Chapter 9: Someone's in trouble

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Heaven POV The next Morning~ I lean my head on the armchair. Preparing myself to sleep. Imagine, I only sleep for 2 hours. "Calling Heaven Bailey from the art department. Heaven Bailey from the art department, please proceed to the office of student affairs." Someone announced in the speaker that is connected to all the department building if a higher position is looking for a particular student. Huh? Is that me? I guess I'm the only Heaven Bailey in the art department. "Oh ow. Someone's in trouble" Axel said. "I didn't do anything wrong bro." I said. “Why would they need me?” "Really huh? Hahaha for what I have known, once your name is called to go to that 'office', you did some trouble and you're dead" He said teasingly. "Shut up bro. I really don't know why am I being called." I said. I get up and walk through the corridor. Aish. Such a great disturbance of my way to dreamland. I enter the so-called 'Student Office'. The student office is similar to the school’s guidance. They are the elected student leaders and their work is to know and be aware of every student’s record, issues, and suggestions. They are the first to handle some school issues and student’s issues like bullying, student-teacher affairs, and unfair distribution of grades. If the President of the student council can’t handle the problem anymore, she’ll immediately report it to the higher rank. The University’s president. Guidance, school psychologist, teachers and coaches of every athlete has a their offices. If the Student president knew that the problem of the student is internal, like depression, anxiety or any other mental health issues, she’ll give recommendation for the student to go to the office of School psychologist. The main work of the student council is to help every student not to left behind and make them feel that the school is literally their second home. One thing that makes the Student President’s office’ terror is because, once they’ve called your name to go to the office, there is only 2 reason. First is because they need you to do something and second it’s because you’re doomed. If I say doomed it means you did something and you’re up to punishment. The student officers are the senior or the graduating, and this is their last year. As I enter the office, to my surprise, all their eyes are on me. It's like I did something wrong. "Is that her?" The girl that looks like a jiggly puff asks. "Yes. That's her pres." The girl that looks like a wolf or a hamster. "Yah! Don't scare her. Introduce yourself first." Said the girl that looks like a bunny. "Hi, I'm Heaven Bailey," I said. I am a little bit scared of them. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" the three of them laugh. "Your funny kid. I am talking to these two over here" the bunny said. But when she said those words she's looking at me. "We already know you, Ms. Bailey." The hamster said. "Anyway, I'm Sam. The university's secretary" "Maybe you are not around when the election happened and when they announce who won." Jiggly puff said. "I don't really care about politics," I said in all honesty. "Hmm, is that so. Anyway, I am Jessica. Student government's president. And the bunny over here is Naomi. Well, sadly, she's the Vice President." Jiggly puf- I mean, Jessica the president said. "Yah! What's with the sadly?" The bunny teeth retorted. "Because I regret having you as the vice" Jessica said. "So mean," the bunny said cutely. I giggle. It looks like I am watching Pokemon, Jiggly puff vs Squirtle. Because aside from the bunny look alike, she also looks like a Squirtle. "Anyway, have a sit. We called you here to clarify things" Jessica said. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask. "Hmm... Let's just say, it depends." The bunny said. "We just want to clarify that whatever happens here won't come out. Our position is nothing to do with the topic we want to know." "Uh. Okay." I said. I really don’t know what it’ll be. "How did you met Skyler Stanfield?" Jessica ask. Oh, so this is all about her. "Uhh... At the library." I answered. They all raise their eyebrow, telling me to tell more. " I am sleeping in the library then she came, and the rest is history." I said --- Axel and I went to the canteen. It's lunch break now. After talking to them, well it is more like they warned me about being with Sky. It's like I am courting her and if I hurt her, I am dead. The heck. Also, I am surprised that they knew about my s****l preference. That I like girls. Speaking of, they said that if I hurt Sky, I’ll be dead. Hurt her? I don't think I can hurt her right? We both agreed on the bet. She even know about it. "I'm warning you, Heaven. Once you hurt her, let's see each other in hell." The president warned me. I am confused. Why are they so protective of her? As if I am a man that will break her. I am just a girl, A bisexual one hehe. I see Sky at the counter. She's buying a snack? Wait, it's lunchtime already, she should eat something healthy. "Hey! Are you even listening?" Axel snaps his fingers in front of me. "Huh?" I answered. More like I am awakened from deep thoughts. "I keep on talking here, knowing that you're at my side but then you're not even listening?" "Sorry. I got to go." I immediately fix my things and bring my food with me. I walk faster and didn't let my eyes off her. I barely see her in the canteen so maybe she goes somewhere she only knows where. "Heaven" someone called me, it's Tinker. "Sit beside Axel, he needs someone to talk to! hahaha," I told her and ran faster. I followed Sky and saw her eating her snack in the abandoned building. "Is that your lunch?" I ask walking closer to her. She turns her head in my direction. "How do you know I'm here?" "I followed you" "Stalker" "Yah! You're so full of yourself. As if I have something in you" "Then why are you here?" "I see you buying a snack. It's not even healthy for you" "So now you care?" She ask. "Hey! Stop putting meaning in my actions will you?" She just hummed. "Here. Have this. I ate enough food today." I give her my lunchbox. It's the one my mom gave to me since she knows that I'm late and I didn't eat breakfast this morning. "Hmm. Thanks" she says. I just look at her as she opens my lunchbox. "Wait. Is there a poison here? Right! You give me a poisonous food for me to die right?" Sky said, she’s having trust issue here. "Hey!! I'm just being kind here. You just ignore my kindness. Hmph!" I get sulky. "Aww. The baby cub is sulking." She caresses my hair as if trying to tame me. I still pouted my lips. "Don't do that. You're so cute" She commeted. I blushed when she told me that. I'm cute, at least for her. "Try to eat this" she put the food in my mouth. I give her a questionable look. "At least I can be sure that it doesn't have cyanide or anything that can poison me." "HEYYY!!" I snitched the lunch box from her. "If you don't want to eat this, I'll just finish this. Hmph!" "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA fine. fine. It doesn't have poison inside" she laugh. Is this real? She laugh. I hear her laughter. I smile looking at her. She shows her gummy smile. And her laugh, it really sounds like a melody. I put back the lunchbox and she eats what's inside of it. "Hmm it's delicious" she said. "Of course. My mom made it" I cheekily smile that shows my dimples. I am proud of my mom's cook. "What are you doing?" I ask her as she keeps on writing something. "I'll leave clues. So that when I die, they'll know that you are the last person I am with." Sky said. I glare at her. Tss. Does she think that I'll kill her? As if I'll do that. If she's the one doing it, maybe, I'll believe. But for me? Killing someone? Nah. "There." She put the piece of paper in the pocket of my polo. I see the lunchbox, emptied. Maybe she's really hungry. "I often eat a snack because no one in my dorm can make a decent food to eat for lunch." She said. We are sitting at the old chair in the building facing the crack wall. "Hmm, why won't you buy something? There's a lot of healthy foods in the canteen" I suggested. "I can't. When I see students that are with their friends, I envy them. It's not like I don't have some, but I just don't want to. Also, I am shy in front of the crowd." I gave her a questioning look. "I am friends with the school council government. I eat lunch with them. They're even my roommate. But one day, everyone on the campus thinks that I am a witch or something like a killer, so some students bully me. They say if they see my face together with the school council member, it'll be worst. So when I found this abandoned building, I keep on going in here. At least I have a place where no one can disturb me, or even, judge me." "So that's why. Hmm from now on, don't bother thinking about it. Come to us when it's lunchtime. Join us. I'll protect you. We have an agreement, right? At least part of that agreement is me protecting you." I smile at her. "Thank you. But I am fine with my own I guess? This building is my santuary," She said then suddenly, Her phone rang. "I got to go. My friends want to see me. Bye. Thanks for the food." She ran away. I found myself smiling while looking at her.
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