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Zoe's POV I didn't sleep a wink last night because all my thoughts were around Blake, the baby and this prison of a mansion I am locked up in. I needed to leave and be far away from Blake. I needed to go back to my own life. So, I've decided going to the bakery would be a great idea. Looking through the window and seeing it was already morning, I got up from my bed and quickly took a shower and wore the same clothes I wore yesterday since I didn't have any others to change to. Hurriedly running down the stairs, with hopes that Blake wasn't anywhere around. Reaching the living room, I saw Amelia walking up to me with a smile on her face. “Good morning, Zoe. I hoped your first night here was blissful," she greeted. “Yes, Amelia. Thank you," I replied and rushed up to the main door. “Zoe, where are you going?” She asked with confusion plastered on her face. “I certainly hope you're not planning on leaving," she asked. “Amelia, I need to go to work. I promise I'll be back," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. “But…” Amelia tried to protest. “Amelia, I promise I will be back. I can't run away, even if I desperately want to. Blake will find me wherever I go, and I know that, but I just need some hours away from this house. Please, Amelia, understand and help me," I said, looking right at her, allowing a few drops of tears to escape from my eyes. She sighed. “Okay, I’ll help you," she hesitantly agrees. “But promise me you will take full responsibility if Mr Shelton finds out." Her tone was more serious. “Yes, I promise," I respond smiling. Amelia sneaked me past the guards and through the back gate. Looking back and seeing I was miles away from the mansion, I hurriedly called a cab to go to the bakery. Arriving at the bakery, I felt I could finally breathe again. The smell of freshly baked muffins and the strong smell of Mrs J’s signature coffee made me feel relaxed. It felt like home to me. “Zoe, dear", Mrs J saw me and hugged me. “Dear, I heard what happened. Are you OK?" she asked, leading me to the back of the bakery counter. “Mrs J, I need your help. I'm not fine. I need to get away from that man," I said, leaning on her. “Zoe, I don't think I can help you in this situation. The guy is influential and I don't know what a poor woman like me can do to help you. So, I am sorry, but you are stuck with him for now. Why don't you try and get used to the idea? I do not think being with the father of your child will be such a bad thing," she said, with sympathy laced in her voice. “I didn't say a word, knowing that my fate was already sealed to that man for the next few months. I decided to do the one thing that always made me feel better… baking. Baking helps me calm down. (*) After a few hours in the bakery, I had calmed down and forgotten everything I was worried about. It made me happy to watch satisfied customers leave with their pastries. but the day was almost over, it was almost time for me to go back to the Shelton mansion. ''Oh, how I dreaded going back there, " I said to myself, letting out a heavy breath. Since Mrs J left early, I was left to close the bakery. Closing for the day, I soon heard the door chime, signalling that a customer had walked in. “Sorry, but we are closed!" I said out loud as I was still trying to finish all I had to do to close the bakery. “Why the hell are you here, Zoe?" I heard an all-so-familiar voice say and my heart immediately skipped a beat rapidly. I dreaded turning around to look at him, I didn't want to see his compelling eyes that always looked like they were seeing right through my soul, but I knew I had to face him so that he wouldn't notice the fear in me. So I turned around looking up at him. My eyes locked with his, as he tried to stare me down with anger written in his eyes. I was shivering with fear but I tried my best to conceal it. “Zoe, answer me.” He asked, but I stayed silent. “I won't ask you again. Why the hell are you here?” He demanded and moved closer to me. I still didn't utter a word, but I stepped back trying to escape him. But as I stepped back, he stepped forward towards me. “Did the cat get your tongue?" Blake teased and grabbed my arm, as he got closer to me. “Why did you leave the house without my permission?!" he asked and squeezed my arm tightly. “Let me go!" I bellowed, trying to free myself from his grip. “I didn't think I needed your permission to go to work. This is how I make a living." I said, glaring at him. “Oh, love, you still don't understand. I can't have the mother of my child working in a dump like this," he said mockingly, and pointed to the bakery. “No, Blake, this is not a dump. This bakery is like my second home. This right here is part of my life," I protested. “This is not your life anymore, love. Having my child is your life now. It is all you should concern yourself with. So from now on, you will no longer work here," he said, smirking. I was stupefied by his statement. ''You can not do this,'' I protest, but as always it all falls on deaf ears as he grabs my arm, dragging me out of the bakery and shoving me into his car. (*) The drive back to the mansion was silent. As we got back, I quickly got out of the car and ran straight to my room, slamming the door. I screamed, frustrated at being treated like a prisoner. I hate how Blake always made me feel so small and he just knew the best way to humiliate me. ‘What right does he have to stop me from working? He is such an arrogant, self-centred douchebag, who cares about nobody else, but himself and his reputation.’ I yelled, letting out all the frustration and anger I felt. I collapsed into the bed, allowing the darkness to consume me, as I fell asleep. “Zoe… Zoe… Zoe? Wake up,” I heard Amelia's voice calling out to me. I groggily opened my eyes. “Amelia?” I called out and sat up looking at her. “Hi, Zoe, the boss told me to bring you this," she said while placing down a beautiful red dress and silver heels on the bed. “Amelia, why the dress ?" I asked in confusion. “The boss ordered that you should wear this dress to dinner tonight", Amelia replied in a low tone. “Dinner? Amelia, I'm confused." I stared at the dress placed on the bed. “Zoe, I'm just following orders. He said you should be ready at 7 pm." She said and turned around and left the room. I was still so confused as to why Blake had asked me to dinner. We fought not too long ago at the bakery and, now, he’s being nice. Ugh, men! Feeling mentally exhausted and having no energy to argue, I got up to take a shower and get dressed. Walking down the stairs, I saw Blake already waiting near the door, dressed in a tailored all-black suit and tie with a smile on his face, looking up at me. ‘What the f**k is happening,’ I internally screamed to myself. As I got closer to Blake, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, as his eyes were on me. His eyes ran down from my neck to my cleavage and the rest of my body. I didn’t miss how he swallowed hard as if he was fighting some kind of battle within him, and then he brought his eyes back to mine. “You look beautiful," he mumbled, which I could barely hear. Still very confused as to Blake's sudden change of attitude, I just nodded my head and allowed him to lead the way to the car. I, internally, prayed and hoped that this was not one of his sick ways to humiliate me.
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