Meet Arya

1053 Words
Growing up hasn’t been easy. My father, Santiago Alvarez, is the Beta of The Red Moon pack but unfortunately my mother was not his fated mate. My mother, Tiffany Taylor was a wolf less she wolf who had an affair with him. You don’t have to say it, I know you think one is suppose to only have eyes for their fated mate and no one else but guess what? That’s a load of bull crap. Just like humans, supernaturals cheat too, and boy oh boy did my father cheat on his fated mate. It’s sad honestly, she seemed like such a nice person at first. My mother did everything she could to hide the fact that he was my father but the older I got, the harder it was to hide. At the tender age of 10, her secret was outed and she was promptly dragged from our home and executed on the spot for her crimes. Guess what they did to my father though? That’s right, absolutely nothing. That is also the day my life took a turn for the worse. I lost all my friends and everyone else from the pack just acts like I’m an orphan that just magically appeared. They ignore me for the most part, aside from the few that like to make fun of me. Also, my mother hasn’t been mentioned since her death. Everyone acts like she never even existed. My father’s mate and their children did everything they could to make my life a living hell. No one ever physically abused me, but they never missed a chance to remind me that I was a bastard child that no one wanted. To make matters worse, my father is a werewolf/warlock hybrid and so are his children. So guess who has to deal with petty hexes and spells? Me of course. They all hated me, my father most of all because I was the only child my mother produced. You see, the Alvarez family consists of nothing but twins. My dad is a twin and with his fated mate, they had 3 sets. So on top of him being ashamed about being caught, he is embarrassed that I don’t have a twin. So here I am, unwanted and alone. I was moved to the pack house and begun my life as an omega meant to be seen, not heard, and accept what’s thrown at me. But me being me, I refuse to let someone talk to me any kind of way, so of course the Alpha is always disciplining me for my mouth. The only thing keeping me somewhat obedient is knowing that once I’m 18, I will have the freedom to do whatever. I can not wait to get the hell outta here! So of course I have to make sure I don’t do anything that would keep me from leaving this place. But enough of that sad crap. At this very moment, I am freshly 17 and sitting in the principals office because Janice decided it would be funny to trip me in the middle of the hallway. All my stuff flew EVERYWHERE! I was so mad I immediately got up, call her a c*m guzzling w***e and punched her right in her stupid face. Ha! Now to wait for the consequence. “Arya Taylor.” called Headmaster Hutch. I get up from my chair and walk in with a smile. Upon seeing his face, I kinda feel bad but screw it, she had it coming. “Sup Hutch. What can I do for you today?” I say with a smirk. “Was it necessary to call Janice such a foul thing and punch her in the face?” He asks with an eye roll. “Yes indeed. I mean, have you not been around her for at least five minutes? The girl is awful. That is if you wanna consider that thing a girl.” “ARYA!” He growls. I clearly stress him out but it’s not my fault she just can’t resist the urge to work my last nerve. “Look Hutch, that girl comes in and makes it her mission to tease or torment me somehow. Like the Moon Goddess specifically placed her here to make my life harder than usual. And this has been going on way before that incident with my mom, I can only take so much!” I whine. “What mom?” He asks in a monotone voice. See what I mean? Like she was never a member of this pack. Like she didn’t do good things around here. Yea she made a mistake, but don’t we all? It’s so frustrating. “Arya, you’re gonna be 18 in a year. You’ll meet your wolf, and find your mate. You need to learn to control your temper, no one wants a hot head for a mate. You need to learn to not let them get to you, handle it with grace.” He rambles on. Blah blah blah. Screw mates. What’s the point of pairing me with someone if you can’t even make sure they don’t stray and embarrass the hell outta me? After the fiasco with my dad and how it changed Mrs. Alvarez, I don’t want one. Everything about the mate bond is scary. It could make you or break you, and I don’t wanna end up broken like Mrs. Alvarez. Headmaster Hutch adds more to his rambling, but I honestly tuned him out. He is one of the few that are nice to me, but to an extent. He’s also foolish enough to believe my mate will find me and love me endlessly and blah blah, like we don’t have a whole a*s hybrid Beta out here still making a fool out of his fated mate. Mrs. Alvarez walks around here putting on this facade that everything is peachy keen when it’s not. “Arya are you even listening to me?!” He growls. “Sorry headmaster, I spaced.” I admit “You are suspended for 3 days. Now go apologize to Janice, she’s waiting outside of the office.” He turns back to his computer, letting me know I’ve been dismissed. Great, now I have to apologize to that thing and explain to the Alpha that I’m suspended. Awesome.
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