Finishing Touches

1762 Words
Orion’s POV I’m in my home office finding minuscule tasks to do while I wait for Serina to arrive. It’s mostly to distract me from the fact that she told me she would be here at 10 in the morning, yet here we are a quarter until 12. I walk through my hallways, heading towards my home office thinking how much this house could use a woman’s touch, specifically Onyx’s touch. I double checked the kitchen to make sure it was fully stocked along with the kitchenette in my home office. Yes, you read that right. A kitchenette in my home office. I try not to let it bother me that she’s this late by reminding myself that this is what she does. Serina loves to keep you waiting on the edge of your seat for what she has promised, and she delivers every time. Serina is a descendant of Mona, the woman that got me and Onyx killed after I rejected her too many times. When dragons became sparse, some started mixing with other races in hopes of keeping the magic thriving. Mona’s bloodline mixed with witches and fae. Serina’s antics are one of the many differences between her and Mona. Mona had big blue eyes, icy blonde hair and faint curves whereas Serina has almond shaped hazel eyes, long flowing chestnut hair, full figured with curves for days. Mona was whiny, always expecting the things she wanted to be handed to her and Serina had no problem getting her hands dirty and taking what she wanted. Serina has full pillowy soft lips with a beauty mark right at the corner of her lips on the right side as well. Because of her beauty I’ve decided that once I separate Onyx from Arya, I’ll have her placed within Serina. I’m on my way to pick at my office once again when the doorbell rings. Once I open the door I’m relieved to see that she has finally shown up. “It’s about damn time Serina!” I growl at her. “Oh calm your horses Orion, it’s not like I was gonna leave you hanging.” She laughs. I let my eyes trail over her, spending extra time on her round and plump a*s, getting a good look before leading her to my office. She’s wearing a green laced dress that stops right above her knees and leaves very little to the imagination paired with black stiletto heels. Once we get to the office I pull out her chair before taking a seat in mine on the other side of the desk and wait for her to show me my goodies with a smile on my face. “Ok this is the potion you need to disconnect her with her dragon and wolf. She won’t be able to use any abilities she gains from them for 48 hours so make sure you wait until the last minute to give her this. I made extra incase it wears off before you get to the house.” She explains. I take the bottle full of the purple sparkling liquid and place it in my safe. I’m glad she made so much so I can keep her subdued for as long as needed. Before she continues, she hands me a set of keys. One of the keys is larger and thicker than the rest. It’s very medieval looking, and reminds me of home. “These are the keys to the house, the barn, and the underground prison.” Next she picks up the larger key, “And this one is for the bars to the cell you’ll keep her in.” She finishes. She pulls out a few more things I’ll need to assist in getting on the pack grounds and retrieving her. I’ve already got my spy filled in and ready to go for when I d**g her with the potion to disconnect her from her wolf and dragon. Everything seems to be falling in to place perfectly. Now I just need the final piece. I pour us both some bourbon so we can finish going over the plans and make sure there is no room for any errors or mishaps on our part. She also shows me the blueprint to the house we will be staying in. I can’t help but to chuckle in excitement over everything. “And will you be joining us at our new home?” I ask with a mischievous smirk. I’ve decided to leave out the part where I’ll be placing Onyx into her subconscious instead of the original plan. “If that’s what you wish Orion. I’m here to serve you however I can.” She purrs. Perfect, hopefully this means she won’t mind the change of plans. I don’t hesitate to swiftly undress her and carry her to my room down the hall, passionately invading that beautiful mouth with my tongue on the way. Once there, I throw her on the bed and wait for her to get into the right position before I savagely thrust in from behind, using her body to relieve myself of all the stress and frustration I’ve gained from putting all of this together. Soon everything will be as it should, and I’ll have my love by my side. Soon, everything I’ve ever wanted will be within reach and I’ll live the life I should’ve always had. Arya’s POV “What I wanna know, is how the hell he is even getting information about us still!” I yell. Apparently word got back to Orion that I’ve officially been marked and he responded by going on a rampage, attacking the neighboring packs. Between the three packs, 400 lives were lost. Compared to how many people survived it isn’t much but still more than I’d like it to be. I can hear Onyx whimper at hearing this. She finally started speaking up but is still keeping quiet for the most part. I know this is hard for her, this isn’t anything like the Onyx she once loved and it hurts her to hear about him behaving like this. After talking with Lexi about it, she explained that he must have used some kind of resurrection and transfer spell to keep him alive. Those kind of spells can be dangerous because there is always a chance they revive a darker version of themselves. It doesn’t make it easier but at least we can understand why he is so different. “He has to still have someone on the inside. It’s the only thing I can think of…” Mavericks says. “But how can we single them out? By now they know all your tricks to uncover traitors, right?” Jasmine asks “Which is why we need a new tactic. We need to get more creative.” Jax responds “Like feeding false information that’ll make them want to report back immediately?” I ask. “Yes exactly!” Monica exclaims I pace back and forth wondering what we could announce that would be good enough for the reaction we need… “Tell the pack you’re with child. That puts a pause on his plans since the father will always be able to find their mate and unborn child no matter what happens. He will want to take you immediately so he has a better chance of terminating the pregnancy…” Onyx whispers “He would do that?!” I ask “At this point I believe so. He isn’t the same Onyx I knew…” she responds before cutting the link. “We will tell the pack that I’m with child. His spy will report immediately so he has a chance to grab me and terminate the pregnancy so no one can find me once I’m gone.” I say. It takes a moment for what I said to process. I look around the room and see a mixture of emotions before Monica breaks the silence. “OH HELL NO! He wouldn’t really do that would he?!” She yells “At this point, we have to be prepared for anything from him.” Maverick says It makes my stomach turn just thinking about it, but Maverick is right. “You’d be surprised what one is capable of when it comes to something they want…” Jax says. “If they want it bad enough, there’s no limit to what they’ll do.” “Well it’s settled then. We should make the announcement as soon as possible. Ooo and throw a party! Depending on how quick the message gets back to him, he may try to crash the party!” Monica says. I sit there letting everything process when Jasmine comes and sits next to me while everyone else talks about the new plan. “Are you ok?” She asks. “I don’t think I’ll be ok until all this is over.” I say. I sit there halfway listening to everyone while Jasmine rubs my back when the perfect plan comes to mind. I immediately jump up, pulling Jasmine with me and giving her a big hug. “Thank goodness for your natural gift as a muse Jasmine!” I yell. Everyone looks at me slightly confused so I continue. “A baby shower. After we announce the fake pregnancy, we will tell them that we are having a baby shower next week. That way we have time to make sure eyes are on everyone and we can get a good plan for capture.” I explain “Capture? Who are we capturing?” Maverick asks. “Orion. We are gonna capture him and undo whatever spell he’s using to be here. And then we will pray that the Moon Goddess has some kind of mercy on him for all he’s done.” I tell them. I can feel Maverick and Jax’s uneasiness towards capturing him but I don’t care. I can’t bring myself to kill him for Onyx’s sake. I just want to peacefully send him back where he came from. “Thank you…” Onyx says “Of course Onyx. I’ll try all I can to make this as peaceful as we can. I don’t want you hurting more than you already are.” I say “But if we have to, please understand we had no other choice.” Shadow says. “If it does come down to that, I want to be the one to do it.” Onyx says. That’s the least we can do for her.
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