Chapter 4 ❁

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❁Chapter IV: You're Honestly Clueless Sweetheart❁ I pulled my car in the school parking lot, then turned my engine off and grabbed my camera from the passenger's seat then got out of the car and locked it and started walking to the football field while wearing the Nikon camera strap like a necklace. Or should I say a pitch black lanyard. "You're early Lukens." Ashton, a football player said while jogging up to me and smirking at me. He's in my math class. And he's pretty damn smart I'm not going to lie. He's second in the math class. The first being me hopefully. "Uh yeah, I want to get before game pictures too." I said while looking down at the camera and getting it ready. "Well you take some pictures of me you know." He said while flexing his arms and winking at me. Okay. Ew. "I'll just take some pics of the team like I'm supposed to do." I said while smirking at him then walking to where the coaches are near the bench. "Peters!! Get your ass back on that field!!!" One buff coach screamed at creepy Ashton. "You hear for yearbook?" The second coach asked once I was next to them and holding my camera up. "Yes sir. And I can take some of you guys as well if you want." I said while giving them a small smile. They exchanged looks to one another. Then the one that screamed at Ashton decided to speak up. "Nah, just take some of the boys, and then during the game you can take some of us. But, only if we don't look like we're about to rip some damn heads off." He said letting out a laugh and so did the other one. "Okay then." I said while flashing them a smile, then started my magic with the camera. While the coaches were making them warm up, I flashed two or three shots of them stretching and then two more shots of the quarterback practicing his throws. I then made him look at the camera while about to throw the football across the field. Which he happily did. "Hey Carly!" I heard Drew yell from the bleachers. "Thank you." I said to the quarterback who just smiled at me then nodded and continued to throw. I ran over to the bleachers, only to find that Drew is not alone. Connor and some other guy was with him. "Why are you here so early?" Drew asked with a chuckle while putting his arms on the black railing. "Yearbook pictures. I decided to take some before the game as well." I said while flashing him a grin. "Ah, so will you take some of me and the team when lacrosse season begins?" He asked while smirking at me. "It depends what I get assigned to do during the season." I said with a chuckle. "Right, well you got thirty minutes until the game starts. Do you want anything from the snack bar?" He asked while smiling at me. "No thank you, I gotta go." I said while walking away from him then turned around and waved at him. "Be safe!!" He shouted while he waved back at me. "Will do!!" I yelled then looked at the bench. "Make room for Carly." The second coach said to the boys that were sitting on the bench while a couple of others were listening to the first coach. I sat down in between #34 and #65 and they were muscular and reall big. Like damn what do they eat? Once the game started, I then got my camera ready, and stood up and began taking some pictures then I walked to the end of the endzone and took some more then jogged back over to where I was before, so I don't get hit with the football just like what happened to the last photographer last year. I then decided to take some pictures of the varsity cheer team. Keely was waving at me while I waved back at her and I took a picture of her. Then I told them all to pose for a group picture with the cheer coach. Who is also a 9th grade English teacher. I had her my freshman year. I then thanked them and walked up to the dance team and band. I took a picture of them. Then one of three dance team members and a couple of more band ones. Once I sat down on the bench I was out of breath. "Damn taking pictures is that much work?" Ashton asked while taking a seat next to me. It was just us because the guys are lined up near the field and kept yelling and rooting. So this is what it's like front row of all of the action. I can't believe that this is better than sitting front row of the stands. "Yeah pretty much. But it's worth it all in the end." I said while letting out a chuckle. "Oh yeah? And why's that?" He asked while letting out a smirk. "I get a free yearbook. Duh." I said while shooting him a wink and standing up. "What are taking a picture of now?" He asked while drinking from his water bottle. "The fans in the stands. And more football action. Also-" I zoomed the camera to the scoreboard and took a picture of that. "The scoreboard. See ya." I said while walking up to the stands.  The score is 26-18. And my team is winning. That's a pretty close score. I hope that we win. I then took a picture of shirtless Drew and Connor with their friends that pianted their bodies with the school colors in a pattern and spelling out Bears. Drew had the "E" on his chest and his abs were painted light blue while Connor's was painted yellow with the "A". They all posed while pumping their fists in the air. Then Naomi came down on the field and I had one cheerleader hold the camera while the other took a picture of me, Naomi, and Keely, with Keely in the middle. We took it on all three of our phones. Then I put my phone in my back jean shorts pocket to where it was before and Naomi got back in the stands while I thanked the cheerleader for holding the camera and then I took some victory pictures because we won. It was a picture of all the football team on top of each other. And I took some pictures of the coaches with smiles on their faces. I then ran into Drew and he asked to take a picture with me, so I nodded and then Connor held the Nikon camera for me, while I leaned against Drew's sweaty shirtless chest and looked into his phone's camera. "I'll text it to you." He said once I got the camera handed back to me and he got his phone. "Yeah okay." I said with a smile then I walked away and up to my car and I unlocked it.  After all of this, I just want to go to sleep. And then have a lazy day tomorrow. ♕|♕|♕|♕ I got out of the shower and then looked at my ** post of the three of us and smiled. My caption was "Gonna miss these Friday night lights" I really am going to miss them. I tagged Keely and Naomi in it. Drew posted the picture with me and him. And his caption was "Football + This Girl" I just rolled my eyes at that one. And he tagged me in it. Keely posted one with all three of us like I did and said. "Friday Night Lights" This made me chuckle and Naomi and I were tagged in it. Then Naomi's made me just plan out crack up. "Football with these hookers." I just plan out laughed so hard. And she of course tagged us in the picture. I then put my phone down next to the Nikon camera which was on my desk that had my MacBook Pro on it. And changed into black sofies and a Coldplay tank top that had Ghost Stories on it. "Hey sis, how was the game?" Marcus asked while walking in my room and sitting on my bed. "It was good. We won." I said while putting the pictures in my MacBook from the Nikon. "Damn you take good pictures." He said while standing next to me and letting out a whistle. "Thanks." I said while sending them to my student yearbook account so I can edit them at school. "Do you want anything to eat?" He asked me while letting out a chuckle and then looked at his phone. "Um no, oh Drew is taking me to Chipotle tomorrow night." I said while turning off the camera and then closing my MacBook. "What? No. Why would he do that? You can't go." He said while shooting me a pointed look. "I already asked mom at school today, well texted her and she's fine with it because she and dad don't want me here while you through your wild frat party." I said while glaring at him and grabbing my phone. "I still don't approve of this. Why can't you call Keely? Or Naomi?" He asked while giving me a confused look. So he brings up my two best friends? I mean, we don't always hang out or have sleepovers like he thinks we do, we're just always busy. And I kind of want to hang out with Drew. Because he's such a sweetheart towards me and I like receiving that kind of attention from people. It just makes me feel good about myself that people actually think about me like that and nothing bad or rude. "Well you're going to have to big brother." I said with a scoff. "Whatever." He said then walked out of my room. My phone then started to ring and it was Drew. So I cleared my throat so I don't sound horrible then answered the phone. "Hey, you know Ashton seems to like you and I don't like it." He said with an irritated tone. "No he doesn't. He was just being annoying and kept talking to me about goodness knows what." I said with a sigh remembering creepy Ashton. "He likes you, I can tell Carly don't deny it. Because it's true." He said with a serious tone of voice. "An opinion isn't necessarily true you know." I said while getting my silver rectangular glasses out of my pink Vera Bradley case for them. "But a fact is. And that is indeed a fact that he has a thing for you." He said with certainty in his tone. "He does look at me a lot in math class though." I said while walking into the bathroom and then turning on the light. "You're honestly clueless sweetheart." He said with a small laugh. "Oh really? Thanks Drew." I said while rolling my eyes then putting the phone on speaker. "Glad to help." He said with an oh so sexy chuckle. "Well I gotta go text me what time you're picking me up tomorrow." I said while taking out my contacts and putting them in their pink contact holder thing. "Yeah alright. Good night Carly." He said with a chuckle. "Good night Drew." I said then hanged up and walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I then plugged my phone in the charger and got on my bed and under the covers and turned off my lamp that was on my nightstand that was right next to me and went to sleep. ♕|♕|♕|♕ I turned off my purple curling iron and then looked at myself one last time before Drew comes and picks me up and takes me to Chipotle. Once I grabbed my phone, I walked out of my bedroom and then down the stairs to find my brother and James sitting in the living room. "Remember to be home by eleven okay?" Marcus asked me once I got into the living room.  Well, more like ordered me like he's our damn father. Who is in Hawaii doing some research on some sick pregnant dolphin. James was checking me out, and I feel completely creeped out. So I just ignored him and his pervy eyes and onto my overprotective annoying big freakshow brother. While shooting him a glare which he returned to me. "Is it bad to say how amazingly hot your sister looks right now?" James asked Marcus. "Shut the hell up." Marcus said while glaring at James. Then the doorbell rang, and I thanked my lucky stars that Drew is here to save me before the crazy frat boys and their slutty girlfriends come in and wreck my house. Which my parents will break Marcus if that ever happens. "Don't let anyone in my bedroom." I said while pointing at Marcus before leaving to answer the door. "I promise little sis." He said while giving me a smile. "Only I will be in there, and looking theough your bras and underwear sweet cheeks." James said while giving me a cheeky grin. "The hell you aren't!" Marcus said while roughly grabbing the collar of James' polo shirt. "Okay okay chill. Don't go in Carly's room I got it." He said while clearing his throat. ♕|♕|♕|♕ While Drew and I were walking into Chipotle, I had a couple eating outside take a picture of Drew and I off my phone then we took another one off of Drew's phone. After we thanked the couple we walked in and then sat down at some booth and I looked around. "Aren't you glad that you aren't at home right now?" He asked while smiling at me. "I actually am for the first time in forever." I said while giving him a cheeky grin.
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