Partners & Power (2)

1767 Words

"I think we need to talk about burning my collection of books while your collection is in the open," I glided my hand across his bookshelf. "I already told you that you're free to do anything that doesn't sully the Roselia family name," Luke told me for the nth time. "If my collection is well hidden inside the dorms, I see no reason how it sullies the Roselia family name," I recalled how the neutral fraction allowed their members to keep their odd hobbies. "That's why I allowed you to keep some of your books when I knew where they were hidden," Luke coldly responded. "That's the problem. It shouldn't be 'allowed' because I don't need your permission in the first place," I noticed. "We're partners. We're equals to each other." I couldn't believe how I was used to getting permission fo

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