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Zoe's POV I sat quietly in the kitchen and thought about what had happened lately. I still couldn't get over the fact that Blake knew about Zack. And, his girlfriend, Ashley Stones, just threatened to kill me if I didn't stay away from him. ‘Great just great,’ I whispered to myself, as I sighed and took a sip of my coconut milk, just imagining my quiet life before this whole drama. “Zoe?" I heard Amelia's voice and it took me out of my thoughts. “Hi, Amelia. Good morning, "I greeted her, putting down my glass of milk. “I see you have finally met Ashely," she said with a mixed expression on her face. “Yeah... and it wasn't pleasant. She wanted nothing more than to have my head on a platter," I said, smiling. “Yes, that's Ashley for you. All she wants is to be the queen of the Manor. And you being here, kind of makes that harder for her. ''She is just threatened by you," Amelia said reassuringly. “Threatened?!" I said, laughing hard. “Oh, Amelia, but she has nothing to worry about. Blake hates me and never misses an opportunity to rub it in my face that I'm only here because of this baby. So, you see, that doesn't scream, ‘Hey, I'm the queen of the Manor.’” I chuckled lightly. “Zoe, you’re right. I know it's really hard to understand Mr Shelton sometimes, but, trust me, he is not as bad as you think. He has his demons he is still trying to fight," she said with a concerned look on her face as she turned around and left. I swallowed hard as Amelia's words sunk deep into my head, making me wonder if there was more to Blake Shelton than I thought. ‘Oh God, this whole drama will be the death of me. I wish I could have a tiny glass of whiskey and not this coconut milk right now. ''But, I obviously can't right now because of this pregnancy. So, I guess this milk will have to do,’ I internally yelled out, downing the last drop of milk left in my cup. ‘Beep, Beep’ I suddenly heard my phone ring. Picking up, I heard Anna screaming on the phone. “Babe! You are living the life, girl. This place is freaking huge," Anna chirped. “Anna, what the hell are you talking about? What's huge?" I replied as I was still confused about what she was talking about. “Oh, love… You see, I'm kind of in the manor right now but this insanely cute bodyguard won't let me in. He doesn't believe that we're best friends. Can you imagine that?" Anna said in a rather funny tone. Laughing at Anna’s cocky behaviour and her conversation with the guard, I went over to the main entrance to let her in. “Hi Anna, what are you doing here?" I asked, smiling. “Babe... Since you did not think of telling me when to come over, I decided to force myself on you," She replied, pushing past me into the hallway. “So, tell me, where is your baby daddy, Blake? You know, I have never seen him in person only on TV. I'm sure he will be better looking in person," she squealed, overly excited and wanting to see Blake. “Blake isn't at the manor right now, and I am kind of happy that he is not,” I said solemnly. “Girl, what did he do again?” Anna said with concern in her eyes. So I told her all about last night and my encounter with Ashley Stones. Telling her everything. She just looked at me and smiled. “You are doing something to him. And, it's obvious, he doesn't like how you are making him feel. So, you have to reassure him that feeling that way about you is a good thing," she said, pouring herself a glass of wine. “Anna, you are crazy. I'm doing nothing to Blake and he is making that very clear, and you know what? I do not want to reassure him of anything, all this between us happened because of a mistake and I will give anything just to correct that mistake," I expressed with my words laced with sadness itself. “Okay, if you say so; but don't say I didn't tell you beforehand. Also, don't let that skinny-ass model take Blake from you. ''Hold on to your man, girl!" she said, smirking at me. (*) Anna and I talked for hours and I didn't notice when Blake’s car pulled up at the entrance of the mansion. “Hey, who is this?" he asked as he walked in. “She’s Anna, my best friend," I answered nervously. He nodded as he didn't say a word, he just looked at Anna from head to toe and left. “You see what I'm trying to say.” I pointed at Blake’s receding shadow, leaving the room. “He is an arrogant asshole," I whispered to Anna, making sure Blake didn’t hear me. “Arrogant… yes. But, he is one hell of a hunk and I'm sure he is great in the sack," Anna said, winking at me. “Get your mind out of the gutters," I rolled my eyes at her. “I'm going to tell him that you're staying the night. Please tell me that you are going to stay," I asked her and she agreed. “Yeah, I would love to stay. But, do you have to tell him? You kinda own this mansion, too. You are carrying his heir, remember?” Anna said sarcastically. I sighed. “Don't remind me of my bad luck," I said, leaving Anna to go find Blake. (*) “Blake!” I called out before knocking on his door. “Come in, Zoe." I heard him say from inside. I opened the door and was about to walk in, but I froze when I saw Blake was getting undressed. I tried so hard not to gawk at his perfectly structured torso. “Uhmm… I'm sorry. I’ll come back when you are done," I said anxiously, to escape this sexy awkward nightmare. “Zoe, stay. It’s nothing you haven't seen before, right," he said, smirking. “Uhmm... yes,” I shivered, trying so hard not to look him in the eyes. “Zoe, if you came here to look at my floor, then just f*****g leave.” He let out, moving closer to me as he lifted my face with his fingers for me to look at him. “Uhmm... Blake, I just wanted to let you know that Anna will be staying the night," I said nervously as I moved back to keep some distance between us. “That’s fine, Zoe. She can stay. Have Amelia prepare one of the guest rooms for her. And, also, you should get ready. We’re going to a charity event tonight," Blake said, turning his back towards me. “WHAT?!... NO!” I protested. “Why do I have to go? Why can't you take your girlfriend, Ashley? I'm sure she will love to be with you at that event," I said, as I was suddenly curious about why he needed me there instead of Ashley. Before I knew what was happening, Blake lifted me and threw me onto his bed. “Blake!” I groaned in pain as I tried to escape. “Damn it!” He screamed, throwing himself on top of me and holding me in place. “Blake, please let me go,” I begged him. The amount of anger in his eyes made me shiver in fear, as I’d never seen him this angry before. “Don't you ever question me again? When I tell you to do something, you f*****g do it! Do you understand?” He said in a demanding and scary tone. I couldn't breathe or say a word. I was so frightened. I just nodded my head in response, trying so hard not to look him in the eyes any longer. “Much better. Now, be a good girl and go get ready for tonight. Make sure you look pretty." He said, kissing my cheek. He soon got off of me and pulled me off his bed. . “Now, get out!" he ordered. I hurriedly fixed myself and ran for the door. As I reached for the knob, Blake pulled me back and made me look at him again. “You see, silence looks great on you. You should always have this look on you," he said, smirking. Blake POV... Getting home, furious. I had just lost a multimillion-dollar contract due to the incompetence of my executive staff, and the rage was consuming me. Hey, remind me to fire them all first thing Monday morning," I yelled to my assistant as I stepped into the manor. Seeing Zoe smiling and laughing with someone, I wondered who the person was. "Who is this?" I asked her. ''She’s Anna, my best friend," Zoe answered. I just nodded my head as I didn't say a word, looking at Anna from head to toe. I was kind of glad Zoe had someone to talk to. leaving them, I walked up to my room, feeling exhausted and still angry about losing so much money today. beep.... beep.... beep, my phone rang. ''Speak... " I yelled at my assistant. ''Sir, the Roswell contract did not fall through, the investors pulled out at the last minute," my assistant said with a shaky voice. "WHAT! You can't be serious. Not another contract," I yelled through the phone in anger. I'm so sorry sir, but we have a solution. If you attend today's charity event and the investors see you and see how reliable you can be, just maybe they would reconsider," my assistant suggested. Furious, I didn't say a word, I just cut off the phone, throwing it onto the bed. "Charity event... I have always hated going to those events, but I had to go this time, I couldn't lose any more investors," I said to myself, rolling my eyes at the oblivious facts I was about to get undressed when I heard Zoe calling out for me. ''Come in, Zoe," I said. Soon the door opened slowly as Zoe walked in, but she froze when she saw my bare chest. I didn't know when I smirked, loving how she was trying so hard not to gawk at my torso. "Uhmm… I'm sorry. I’ll come back when you are done," she let out nervously, looking so eager to leave. Zoe, stay. It’s nothing you haven't seen before, right?" I said, smirking, loving I had such an effect on her. “Uhmm... yes,” she shivered, trying so hard not to look me in the eyes. Rolling my eyes, even though I loved seeing her quiver at my gaze, I wasn't just in the best of moods. “Zoe, if you came here to look at my floor, then just f*****g leave.” I let out, moving close to her as I lifted her face with my fingers. “Uhmm... Blake, I just wanted to let you know that Anna would be staying the night," she said nervously. “That’s fine, Zoe. She can stay. Have Amelia prepare one of the guest rooms for her. "And, also, you should get ready. We’re going to a charity event tonight," I said, turning my back towards her. She was an obvious choice for tonight. She had this homely aura to her that might impress the investors, and I wanted so badly to impress these investors. Taking Ashley was out of the question. I knew her quite well and she wasn't a people person and I was sure that the investors weren't going to be impressed with me if I showed up with her on my arm. But Zoe soon said something I didn't expect. “WHAT?!... NO!” She protested. Why do I have to go? Why can't you take your girlfriend, Ashley? I'm sure she would love to be with you at that event," she said, as I could feel the agitation in her voice. I didn't know what came over me. Maybe it was the anger about losing a multimillion-dollar deal, or it was just my desperation to please these investors, better. Still, I was just being my same old domineering self, but I allowed my demons to take control. And before I knew what I was doing, I lifted her and threw her onto my bed. “Blake!” she groaned in pain as she tried to escape. “Damn it !” I threw myself on top of her, holding her in place. “Blake, please let me go,” I heard her beg. I tried to take back control, to stop what I was doing, but I just couldn't. The demons are in full control now. “Don't you ever question me again? When I tell you to do something, you f*****g do it! Do you understand?” I said in a demanding and scary tone. she nodded her head in response, as she tried so hard not to look me in the eyes any longer. “Much better. Now, be a good girl and go get ready for tonight. Make sure you look pretty." I said, kissing her cheek while hating the look of disdain in her eyes. Those looks in her eyes, broke me beyond words, as my demons gave way, giving me control of my body. I got off her, pulling her off my bed. I couldn't bear to look her in the eyes. This wasn't the plan. I promised myself that I was going to treat her better, she was going to be the mother of my child, so I knew she deserved better than what I was doing to her. I want to apologise, but stupid me, my egotistical self just wouldn't let me. . “Now, leave!" I ordered, as I couldn't bear to see those looks in her eyes anymore. The urge to apologize was still there. In truth, the words were at the tip of my tongue. But I still couldn't bring myself to say it, as the voices in my head screamed at me not to show weakness in front of her, so as she was about to reach for the doorknob, I pulled her back and made her look at me again. “You see, silence looks great on you. You should always have this look on you," I said, smirking, even though I didn't mean a word I had just said.
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