Chapter 7: Her ocean eyes

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Heaven POV "Hmm?" She asks me. Her eyes were confused about why would I give her that. "I just think that maybe, you can draw what is on your mind." She looks at me, signaling me to continue or explain further the idea I have on my mind. "Uhm... I know we're different when it comes to releasing something, but I don't know how to help you, so I was thinking, maybe that can help?" I said. Hoping that it would help. "So, you are telling me that whenever you have a lot of thoughts in your mind, you drew them?" she asked. "Err.. yeah?" I answered. "I'm not in the mood to draw. Still, thank you. I'll bring them so that when I am in my mood, I'll draw." "Great." I smile at her. She stands up and walks near the edge of the building and looks up at the city lights. I followed her. "City lights are amazing." She said and smile. "Indeed," I said. "But, do you know what's more amazing?" I look at her. "What?" I asked. "There." She pointed at the sky. "The stars, they shine brightly in the dark. They still twinkle and sparkle, not minding what surrounds them." I am still looking at her. I realize she's pretty. Her beauty amazes me. She is indeed beautiful, In any angle, in any view. Her eyes spark. They shine as if she has seen beautiful things in the world. She is smiling while looking at the sky. "I wonder what it feels like to be a star? To be something or someone above and see everything below. What do we look like? How can they describe us? Are we like ant or Sand? Or maybe a beautiful creature that is hard to see?" She then looks at me. I suddenly see tears in her eyes. "Hey, you okay?" "I wonder how and what he feels right now. Is he up there too? Is he became one of them too? Is he looking at me now? How do I look? Do I look presentable, Heaven?" she whispers that last word and she started to cry out loud. I don't know why does she cry or what makes her cry so suddenly? What is she thinking now? I unconsciously hug her tight and whisper her words even I, don't think can utter. As I feel she's okay, she slowly wipes her tears and removed herself from the hug. "Thank you." That's all she said. "hmm... Is it fine to you if I ask Who is he?" She looks at me with sad eyes. There is no more scary Sky that can be seen. Her eyes were full of sadness and loneliness. "My brother." As she was about to cry again, I gave her my handkerchief. "It's okay. Take your time, I can wait till you're ready to open up." I told her and smile. A moment of silence, Nothing can be heard between the two of us. "My brother died two years ago in a car accident. He was on his way to a game competition in Japan. He's there not to play, but to present his new developed game." "I honestly don't know what to say. Sorry for your loss." I don't know what to say, that explains why she's sad. "Before the incident, I insist to come with him. I want to join and play there while he's in a meeting. But, he refuses. He told me not to. He told me that I might see the game that he develops just for me. It was supposed to be my birthday gift. Before my birthday come, there is news about the car incident in Japan. Unfortunately, his name came out of the news. The hospital called us, I thought he'll fight to survive, but no, he gave up. Then one day, Billy messaged me, he said, my brother completed the game that he develops before he died." She started. I keep my silence, as I want her to continue. "I can't sleep because I keep in thinking about him. I keep thinking about the day that he left. Before that day, he told me that whenever I can't sleep, I can play the game. It was a program to finish one at a time. It means that if I finish the level, I can't continue playing it until morning. He made that because he knows that once I started playing, no one can stop me. So whenever I can't sleep, I'll play that game then unconsciously, I feel sleepy before I finish the level." She chuckles and continues "I already finished the first game. And I am eager to get the new one." "So, you didn't get the game for two years? Why?" "Because of his condition." "and what is that?" "I should bring my friend. They want to see me having a company besides my cousin and him. Also, they want me to introduce a lover to them," "So you didn't get the game for two years because you don't have a friend and a boyfriend?" "Yes. And Billy transfer here to Korea. That's why it's hard for me." "Does that Billy thinks that I'm your friend?" "I guess? He just let you pass to the next level of the condition they made." "Wow." "Did you know my brother used to take me on a late-night trip whenever I can't sleep?" "So that explains why you went to my house and asked me to drive you out?" she laughs a little while showing her gummy smile. I stare at her; in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars. "it's already 3 am, let's go?" Sky asks. My thoughts were dismissed. "You okay now?" "I guess? Thanks." She smiles. It is more a sincere smile. We go down and drive our way home. Sky told me to wake her up if we already arrived at her house. After a long ride, I look at her, she's something. As I feel sleepy, I decided to wake Sky up, telling her we already arrived. Before she opens the car door, she looks at me and gives me her sweetest smile while her eyes telling me how thankful she was for the night. I smiled back and nodded. This night, I think I slowly knew Skyler Mina Limerson or simply, Sky. She's not the killer type or the monster type or the witch type of girl that everyone describes. She's a soft and fragile girl that needs to be taken care of and understand. Maybe, her scary personality is just a mask; it must be hard for her to show herself after the pain that she's been through.
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