Back At Red Moon Pack

1359 Words
Maverick’s POV I’m sitting here with my parents waiting on this Alpha to come and explain what’s going on. He better hope he has a good reason for treating my mate the way he does. Although I do want to know what her back story is, I’m afraid of what her crime is. What if she tried to go against him? What if she tried to kill someone for no reason? There’s only so much my parents are willing to let slide, we can’t have just anyone being Luna of the pack. I couldn’t imagine rejecting her. Especially after meeting her, holding her hand, & hearing her voice. Her image is embedded in my brain. Her caramel skin with almond shaped eyes complimented with those beautiful chocolate orbs, those wild, yet beautiful curls. Everything about her is perfect, just the right amount of curves in all the right places, with the perfect height to compliment my 6’2 height. I’d be lying if I said her apparent Asian heritage didn’t excite me too. Should I even say Asian? I don’t want to come off as insensitive. Either way she is perfect, and she’s mine. I’m brought out of my thoughts when Alpha Doofus arrives with his beta and gamma. I try to hide the eye roll as I stand and greet them. “Alpha.” I state “Alpha, Luna, young Alpha.” He responds. We all take a seat and wait for his explanation. “I know you all are wondering about the Taylor girl, but I must assure you, she isn’t worth all this fuss.” He says. I work to control my wolf as he has the sudden urge to rip his damn head off again. “You see, her mother had an illegal relationship with my beta here and chose to hide her identity for as long as she could.” He explains. I take a moment to process what all he’s saying, but my father beats me to the questions swirling in my head. “And what did you do to her mother?” He asks. I can tell he’s slowly getting agitated, already catching on to what’s going on here. “We executed her of course.” He calmly answers. “And where has the girl been staying all this time? With her father I presume?” My mother adds. His beta lets out a scoff mixed with a slight chuckle. “I don’t see what’s so funny about that Beta Alvarez. She is your child, isn’t she?” My father ask. The beta opens his mouth, only to be shut down by a silent look from Alpha Cortez. “I’m sorry Alpha, but there was no way we were letting her near his family. That girl is nothing but an embarrassment to my beta and our pack. She’s been living in the pack house on the same floor as the other orphans. We are just waiting until she’s 18 to send her away.” He explains. The nerve of this man, no he isn’t a man. He’s an i***t, a foul man to punish her for the indiscretions of his beta. And to sit by and let his family treat her even worse, as I can only imagine. I’m ready to tear this whole pack down! “And what punishment did you give your beta? It takes two to tangle and it is a crime to go cheat on the mate our Goddess has granted us.” My mother says with a clenched jaw. “He has apologized wholeheartedly to his mate and has been and exceptional husband and beta since. The pain he caused her was enough punishment.” He responds “And you just went back to trusting him so easily? He didn’t have any respect for the Goddess and her wishes, what makes you think he’ll respect anyone else?” My father challenges. “Then to punish the child who did nothing wrong on top of that? What kind of pack are you running here Cortez?“ my father finishes, receiving a growl for the other Alpha is return. My father growls back and they go into a fight for power, letting their auras do all the talking. Alpha Cortez eventually bares his neck in submission with an angry snarl. They must’ve forgotten we over power them in both numbers and strength. They wouldn’t dare go to war against us. I have half a mind to go to the King and Queen about this. They can’t get away with this. “What has she done on her own that justifies how you all treat her?” My mother asks “She’s a constant reminder of the pain her mother caused. An embarrassment to my beta and his family, especially since she has no wolf. Why do you even care about that daughter of a w***e anyway?!” He yells “So she has done nothing. You just punish her for simply being here. For something out of her control. And how old was she when the secret was revealed??” My mother asks with tears in her eyes. “How old was she when you executed her mother, the only family she had right in front of her?!” My mother’s tears are rapidly falling, her heart breaking for my mate. You can hear it in her voice. “She is my mate. Since she is such a problem, we will just take her with us when we leave. Tonight.” I growl. Suddenly he lets out this pain filled scream while clutching his head and falling to the floor. His sorry a*s beta and gamma do the same. What the hell? After a few minutes the Alpha gets up out of breath and takes a look around. He gets this blank expression, letting us know he is mind linking someone before he slowly grins and finally says something. “I would let you take that wretched thing, but it seems she’s already taken it upon herself to leave the pack.” He says with an evil smirk. That was the last straw. All I see is red as I rip the entire office apart. I toss the worthless Alpha out his window before I charge at the pathetic excuse of a beta. Luckily for them my father tackles me and hold me in place before I cause anymore damage. My mother comes and helps calm me down so we can pack up our things and leave Red Moon’s territory immediately. I move in a daze, not really paying attention to anything around me. She’s gone. My mate left. I don’t blame her, given the circumstances, but it still hurts. I should’ve grabbed her and left the moment I realized who she was. I will find her even if I have to turn the entire world upside down. She didn’t deserve this treatment. She should’ve been loved and cared for, leaving the pack should have never crossed her mind until she found her mate. What if I never find her? What if I’ve lost her forever? “We will find her son.” My mother links. I hope she is right. Alpha Cortez’s POV That bastard child really left. Well good riddance. She was nothing but an embarrassment and curse on this pack. And then didn’t even have a wolf. I know she isn’t 18 yet but us wolves can smell the presence of a wolf once one turns 16. I cornered that worthless thing on her 16th birthday and nothing. The only thing I’ve ever smelled near her is smoke. I was right in forbidding my Alpha from connecting with her. Just as he deserves. And why the hell did it hurt so much when she left the pack? I’ve had plenty people leave because they are weak, but it’s never hurt like that. Maybe I should research that w***e some more. Eh, not worth the time. That thing is gone now so I can finally get some peace. Maybe Mrs Alvarez will finally stop acting so crazy. My long time problem is gone now, I feel like celebrating.
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