No Longer Unwanted.

2182 Words
Arya’s POV It’s been a month since moving in to Silver Springs. So far the pack has been extremely friendly to me. It was awkward at first with Maverick after everything but I feel like we have reached a point where we can be comfortable and friendly around each other. It’s clear that the bond between him and Jax is still a little rocky but at least they seem to be putting in an effort for my sake. Melonee has been very helpful in showing me everything that I’ll need to do as Luna of the pack. It’s definitely a lot to take in but I’m determined to get it right. We’ve got a week left before they finish the renovations Maverick requested so that all three of us can share the master bedroom. Maverick insisted on making Jax stay in a separate room but I managed to convince him to have them make the room big enough for another bed and closet. Jax then suggested the bathroom be bigger too and that’s how we ended up breaking down walls on half of the top floor to make a mega bedroom. It’s supposed to be ready within the next week which just makes me even more nervous than I already was. I know they are both eager to get the mating process started but every-time I think about it I just wanna hide under the covers for a week. Monica keeps insisting I just do it and go with the flow but that just sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen. I decide to head towards their garden for some peace when I hear Maverick in my head. “Can you meet me in the kitchen please.” He says. Hopefully everything is alright, we’ve finally gotten to a nice place and I’d hate for something to disrupt that. When I get there he’s standing at the island with Jax, Monica, & his parents and they all have serious looks on their faces. “Oh boy what’s going on now…” I ask a little worried. “Do you remember Sabrina from the safe house?” Jax asks “How could I forget.” I say with disgust. She was one of my issues there. Her and Jax would hook up occasionally so when I arrived and I ended up being his sire, she did not take it well. She would wait in his room n***d, ambush him in the most random places, and even tried to convince him she was pregnant. The girl was awful. “Well it seems she has teamed up with Daphne and they’ve gone to some dangerous people about you being a dragon and where you are located. That’s why the rogue attacks have been more frequent.” Maverick explains “Daphne? Who is that?” I question. Maverick gets this extremely uncomfortable look on his face before answering. “She’s…the girl you caught me with at the mall.” He says as he rubs the back of his neck. Oh great, another problem. “Basically them going and opening their mouths has helped start a war. We don’t know when they’ll attack so we need to be prepared.” Maverick’s father says. “So that’s why there’s been more training. I should do more myself…” I think out loud. “Just turn into Onyx and flame those bitches up!” Monica exclaims. “I knew I should’ve beat that Daphne girl up the moment I got here. She just oozes bad vibes.” I remember Monica’s first experience with Daphne. Daphne was once again throwing threats at me over Maverick and Monica overheard and tore her down a few notches. We didn’t see or hear from her for a whole week! “Well we do have one advantage here. They know I’m a dragon but they don’t know what kind of dragon I am. I’ve yet to shift into her since I’ve been here.” “Yes we know…” Melonee says with an exaggerated sigh. “I know Mom, and as much as I hate to say it, I don’t think I should anytime soon. At least not where anyone can see me. This is war, they are recruiting and who knows if they’ve got spies here. The only way I’d feel safe is if I know for sure no one would see me.” I explain. “Maybe we can see if Jasmine is comfortable enough coming here?” Jax asks “Who is Jasmine?” Maverick and Monica both ask “She’s a witch…and a muse.” I answer “A muse!” Richard gasps, “I haven’t heard of one in years. That’s awesome, I’ve always wanted to see one in action.” He finishes “She’s great! Although I hope she’s ok with coming. She has her reasons for hiding.” I say “I don’t blame her. Not everyone deserves to be in the presence of a muse. It can be dangerous depending on who she inspires.” Melonee adds. “I’ll go ahead and call and see how she feels. Anything else?” Jax says. We all go our separate ways and wait to hear back about Jasmine. I’m hoping she decides to come since I do miss her. I’m sure her and Monica would get along just fine. “Hey! Wanna go to the cafe? I’m dying for a strawberry muffin.” Monica asks. “Sure! I don’t see why not. I want some guacamole anyway.” I respond. We are on our way when I notice a girl looking around in a suspicious way. I tap Monica and nod in her direction so she knows to follow me. I learned right before moving here that I can mask my own scent and up to 3 scents around me. I just haven’t told anyone outside of Jax and Maverick. We follow her deeper into the woods. We hide behind a tree when we notice her stopping to check her surroundings before a warlock materializes in front of her. “What do you know?” He whispers “They’ve added more training. And they know Daphne and Sabrina are helping him.” She answers “That doesn’t set us back too bad. Plus Alpha Cortez and his beta just joined our side. Says he may have more info on the girl to help us deliver her to him.” He says with an evil smirk “If you don’t mind me asking…what is he going to do with her?” She questions. “All you need to worry about is getting her out of the pack so your dear cousin can take her place as Luna.” He hisses before disappearing again. I knew it. I knew there would be spies. I motion for Monica to hide so she doesn’t see us. We need to alert Maverick and the others ASAP. Once we feel she is far enough away we make our way back to the pack house. As soon as I’m there I link everyone to meet in Maverick’s office. “Is everything ok?!” Melonee asks “Yes I just needed to let you know that Daphne’s cousin is working for them! She just met with a warlock in the woods to tell them about us training more and that we know about Daphne and Sabrina.” I tell them. “Which cousin?” Maverick asks. I start to answer when Monica interrupts me. “She looks like a cracked out mouse if you ask me. Skinny as hell, no meat on her bones whatsoever ever and her teeth are so bucked she looks like she’s always turning her nose up at you and frowning. The girl is U-G-“ “MONICA!” I yell to stop her. “What?! She is! There aren’t many ugly she-wolves and even those are prettier than her. She looks like the bottom of the barrel trailer tr-“ “WE GET IT!” I yell. By now everyone is fighting to control their laughter and all I can do is shake my head at all of them! “So it’s Agatha…” Maverick says “Geez even her name is ugly” Monica says as she rolls her eyes. “I don’t even know who you people are…” I say disapprovingly. Maverick gets this blank expression for a minute. Soon after there’s a knock on the door. After telling them to enter, Agatha walks in. “Have a seat Agatha.” Maverick tells her. After she sits down he continues. “I’m gonna ask you some questions and I want the truth.” She starts to look a little nervous but quickly conceals it with a blank expression. “Who are Daphne and Sabrina working for?” He asks. Her eyes go big for a second before she answers. “Daphne never said anything about having a job where she went, she’s just visiting. And I don’t even know who Sabrina is.” She responds “So you know nothing about their plans or the warlock you were just meeting with in the woods?” Mavericks retorts. Agatha almost let’s her brave face fall. Almost. “I was never in the woods Alpha.” She lies “Your Luna and her friend Monica saw you.” He shoots back. You can slowly feel him letting his aura fill the room. He makes sure it doesn’t effect us but Agatha isn’t so lucky. She holds her own for a minute before her face starts getting red. Then the sweating hits before she starts hyperventilating. Soon after she starts crying hysterically. “P-please Alpha. They’ll k-kill my family if I tell you anything.” She hiccups. “How could you be stupid enough to not only go against your Alpha and Luna, but your whole pack? Where did I fall short in doing all I can to ensure your family’s safety? Why do this?” Maverick questions “Because you filled my cousin with false hopes and promises! She could be living a happy life with her mate if it weren’t for you! But no! She rejected him because you promised she would be Luna! You broke her heart!” She yells “Agatha, I never promised her anything. She just assumed. Don’t you think that if that were the case, she would’ve already been Luna long before I met Arya?” He asks “But she said you were giving her time to study abroad first!” She responds. “When I’m the history of ever has an Alpha or Luna done that Agatha?!” Melonee almost yells “S-she said you were different. That you were gonna give her more freedom…” Agatha says, already second guessing what her cousin has been feeding her. “Do you see how ridiculous that sounds Agatha?” Mavericks asks. Agatha immediately starts crying and begging for forgiveness. Not long after Mavericks Beta enters. He’s sweating and out of breath from the training he’s currently in the middle of leading. “Yes Alpha?” He asks “Can you escort Agatha down to the cells. She’s being accused of treason against the pack. She is allowed her 3 meals, but no one is to speak with her. Afterwards bring her parents here.” He instructs. “Yes Alpha.” He responds as he walks to Agatha. She starts crying even harder begging for mercy as he drags her away. Maverick is immediately in front of me, wrapping his arms around me. “I swear to you and the Goddess I never promised her anything like that. I never even did anything to make her believe that would happen.” He pleads. “For some people it doesn’t take much.” I respond. “But there’s more…the warlock mentioned her helping them get me away from the pack so they could deliver me to him, whoever it is they’re all working for. She asked what he was going to do to me but he wouldn’t say…” I finish. “Alpha Cortez and my sperm donor just joined them too…” Maverick let’s out a dangerous growl and Jax starts pacing around clearly angry from hearing this. “No one, and I mean no one will ever take you away from us. They’ll have to kill us first.” Maverick says “And that will never happen.” Jax says with fire in his eyes. “They’ll have to fight through a whole lot of us girlie. You ain’t goin nowhere!” Monica yells. Suddenly I can hear different pack members in my head agreeing to their statements and sending their love for me. I can’t help but to shed tears, it feels good to finally be wanted by my pack. To know they will always support me. I don’t know how all this will unfold, but I’m glad I have all these people with me.
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