2108 Words

1921 Anno Bhiasti.  "I don't think this is the right time to fight, Zov," Hendrix calmly said as he faced his estranged friend inside the arena.  Hiro flinched upon hearing his avatar’s name; he hadn’t been called by that name for a very long time.  He dismissed the warmth he felt inside him.  Only Hendrix can refer to him by that name and leave an impact from within, stirring his emotions and memories long forgotten.   Nope! Memories that are best left forgotten, Hiro corrected himself. Hendrix is feeling emotional too.  It’s very nostalgic, being at the center of the arena again after more than a century of avoiding it.  Hiro’s presence doesn’t help either, and he has to admit, he misses his spirit-brother.  He loves Hiro like a family despite not sharing a drop of blood. "Then there'

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