
1160 Words
1851– Cape of Goode Hope Thorn’s POV: There was a cold breeze blowing through my hair and on my face as I walked to our place, hers, and mine. I had a smile on my face and I felt truly happy, since Emily came into my life, I had been smiling more, I have been happier, and I felt whole for the first in a long time. I went to the back of their garden, the secret place we always met. There were lots of wild almond trees which kept us sheltered from the rest of the world, our secret place, our happy place. I smiled thinking of her, I could never get enough of Emily. She is beautiful, kind and I adore her, she is my world. I stood by a tree with roses in my hand anticipating her arrival. While I stood waiting, my mind drifted to were this all started. She was my first and only love. At 23, I have never experienced anything so intense, so satisfying and overwhelming. What she made me feel was astounding and left me breathless. I woke up every morning thinking of only her, thoughts of her consumed me. We met 3 years ago, when their family arrived in Cape Town. We were neighbors and I was very lonely at the time. Her mother had just passed away and her family wanted to have a new start, away from society, so they came to the Cape to farm. From the first moment I saw her, I was infatuated with her. I stood looking around me at all the familiar places. Emily, Rose and I had spent the last three years exploring every part of their farm. Everywhere I looked there were memories. Emily's little sister Rose was a delight. She was only 15, but she was an extremely insightful child and I enjoyed her company. I heard the rustle of leaves and I saw Emily walking towards me. I inhaled sharply as she took my breath away. I could already see her walk down St Mary’s Cathedral. We would be the first couple married there as it was just completed. I had a big grin on my face, standing there waiting for her. She looked me right in the eye as she came towards me, the smile faltered from my face as I could see something was wrong, there was no emotion on her face and she didn’t have her reticule with her. I heard faint footsteps behind me and then I felt the bash at the back of my head before I could turn. I immediately felt disorientated, but that didn’t stop the assailant from bashing my head again. Three men held me down and I saw Sir Francis Cummins walking towards me. He was holding what looked to be a silver knife with an ivory handle. He come closer and I feel the knife as he drags it across my left eye and down my cheek. “Now you remember that boy, lay a finger on my daughter again and there will be more than just a scar across your face.” The scar burned and I could feel the blood dripping down my face, but what burned more was watching Emily just immediately turn around and walk away with no emotion, like I meant nothing. I endured a severe beating from the three men. The constant kicks and hits must have broken some of my ribs. I heard the crack, but still they didn’t stop. One kicked me in the face and I felt my jaw break. I saw one of the men holding a whip. They ripped open my shirt and the lashes started to hail down on my back. Lying there, I just wanted to die, not because of the beating, but I didn’t want to live anymore, not without Emily. Her betrayal burned through my lungs and settled in my stomach, a hot burning sensation, consuming me from the inside. I felt very faint, but just before the darkness took me completely, I saw her between the trees in the background hiding. I saw Rose standing there with her hand covering her face, tears running down her cheeks. I knew she was the one who had betrayed us, she was the only one who knew we were eloping. I had thought we were friends, I had thought I could trust her. Her betrayal hurt more than Emily’s; she was my friend. At that moment, hatred consumed my soul and I swore to myself if I survived this night they would all pay for what they did to me. My face ached and I was broken-hearted, I just wanted to die. I lost focus over and over again. I was in and out of consciousness and I could feel myself edging closer to complete darkness and I welcomed it. I woke up a little when I felt someone move me. I moaned a little, but I had no fight left in me. I was picked up like a weighed nothing. The person was carrying me bridal style, I didn't care where they were taking me. And by the feel of hands, I was almost sure it was a woman, which was impossible. I was 6 foot 5 and really big, there is no way a woman could be carrying me. I fell into darkness again with that thought on my mind. Rose’s betrayal hurt, and Emily’s abandonment was going to kill me. The darkness came again, but this time I let it overpower me. I fell into oblivion hoping to never wake up. Rose's POV: I watched as my dad cut Thorn's face and then the men started beating him. I tasted the salt on my lips and realized I was crying. I betrayed Thorn. I should never have told my father about their elopement, but I knew the real reason Emily wanted to marry Thorn. I saw him open his eyes and stare straight at me, I could see the hatred in his eyes and it was all directed to me. I ran to Betsie's cottage and called to her. "Betsie, please help". I fell to the ground. I felt distraught. Betsie and her daughter walked out of the cottage. "What's wrong, Rose?" "Betsie, it's Thorn, he is really hurt." I saw her face turn pale, she turned to Emma and gave her instructions. I couldn't hear what she was saying but the worry was clear on her face. Emma hurried away. Betsie came over to me and helped me stand. "Now go home child and don't mention any of this to any one, I will sort this out." Betsie directed me towards our house and I started walking as if in a daze. I hope Thorn would be well. The guilt washed over me, and I felt ashamed and hated myself. I started to cry as I walked the distance to our farmhouse.
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