell her to give it a true chance! She can’t just go and turn right back around to come back home. If , after an appropriate time has passed, she truly decides she doesn’t want to stay there, then we can bring her back.” “We can bring her back as sooner as she wants,” Xavier interjected stubbornly. Josie rolled her eyes. “Honestly Xavier, you’re part of the reason Janet’s so spoiled. But I get it. She’s your baby sister and you love her,” Josie said with a shrug of her shoulders. “It’s not only that,” Xavier responded tiredly. “I don’t want her to ever feel that just because Dad isn’t around, she was pushed into something she didn’t want. I want to do right by her. Dad left me in charge, and I don’t ever want to disappoint him.” “Oh Xavier,” Josie said symphathetically. “You know your father would be so proud of you if he could see you today. You’re a strong alpha…you have a beautiful family,” Josie’s eyes flickered to a family photo hanging in Xavier’s study. Rose and him stood next to each other on a beach, the waves crashing behind them. Their daughter Elena who was 13, stood in front of Rose while Xander, their son who was 8, stood in front of Xavier. Their 6y ear old twin sons were sitting on the ground. Everyone was smiling up at the camera and it was so obvious how much Xavier loved Rose and his children. “Janet will have the same happiness one day. I promise you that,” Xavier vowed solemnly. Josie blew her nose into a tissue. “I hope so,” Josie said weakly. “I just feel like her mate ignoring her for so long has caused her to rebel.” “Well, it’s partially my fault for letting her get away with everything and anything,” Xavier added with a knowing smile. “But I just can’t bring myself to be strict with her Mom.” “Yeah, yeah…I know,” Josie said, putting a hand on Xavier’s shoulder. “You brothers all think Janet walks on water and even if she does something wrong, it’s O.K. she’ll learn eventually.” Josie shook her head in exasperation. “Let’s hope Alpha Nick doesn’t mind his castle smelling like drugs and alcohol.” “Hey, you know Janet’s going to be a great Luna,” Xavier retorted defensively. “Queen Luna,” Josie amended. “And she’s got a lot of growing up to do. First of all, she’s got to agree to go.” Xavier pensively cupped his chin, deep in tought. Suddenly his face brightened. “I’ve got an idea,” he exclaimed, turning to his mother as if he’d just solved world peace.
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