Chapter 4

1846 Words
Zoe's POV... PREGNANT. I can’t believe I’m pregnant! As I kept playing the word in my head, I felt my body numb. I couldn't breathe. My vision immediately became a blur. My legs stilled and I knew if I tried to move I'd just fall in an instant. So I stayed rooted to that very spot where I heard the news. A tear started to make its way down my face and before I knew it, it started rushing out like a stream. ‘What have I gotten myself into? I was never this careless. And the only time, I decided to let my hair down and try to forget my problems; the universe decided to throw this sick game at me,’ I thought to myself. Soon, the tears flowed endlessly as I was still trying to process the misfortune that had been thrown at me. ‘I don’t even know the name of my baby’s father or even how to find him. What am I going to do? I can't have a baby. No, that is out of the question, and I would be a terrible mother. The universe knows that for sure. Growing up, my parents weren't the greatest role models. They kind of ruined my life. So, what is stopping me from ruining this baby’s life, as well? Because I had little to learn from. “What am I going to do?" I whispered to myself. Hoping the universe will give me a sign and help me get rid of this predicament I am in. “Hey…. Zoe, are you okay?" I heard Anna's voice say, taking me out of my dreadful thoughts. And I couldn't even answer her question, because I didn't know if I should feel okay about any of this. “So, what are your plans? Are you going to keep the baby?” She asked with her words laced with nothing else but concern for me, with her eyes trailing on me as if she was trying to figure out a solution to my problem on her own. “I don't know, Anna. I don't know what to do right now. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’m pregnant. I didn't plan for any of this, and it feels like the universe is playing a sick game on me," I replied. I deeply sighed. “You do know that you have an option, right," she said, sitting right next to me on the bathroom floor. Holding my hand, squeezing it gently; letting me know that she’s here to help me with whatever I decide to do. I looked at her confused as to what she meant by an ‘option.’ “What do you mean?” I asked. “You could have an abortion, you don't have to keep this child if you don't want to. It is not a big deal. People who are not ready use that option," She answered, patting my head. “WHAT?! AN ABORTION”! I yelled. ''I have never thought of that as an option. How can she say ‘it’s not a big deal. I would never bring it up if she was in my shoe.” I looked at her angrily. Rolling her eyes, ignoring all my dreadful glare, Anna continued saying. “Yes, an abortion. It’s your other option,” Anna said with all seriousness. “I assume you don’t want a kid at 24 years old. You don’t even know the father’s name. How are you going to find him? Think about it. This might be the only good option left for you, because I know you don't want to be a single mother or are you going to let one drunken, one-night stand ruin your life, especially now when we both know that you are not ready to be a mother? So I think you get it overwith as soon as possible.” she said with all seriousness in her voice, which made me think that maybe she had a point. “But, I….,” I tried to protest, but my lips were not cooperating. So I just sat there trying to think of another option other than abortion, because I was sure that there were other options, better than abortion. But I just couldn't think of anything right now. “Zoe, you have to make up your mind soon, before it's too late to fix this," Anna said, getting up and leaving me there alone with nothing else but my thoughts. (*) A week has passed since I learned about my situation. I locked myself in my apartment, as I didn't have the strength to leave my house. Depressed was an easier word to use to describe how I was feeling. Mrs June came by to see how I was doing and to ask if I was feeling any better about going back to work. I told her no, of course. Still trying to hide the fact that I was pregnant from her, which I soon discovered was useless because she somehow knew. “Zoe sweetie, I brought you a plate of hot chicken soup. It will make you feel much better," she said, handing me the cup of soup. “Thank you, Mrs June. This tastes good," I said as I tried so hard not to run to the bathroom and throw up with her being here. “So Zoe….,” she let out. “ When were you going to tell me that you're pregnant?” She said, holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. I was shocked. Unable to swallow the piece of chicken I had in my mouth, I looked up at her surprised as to how she knew. “My dear, I'm a mother, too, and I, sure, know a pregnant woman when I see one," she said, giggling softly. Giving me a warm smile. “So, do I get to meet the father soon?” she chirped with excitement in her voice. “You never told me you started dating again. Why keep such a secret from an old lady?" she said as she rubbed circles on my arm. “Ermm, Mrs J... I don't know who the father is. I mean I do… no I don’t… no, what I meant to say is… I don’t know the name of the baby’s father. I know what he looks like though,” I stumbled through my words, as I consciously waited for her response. She looked at me for a moment, as if she was looking for the right words to say. “I’m sorry, dear, I don’t understand,” she managed to ask, looking very disappointed in me. So I told her everything. As I waited for her to process everything I’d told her. Waiting patiently for her to give me some kind of advice that will help me solve my current situation. “Oh, Zoe. I’m sorry for what you're going through. Before you think of abortion, don't you think it is only fair you try and find the man first,” she said. “I think he deserves to know he is going to be a father.” Mrs J let out ''And if he doesn't want anything to do with you or the child, then you can always have the child. I will help you, you will not be alone,'' she said. I nodded, acknowledging she was right. But how am I supposed to find him if I don't know anything about him, especially his name? ‘Should I just google search for him, saying I am looking for a sexy stranger with icy grey eyes and perfect abs,’ I thought to myself, as I laughed internally. (*) A few days later. “Zoe!” Anna screamed my name, as she burst into my apartment. “Can you stop screaming for once? Maybe, I should get my keys back from you," I said to her from the kitchen. She ran over to the kitchen and hugged me. She hugged me so tight that I almost dropped the Chinese food I was eating. “No, you wouldn't because you love me," she said in the squeakiest voice that made me smile at her silliness. “Now, that's the smile I love seeing, and I should be the one to always put it on your silly face," she said, taking a bite off my Chinese spring roll. I glared at her for biting my food. “So, have you decided what you’re going to do?” she asks, pointing to my belly. “You know, you can say baby right," I said, hitting her hand away from my food, as she tried to take another bite. “I know, but if I did say it, then it would be true. And, then, I will start loving the idea of being an auntie," she said, walking into the living room to turn the TV on. I rolled my eyes at her crazy words, as I went back to my food and finished it in no time. I have started eating a lot lately. And I have started craving a lot of food that I don’t normally enjoy eating. This pregnancy s**t is no joke. “Zoe, I love rich and famous people's lifestyles, you know. Expensive cars, private jets and parties on expensive islands, I think I was rich in my former life and I would kill to be them right now.” I heard Anna say as I walked to see what the hell she was ranting about on TV. As I walked from the kitchen to the living room and stood behind the couch, I gasped at what I saw on TV. There he was my sexy stranger, staring right back at me as if he could see me through the TV screen. Suddenly, I felt like I was being suffocated. I couldn’t breathe. I tried to inhale but I couldn't as if all the oxygen around me was gone. And soon before I knew it, my legs gave out on me, sending me to the floor. “What the heck!" Anna exclaimed, moving over to my side. “Are you OK? What the f**k happened? Is it the baby?" she asked, as she tried to help me up to my feet, and when she did, she soon walked me over to the couch. “Who is that?" I asked, pointing to the TV, ignoring her questions. So, she looked back at the screen. “Oh him, that's Blake Shelton, he is so cute, right?” Anna chirped happily. “His family owns the biggest shipping company in the state. And he is currently dating one of the biggest models in the city... I'm so jealous of her,” Anna huffed out, and I continued to shiver. “But that’s him. That’s HIM!!” I said incessantly. “That's who?" Anna asked, confusion settling on her face. ‘That's him… My sexy stranger… My one nightstand… And the father of my child.’
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