Chapter 2

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“Papa, I’m home!” I shouted as I opened the door to our old house. A man in his early forties appeared wearing an apron and baking gloves. Even though he is getting old, he is still as handsome as a twenty-five-year-old man. His hair doesn’t need sunlight to make it shimmer in silvery gray. His beautiful dark gray eyes glint in happiness as he saw me drop my bag at the chair and hug him like I always did. “How’s your day my sweet?” he asked as he returned to his cooking. “Same old, same old. What’s for dinner?” “Baked Macaroni and garlic bread Aria.” He answered as he extracted the huge tray of macaroni from the oven. Suddenly I remembered what day it is, “Oh... yeah! Happy Birthday Grandma Sylvia!” I shouted to the picture of a beautiful and elegant old woman sitting on top of the oven. I grew up under the care of my grandmother, the mother of my father because my Mama died while working abroad on a foreign country when I’m just ten years old. My parents planned to officially get married when she returns from the medical mission. But sadly, she didn’t make it, the saddest moment in our lives. Granny is really strict. She hates breaking the rules and she punishes me whenever I broke one. But when I follow them, she rewards me with treats and dolls. There is no need to guess if she is a foreigner or not. Her silvery gray hair and platinum eyes gave it away. She says she’s from Luxemburg and she ran away with my Filipino grandfather when they were just nineteen years old. They settle down in the quaint province of Quezon in the island of Luzon in Maharlika decades ago and led a quiet life with my father. Grandpa died years before I was born and she alone supported my father on his college days. Father said that she sold some of her most precious jewelries just to make sure he will finish his studies and for them to have something to eat. My Papa, Ansell didn’t fail her. He graduated college with flying colors and became a respected businessman. He bought back all the jewelries my granny sold and gave her a big house, a happy, easy life and of course as he said, his greatest gift to her, me. She really loves me. She taught me how to act like a lady, how to eat properly, with right etiquette and manners, how to walk elegantly, and of course, obey the rules to the letter. Papa said happily that for sixteen years granny almost forgot he existed. His mother turns all his attention on me, yet he is very happy that his aging mother found joy in loving her granddaughter. She died peacefully at the age of seventy-five two years ago. On her deathbed, she told me that she is very proud on what I became and how she enjoyed taking care of me. She also warned my father not to let me marry until I’m ready. “I’m... very, very grateful to you Ansell for having Arianell... She made my last years... blissful... and... Full of happy memories... You really are your father’s son... you... both you and... Your father... gave me so much... much... much more than... I can... even wish... for... Arianell... my darling... you look a lot like my mother... the way... you move... talk... laugh... you... remind me of her... except... for your... wonderful... eyes... I will... thank Merialla... personally... for those eyes... Finally... I can rest, Protasio my love... Arianell... please... take care and remember... you will always be... granny’s... beautiful... little... kitten....” Those are the last words granny spoke to us. After many years of sacrifice and prolonging her life in order to be with me, she finally decided to stop taking her medications, saying that her mission is already finished, that her son and granddaughter can live on without her. I miss her so... Today is her birthday... so that’s why Papa came home early and cook my granny’s favorite bake macaroni. “So Aria, do you really wish to continue teaching? Is there anything you want in your life?” Papa asked me curiously as we ate our dinner. I shook my head, “I’m perfectly fine papa. I can’t say I love teaching, but it’s my job and I’m earning money. I’m perfectly happy with my life, with you.” Papa smiled happily and kissed me on the head, “I’m very happy and contented spending my life with you too Aria.” I smiled at him and thought that things will remain like this forever. A life with Papa, a simple, yet happy life...  I wish this could go on forever... -0- “Grand Duchess, the Esther is leaving the port in Karst as we speak along with twenty-five Koenig Wolf-class ships as escorts. Baron Consort Denal is commandeering the vessel while Baroness Aerith is leading the fleet as the Battalion Commander.” Baron Daryl reported to his liege while sitting on his chair at the throne room early in the morning. Kady nodded and turned to Fleur who is standing on the left of her throne, “Fleur, how about your expeditionary forces?” “The Imperial Naval Cavalry has already sent twenty-five Defender battleships en route to Pacific Ocean earlier this morning Grand Duchess. The Battalion Commander is Lord Kirov Alcor. They will rendezvous with the Grand Duchy Naval Fleet momentarily.” The Empress of Scandinavia and adviser to the Grand Duchess answered quickly while typing something on her tablet. A soldier suddenly entered the throne room unannounced. Unlike the regular black uniform of the Duchy Elite Guards, this one is wearing a pale green one with emerald sash hanging on his shoulder. An emblem of a black bear with emerald eyes can be seen on his right chest. He knelt down in front of Kady immediately. “My Queen, King Trevor has just sent us a message. He just gave the clearance for the departure of thirty Sting Ray class corvette ships of the Royal Naval Force headed by Lord Drew Forcer to aid the Dukedom and Empire in their endeavor.” “Thank goodness! Please order Drew to rendezvous with the Grand Duchy Naval Fleet and the Imperial Naval Cavalry as quickly as possible! Every moment we delay, the lesser the chance we have on saving lives. Please hurry.” Kady ordered to the guard who quickly stood up and head straight for the door. -0- Later that afternoon... Throne Room... Palace of Hausen... Baroness Summer who is quietly sitting on her aquamarine encrusted throne suddenly shouted to the Empress of Scandinavia. “Empress Fleur, Grand Duchess, you’ve got to see this... This is... what a tragedy...” the Baroness exclaimed sadly as tears began to well in her eyes as she sends a copy of a news report of C.N.N to the tablet of Fleur from her laptop. Fleur gasped when she saw the report on her tablet. She nodded at the Baron of Colte and suddenly, a flat screen monitor descended from the ceiling and automatically turns itself on. The Empress sent the report to the monitor and suddenly, footage of a report from C.N.N appeared on the television. “Eight hundred, I repeat, eight hundred confirmed dead on the possibly worst maritime incident since the Titanic more than a century ago. Three luxury vessels of the Republic of the Maharlika simultaneously sunk near the East Philippine Sea at almost exactly one twenty-six early this morning en route to Hawaii. The cause is the sudden storm surge of the tropical storm on the Pacific Ocean. The vessels are on their way to the nearest port when suddenly, a huge wave overturns the ships that sent them to their watery graves. While almost one thousand two hundred Filipinos still missing.” The brunette reporter said as she gestured the cluster of Philippine rescue ships and helicopters converging on a single point. “As we can see, the Philippine Naval Forces are the only ones doing the search and rescue operations. The small number of ships and aircrafts is not enough to cover the entire endeavor. The poor Republic country requests for the aid of other nations but sadly only Mexico, who sent paramedics and France who sent clothes and supplies for the rescuers are the only ones who answered their call for help... WHAT THE?!” the reporter suddenly yelped when numerous signal flares erupted at the sky. She seemed to hear a report from the main office as she suddenly looked excited as the camera zoomed at what seemed to be a battalion of warships getting closer and closer. “It is confirmed! The ships are bearing the flags of the Empire of Scandinavia, Aristocratic Dukedom of Riksent and the Kingdom of Greenland! The Tripartite Alliance Nations has sent their Naval Legion to aid the Maharlika on their retrieval operations! Almost eighty ships are now coordinating with the Philippine Army to quickly help them in their search for survivors. No doubt they are here to honor their debt to the country that sent doctors and sacrificed their lives for the Tripartite Alliance Nations in their darkest hour when a devastating plague gripped their realms eight years ago, when almost no one but their closest allies dared to help. A small third world country sent their best brave doctors to aid them, knowing that they may lose their lives. The---“ -0- I turned off the television and buried my face on my hands. I am very grateful that the Tripartite Alliance Nations sent their ships to aid the rescue operations. There will be a great chance that less people and families will suffer the way I am suffering now. “Are you ready sweetie?” Papa asked me as I fixed my hair and smiled at mirror. “Ready when you are Papa!” I said happily as I grabbed my hand carry and pulled my wheeled travelling bag after my father. We will have our tour on board a luxury ship. He planned this vacation as a chance to celebrate my first year of teaching and also to celebrate the recent birthdays of Mama and Granny. There will also be an international convention for businessmen and his partners will be there for the gathering. It’s like killing two fat birds with one coin. Like my father always joked because of the nature of his work. Having vacation and bonding time with me while making money. Papa is one of the owners and a major stock holder of the Seraphim Group of Companies. He and his classmates back at college started their business and in time, the small store grew larger and larger until it incorporated several companies under it. Pharmaceuticals, granaries, toys, foods and hotels are just some of the many branches his company has. Naturally, my choice of course is quite a shock for him. Teaching is very different from business management. But he still supported my decision with all his heart. This tour will allow him to meet future investors and expand their company by tenfold if they are lucky... and now we are about to leave our small mansion at the little village in the province... “Papa I’m ready! Let’s go! I’m quite curious on how many countries we will see in this--- Papa? What’s the matter?” I asked when he is standing like a statue in front of our car. He didn’t answer; instead, he is staring ominously at the black cat that is staring at him while standing at the post of our gate. Suddenly, it jumped on the other side of the wall and disappeared at the nearby woods. I moved closer to him, “Papa--- let’s go... Huh?!” He suddenly grabbed my elbows and pushed me inside the house. “You will not be coming with me Aria. Change of plans. I think you are not ready to meet my business partners...” he said quickly as he threw my bag easily at our sofa. “But Papa! Why? I’m already eighteen! I promise I will behave and stay at my room while you have your business meeti---“ “ENOUGH! You will stay here. You will have plenty of time for sightseeing in your life. You will not leave our house... That’s an order as your father...” he said menacingly. The way he did when I did something bad when I was still a child. “Bu---but...” I stuttered, tears falling from my eyes. He quickly turned his back on me and head for the door, “Stay safe and I love you.” The next day when I opened our television, the headline news crushed my whole being. The ship my dad and his friends are riding sunk at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean... A Filipina reporter holding her microphone while standing at the Port of Manila and wearing a black shirt and a sad look at her face is talking to the news anchor at the studio... “Yes Ted... The luxury ships M.V Queen of the Land, Queen of the Sea and Queen of the Sky is now resting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Almost seven hundred passengers are dead and recovered. More bodies are still arriving here at the port. More than a thousand more of our Filipino brothers are still missing... Our Naval and Aerial Forces are doing their best to rescue the survivors but we are seriously unprepared for this kind of tragedy.” The male news anchor nodded and asked a question, “Pinky it is said that several business magnates and tycoons are on board the Queen of the Sky... can you tell us if they survive?” The reporter bowed and shook her head, “No Ted, they didn’t make it. The bodies of several business leaders are verified. After verification, they are buried quickly in the mass burial at the nearby cemetery to prevent a spread of disease. I’ve confirmed some of them. Monica Kintos the owner of the Kintos Inc., Samuel Valdez a steel magnate and Ansell Villalon, C.E.O of the Seraphim Group of Companies together with the bodies of his business partners are found lifeless at the wreckage of the sunken ship. Their remains are buried at the---“ I turned off the television at that point. I fell at the cold floor and I cried a river. I hated him yesterday for leaving me behind. But now, I hated myself for not understanding his intention... He may have felt something will happen so he left me behind... “Stay safe and I love you.” His last words are still clear in my mind. What will I do now?! I’m all alone! Alone in this cruel world... everyone left me... Mama, Granny... now Papa... I’m robbed of everything... Everyone I cared for... From that moment on... time seems to stop for me... -0- “Welcome home Mom, Dad!” Drei said as he hugged his mother and father who just came home from their expedition the dining room of their mansion at Laroost. Denal kissed the head of his son and sat at the chair beside his wife, Baroness Aerith. “Did you have a successful mission?” Drei asked as the two began to eat. The Baroness nodded and smiled sadly, “Yes Drei. It is a complete success, after three days of searching, we managed to retrieve the remaining one thousand and two hundred survivors with the Philippine Army who got washed away at the nearby islands or were floating aimlessly at the ocean.” “But it is still a devastating blow for the Maharlika. Eight hundred died and the whole country is grieving. Countless families left behind. Lovers torn apart and many are suffering from the loss of their friends and relatives.” Denal said miserably. The young count bowed his head and utters a silent prayer for the souls of the departed. “But the real victims are the ones who are left behind...” Winry said suddenly as she walked towards her aunt and uncle. She hugged them both and sat beside Drei. “Why?” Drei asked the Crown Countess. Winry smiled bitterly and tears began to well in her eyes, “For the ones who are left behind, their agony becomes deeper and deeper. They become weaker and weaker, their hearts in bondage.” “They are the ones who truly died a painful death son. They ceased to live, frozen in time.” Denal said sadly. Winry nodded and smiled bitterly at Drei, “I may be luckier than those Filipinos who got left behind. I lost my memories... but they... they will have to live on and remember the happy days... the moments... the future that is stolen from them... for the rest of their lives...” “Some may move on Drei... but I’m sure... many will remain to be as cold as the winter of Riksent... Numb and unfeeling... rather than cry and stay hurt forever.” Aerith whispered sorrowfully.
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