Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Natalia Elijah Jones. Maybe the best looking boy in our town, maybe even the whole world. At least in my eyes, I mean he is my boyfriend after all, and I obviously find him very attractive. But I've heard that others also find him attractive, so maybe he is a very handsome and good looking boy. Best of all, he's mine, and the second-best thing, I'm his. "How do you manage to always look so beautiful?" He asks as he approaches me. "It just comes naturally I guess", I tell him as he sweeps me off the floor and carries me over to the others. He puts me down onto the counter and I wrap my legs around his waist. But further, than that, I don't go because of respect for our friends. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable or anything. Besides, I prefer to do things more privately. "Oh my gosh, I love your shoes!" Audrey says. "And that blouse, you have to let me borrow it sometime". "Sure babe, you'd look great in it", I smile. "She looks great in anything", Logan says, wrapping his arms around Audrey. "As do you", Elijah says and kisses my nose lightly. He is so sweet. I giggle and put my forehead to his, looking into his eyes. Those beautiful beautiful eyes. "I didn't know that we sell people now", a voice from behind says. "Maybe that's a great idea, we could start selling models!" I turn my head back and hit Samuel on the arm, he's Elijah's older brother and is always teasing us, it's irritating at times but he's funny. He probably has the first shift in the store today, since he's the oldest and doesn't have school anymore. Their father and their other brother Timothy are coming later during the day and help out. When Elijah starts his shift after school, Sam is off from work. I know their schedules by heart because I'm often here during Elijah's shifts. Not to stalk him or anything, but to paint. "I'm not for sale", I say as my fist hits his big muscled arm. "I'm exactly where I want to be, besides, I'm not really model material". I can feel Elijah's body shake slightly as he chuckles silently. "You are most definitely, model material", he says. "You are very beautiful, if you weren't already my girlfriend, I probably would have done everything in my power to make you mine". I don't say anything, I just give him a light kiss, showing him my appreciation. He really is the sweetest, he has always been, even when we were just friends and not together. He was always such a good friend, the kind you just have to have in your life. Maybe that's why I had to make him mine. "Thank you so much, baby!" I tell him and smile sweetly. "I could tell you the same thing actually". I don't know how I became so lucky to get this boy as my boyfriend. He could literary get any girl he wants but he's mine, and that's unbelievable. Sometimes I feel like I am in a dream, that Elijah is not real or that he's not my boyfriend because why should I be that lucky? "You're so sweet", Sam says. "Sweet like sugar". "Put a cork in it", Elijah says and Sam looks fake hurt with a little sly smirk. I giggle and Elijah chuckles. "Natalia, can I borrow the blouse tomorrow? Oh please can I?" Audrey asks excitedly like she has been thinking about it this whole time. "Of course, you know that you don't have to ask", I say. "You can borrow whatever you want". "Girls", Logan sighs, shaking his head. "That's girls for yah", Sam says, shaking his head, like he's very understanding. "Kathy is just the same, and I fear that she'll have the same impact on our unborn daughter, that clothes are the most important thing in the world". Kathy is a beautiful girl with red hair that almost looks like fire, she doesn't have too many freckles just enough to make her even more beautiful. And on top of that, she is the kindest and most warmhearted girl I've ever met in my life. "Clothes is one of the most important things in the world", I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "Without them, we all would be walking around naked". "Fine by me", Elijah says. "You want to see your brothers naked?" I ask, arching my eyebrow. "Good point, maybe not!" He says, taking back the first thing he said". "And Sam, don't worry about it right now, like you said, your baby isn't even born yet, it'll be years before she takes a liking to clothes", Audrey says. "We have to go now though, otherwise we'll be late". I unwrap my legs from Elijah's waist and slide down onto the floor. I would've jumped, but not with these heels on. If I don't break them my feet would hurt either way. Elijah takes my hand and I lace my fingers with his. "Say hey to Kathy from me", I say before Elijah starts to pull me towards the door. Elijah pulls me towards his shiny black car. Audrey and Logan move towards Logan's shiny dark blue car while Elijah and I walk towards Elijah's car. This is why I didn't take my care to the store, I like taking a ride in his car. Elijah opens the car door to the passenger seat to me, like a true gentleman. "Here you go my beautiful", he says and gestures for me to hop into the car. "Thank you handsome", I say, kissing his cheek and sit in the car. I really love us. I love him, but I really love us as a couple as well, we are so good together, I think we are. We are a great couple and we treat each other with a lot of respect, that's what a good relationship needs. Respect. The drive to our high school isn't long at all. Only five minutes from the store. Elijah parks the car and takes my hand when we walk to join out two friends to walk inside the school building. I love being back at school, I have always loved school, always enjoyed going to school and being in school. She's excited for her senior year but at the same time, I'm sad that it's my last year in school before college. It's a very bittersweet feeling, to be honest. As we walk through the hallway people smile at me, saying hello. We are a popular group but it's not like in the movies where the popular kids are the mean once and everyone hates them and is afraid of them. Once a girl came up to me and said that I inspired her to just be herself. It warmed my heart, I didn't even know the girl, I think she was a freshman. It was so cool, and she made me so happy. "You all walk ahead, I'm just going to get my English book from my locker, I forgot to hand it in before summer vacation", I say when they headed towards the stairs. "Want me to come with?" Elijah asks. I shake my head. "Nah, I'll just be a minute behind you", I say and kiss his lips quickly. I see them head up the stairs and I quickly head towards my locker. I open my locker and a note falls out. I bend down to grab it, reading what's on. "You better watch your pretty little back, good girl Natalia Colton, not everyone thinks you're so great, in fact, some of us hates you, and we're coming for you, so be prepared". I frown at the note, not really understanding it. Do they want me to be afraid? Maybe they do but why? Why would someone even put a note like this in my locker? I don't know if I should be worried, but it's probably just a prank or something. A bad one. I shrug it off and stand up to grab my English book. I close the locker lid and hurry towards the English classroom. I have to hand in last years English book to my teacher, I hope she won't become too angry. I don't think he will. I smile at my friends as soon as I see them standing outside the classroom, but my mind is troubled. I'm thinking of the note. I don't know if I should take it seriously or like a cruel joke. I just... I don't know. I can't shake the bad feeling I get from the note. The one who put it in my locker could have been joking with me, but maybe the person didn't joke. If it's not a joke, it's a threat and I should be worried. Jesus this is really twisting my head. As the day pass, I completely forget about the note. I enjoy my first day a lot, I feel how much I love school and my high school in particular with all of the kind students and teachers. I have the best teachers, they are all so understanding and they really want the students to succeed. "Laugh as long as you can, because it won't be long now". "Damn!" I cuss in frustration. "What's wrong?" Audrey asks. I sigh and give her the note. Her eyes widen when she read it. I give her the other note, which I had put in my jeans pocket. Audrey looks shocked when she read it. "Natalia you have to report this", she says looking seriously at me. "Nah it's nothing Audrey, just some kids joking around, they just want to scare me", I say. "No need to tell the others either, especially not Elijah, he would freak out over nothing". Audrey looks hesitant, she doesn't want to agree on that. I know how protective Elijah is, telling him about these notes would be a big mistake. I laugh her worries away and hug her. "I love you for being worried my precious Audrey but I promise it's nothing to worry about", I tell her. "Just forget about it". "Fine", Audrey sighs. "You're probably right". So with that, we walk to meet the others. I believe what I told Audrey, that the notes are nothing to worry about, but... Was I right? Was I or do I not have to worry? I have a gut feeling about these notes, and that gut feeling is not a good one. I don't know about these letters but I feel a bad aura around them. Maybe I should take them seriously.
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