Meeting The Alpha

1498 Words
As I head over to the pack house to inform the Alpha of what happened, I come across one of those little pains in my life, Mrs. Alvarez. “Well you just keep making it easier to get rid of you…”, she laughs. “I can’t wait to have you banished!” She starts circling me like a creep with this sinister smirk on her face. “And you’re so eager to get rid of me, it’s a wonder you haven’t tied me up and thrown me over the border yet.” I say with an eye roll. This woman can be annoying at times. Just as I’m trying to walk by, I suddenly feel this burning sting before I realize she just slapped me. “Oh believe me, if it wasn’t for these stupid rules, I would’ve done more than that the moment everyone found out who you are. You’re embarrassing. If I can’t get rid of you, then my dear Reina will once she’s named Luna of the pack!”. And there it is! I forgot to mention Reina Alvarez is completely convinced that she’s gonna be mated to our future Alpha, Rogelio Cortez. And she makes sure she lets me know she’ll banish me as soon as she’s officially announced. Can’t wait… “Well I’m sure you have more insults to throw my way, but I’m gonna have to take a rain check on that. Gotta go see the Alpha.” I casually reply. “Oh I’ve heard. I hope he gets so mad he throws you out on your a*s now.” She growls and she walks away. Always a lovely encounter with Mrs. Alvarez. As annoying as she is, I can definitely see where she’s coming from, it just still pisses me off sometimes. I’m not the one that did it, just leave me be. I cut through the kitchen of the pack house to grab a couple mountains before heading up. The pack house is a 6 story black and brown mansion. The first floor is for the kitchen and house staff, 2nd floor for visitors and warriors, 3rd floor for orphaned pack members, 4th floor for the Alpha and Luna’s children, 5th floor is the event and entertainment floor, and finally the 6th floor is for the Alpha and Luna. I step on the elevator and stop at the 3rd floor to drop off my goods before heading up to the Alpha’s office. Once I reach the door I see that Gamma Jeb is posted out front. As soon as he sees me, he lets out a heavy sigh. “Shouldn’t you be in school Arya?” He asked with a frustrated tone. “I would be but Thelma kissed Janice’s face this morning so I need to speak with the Alpha about this cute little suspension I received.” I reply with a smirk. “Goddess Arya! You keep this up and he’ll throw you out! Is that what you want?!” He whisper yells. If only he knew. I patiently waited while he linked the Alpha about what’s happen. Soon his deep booming voice blasted in my head telling me to come in. “What happened now?” Alpha Cortez asked. “Janice tripped me so I called her something and then punched her. Got suspended for 3 days.” I answered quickly. Alpha Cortez rubs his hands down his face, letting out a frustrated sigh before giving me a blank stare. “Why the hell do I have to keep seeing you in here kid. It’s getting tiring. Can you not go a day without getting into something?” He asks while I just scratch the back of my head and look anywhere but at him. “For your suspension, you’ll help with every meal and be at all training you can get to. No exceptions. No tardiness. I’m being serious Arya, any problems and I’ll extend this punishment. I’m getting real tired of your s**t. One more year. Literally one more year and you can move to the city or whatever the hell you want, just stop getting into so much trouble. Now get out of here, I have important things to take care of!” He says in his Alpha tone. I can tell I’m really starting to annoy him so maybe I should chill out for a while. He has a point, I only have a year. I hurry out of his office and get ready to head to the training field. Hopefully this suspension goes by quick. Here I am, in my room getting ready to join training when there’s a knock on my door. Wonder who that can be? “Open the door loser.” The voice says through the door. I immediately recognize it as my dear friend Monica. As soon as I open the door she comes rushing in, ready to grill the hell out of me. “What is this I’m hearing about you punching Janice in the nose?! Don’t get me wrong she deserves it, but giiiiirrl. What are you thinking?!” She yells. “She’s been doing little things all week and I finally had enough.” I respond. “Which I totally understand but, the plan…” she trails off. “The best way for this to happen with me next to you is if you stay out of as much trouble as possible bruh.” She’s right. The plan is to leave Oregon and move to Los Angeles. They have one Uber pack of almost every supernatural creature out there and it’s super chill. I’m tired of how I’m treated and Monica is tired of all the rules of being the Gamma’s daughter. Yea she has a brother that’ll take the position, but there’s still things that are required of her and it’s “dampening my flow” as she puts it. She’s got her mind set on being a movie star or something. Either way, I’m just glad that means I won’t be out there all by myself. “So what did the dear Alpha have to say about your suspension?” She questions. “I’ve gotta help with every meal while I’m out and attend all the training I can.” I respond, receiving the biggest fake pout I’ve ever seen from her. “Does that mean you’ll be too tired for Jayden’s party?! Because I really need you there with me!” She whines. “I promised I’d go, so I’m gonna go cry baby.” I laugh. I don’t know why you don’t just tell Jayden that you loooooove him. Maybe the feeling is mutual since her personally invited you.” “First of all sis, don’t ever say it like that.” She laughs “And second of all, I can’t just go off of that, he could’ve personally invited every she-wolf of the pack…” she mumbles the end, but I still heard it. “Then why all this fuss over a guy that’s spreading his love everywhere?” I inquire. “Because he is fine girl, and I don’t back away from a challenge, duh.” We both fall into a fit of laughter and I finish getting ready. “Oh and btw, the training session before dinner is being rescheduled for 4am tomorrow since we are getting a surprise visit today” she says with a devilish grin. “Four in the morning?! What the hell!” I scream. “Yes a neighboring Alpha and his son are coming for a visit. The son is looking for his mate. So that means dress to impress!” She squeals Ugh…I groan on the inside. That stupid word again. Maybe I should skip dinner. Monica sees my face and instantly knows what I’m thinking. “ARYA SIMONE YOU WILL NOT!” She yells. “I know you have your feelings about the mate bond but not everyone is like Beta Alvarez. There are good ones out there.” She sighs. “Any wolf would be lucky to have you. And hey, it’s another sure way for us to get out of this place! It could be a good thing!” She starts packing up her belongings and heading towards the door. “I gotta go be beautified then I’ll meet you outside the mess hall. Please dress somewhat decent.” She closes the door behind her as I flop on my bed. This dinner is gonna be a headache, that’s for sure. I decide to shower and settle on a rose gold dress that stops at the knee, paired with my denim chucks, and a denim jacket to wear over it. I do light makeup and throw my curly hair in a bun. I know she’s gonna fuss about my hair but I don’t care. This mess is a lot to handle. I head out the door to our meeting spot hoping this dinner isn’t too chaotic…
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