Chapter 1: Song Goddess

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“Brother, Brother, are you here?” I call, looking around the natural springs that line the backside of the palace.  My parents created a beautiful world for their family, or to be honest for themselves. Our parents were very selfish and ego-driven. Granted it was probably done by accident since they were always trying to outdo themselves. They were constantly in competition. One always had to be better than the other.  When one built a beautiful waterfall the other had to create two “better” ones. My parents created the magical world that my six siblings and I watch over.  It’s a realm that exists at the same time as the human world only on a different dimension. If you want to know the geography of it, we would be located somewhere in the vast forest of the west coast of the United States. But like I said, on a totally different plane of existence. Our world is just as large as the human world that exists. Each of my siblings and myself have created certain species that coexist in the magical realm.   I am Irina, the mother of the Fairies.  “Here, sister mine. How may I be of service?” My brother Kayan, creator of the Dragons answered me. I turned and saw that he was sitting next to the brook with our sister Natya, the creator of the Vampires. “Hello, Natya. I hope you both fair well?” I said to both, bowing in respect. Even though Natya is younger than me, Kayan is older and it is the respectful thing to do. “We are well sister, please sit, join us,” Natya said, moving over to make space for me on the unnaturally flat boulder. I picked up the clear blue skirt of my dress and walked in the cool, crystal clear water of the spring to sit over with my siblings. “I was just telling sister, that our last mating has blossomed into a beautiful romance and I hope we plan to create another one soon,” Kayan said to me with a smile. “Yes, I once thought that my species should just marry within our own kind and of course stay gender-specific, which is why my males can only drink from females and vice-versa. My mixed-species matings have turned out wonderfully.” Natya said “But why is that sister? My species is non-gender-specific. My matings are of all kinds and they live happily.” I say to her, kind of shocked that she is so closed-minded. “You are just like, Katya, she does the same with her precious werewolves. I just don’t get it. It’s unnatural and wrong,” Natya says, dismissing me casually. I feel the anger rising in me.  I try to collect my thoughts for I do not want to be the first to cause a drift between us again. For centuries my siblings and I were at odds after we murdered our parents.  We couldn’t live with the guilt of their deaths and we turned against each other. Up until recently we have made peace with each other and started creating interspecies matings. “I have to agree with Natya here, dear sister. Matings of two males or two females are counterproductive for the survival of a species. Are you not afraid that your species could potentially die out without procreation?” Kayan asks honestly. He thinks the same, too. How is it possible that we are blood-related. I try to calm my anger and think of a way to educate them.  The only way to beat ignorance is through conversation and education. “Hear me please, dear brother and dear sister.  I believe you are looking at this the wrong way.  Love is love. It should not matter what gender they are.  We create our matings as gifts for our species. However our creations, through their free-will, seem to find love on their own as well. Even without us mating them.  However, as the creators, we hope to give them a mate that will end in not just procreation, but in desire, passion, and genuine happiness.  Brother, may I ask respectively, if in your species you have only created matings of same sexes, then why is it your dragon population is down? Your original logic seems to defeat your purpose of procreation, brother mine,” I ask him. He thinks quietly for a few seconds, “At first I thought it had to do because maybe I was mating too much within my own species. Most but not all of my matings have resulted in procreation or genuine happiness.  I began thinking that I needed to start creating matings with those species of my brothers and sisters. But I think I see your point, sister. Maybe my end goal for my matings is wrong. Maybe I should be focusing on their happiness.” he says to me. “Now, there’s a thought.  I guess happiness should be the end goal for all of our matings.” my sister said, in deep thought herself. “Yes!! I mean look at how the human world is fearing.  Same-s*x couples live happy and lovely lives. If they choose to have a child their is always adoption, surrogates, and insemination. Why can’t our species do the same, if they wish to have a child? My same-s*x fairy matings have been content without having children. And yet my numbers of procreation seem high.” I inform them. I let my words sink in and they both seem to be thinking hard about it. “I came here to propose another mating between our species, brother mine, but now that I think of it. What if we were to create a same-s*x, inter-species mating, sister mine?” I propose the idea to her. “Between your fairies and my vampires?” she asks, curiously. “Yes, sister. You can even choose the gender?” I say to her.  She sits quietly for a while, thinking the idea over in her head. “What do you have to lose, baby sis? All your matings have worked out well, why not give a shot with this one?” our brother says to Natya. Feeling like she is getting ganged up on or because she truly wants to experiment, Natya turns to me and smiles, “Let’s do it, fine sister. Let’s create a mating. I believe I have just the male for it.” she says with a smile. “A male,” I say, then think about my single males who have yet to find mates. My Rob. Yes. He would be perfect. “I have one in mind, too, sister. Let us create it,” I say to her and give her a hug. “How exciting! What are we waiting for? Let us go to the ceremonial chamber and do this now, no time to waste,” Natya says excitedly and pulls me up with her as she stands. Kayan laughs at her enthusiasm and stands with us.  We walk back into the palace and down to the lowest part of the palace.  We open the large iron black door and enter the ceremonial chamber. The place where all our matings are created. In the middle of the large room is an opening in the floor, that looks down to the magical world under us.   By the hole is a small table with boxes. Natya and I both open the boxes with our species’ symbol carved on the lid. My species has a butterfly with musical notes inside of its wings. Natya’s vampire symbol is a bat with a bloody rose in its mouth.   Inside the box, laying on a soft bed of red, velvet cloth are our mating daggers. I pick mine up and admire it as I usually do every time I create a mating for one of my children. The hilt is made of an ancient black Omorika tree that is now extinct. My species symbol is on one side of the hilt and my name is on the other.  Our parents gave each of us a dagger with the power to make changes in the lives of our creations, mostly used for matings.  “Ready, sister?” Natya asks me. “Of course, sister. Let us begin,” I say, then walk with her over to the opening that looks down at our magical realm. We chant the words handed down to us by our parents, in the old language.  We then slice our palms and join hands. We then hold our hands over the opening and let the drops of our mixed-blood fall down. “Robert, may you find love and safety in the arms of your mate,” I say, sealing my end of the mating process. “Derrick, may you find happiness and passion in the arms of your mate,” Natya says, sealing her end of the mating process. I smile at the words she has chosen and she smiles back at me.
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