Crown 6 ♚ WHO ARE YOU

2945 Words

MY BROWS were in knots as I walked down the hallway to my room, worrying what to do. My brother has enormous expectations from me about this deal and I couldn't afford to let him down. At least, I couldn't pass up on this one. Everything is at stake in here, and I meant everything. Kapag hindi ko nagawa ang gusto niya, I will be forced to work in our family business. I don't have anything against that thought, but I am adamant to establish my own name. I want to prove myself to people—people who had nothing else to do but stuck up their noses in my ass and think so high of themselves. I sighed as I passed through the corridors, replaying back the conversation I had with my brother in his study. I want to get over this deal as much as he wanted that DeVilla Ranch. The fastest, the better.

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