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2019 Anno Domini (The Year of our Lord). It constantly tortures the serpent to meet with Adonai, the One who has no beginning and end but also the Alpha and the Omega. Other divine creatures are already present, kneeling before the majestic I AM. The serpent could taste Adonai’s powerful Holiness in the air, and it trembles in fear despite its resentment. It flickered its tongue in and out, wishing it has knees, just like its brothers, to bend before His Majesty. "Ah, you are finally here brother," Azrael, who arrived with Serpens, greeted the slithering creature. He lifted his left foot to make way to the serpent who ignored him.  The serpent is pissed off. I used to be the greatest among Adonai’s creations, one stupid mistake, and I became a despicable slimy reptile punished to always be at war with humans. Oh, how I long to walk side by side with my heavenly brothers again, hopefully soon. "Abba," the serpent, in its humble way, honored Adonai’s Presence before clinging to the branch of his favorite tree, the tree that gives the knowledge of good and evil. The same tree caused its punishment in the first place, yet the serpent only has fond memories of its fruit, the one it offered to Kein's mother.   By clinging on the highest branch, the serpent is now taller than other divine creatures gathered in the garden. But, despite its pride, the serpent still felt Adonai’s love, which infuriated the slimy creature all the more.   "How can you love me Abba yet continue to punish me?" He often asks Adonai when the serpent is allowed to be alone with Him. "I punished you for what you did, which cannot be undone, but I still love you for who and what you are -- my wonderful creation," Adonai would answer in His majestic voice. "Lies!" The serpent would hiss, but Adonai would just remain quiet, tolerating its insolence. "We are ready Abba," Azrael, the giver of death, bowed down before Adonai, who is one with His begotten son, Yswah. In fear and reverence, Azrael dared not look at the Majestic Presence in front of him. Very well, do what you must, and I will take care of the rest, the powerful Words of Adonai echoed in the garden. The serpent watched as Yswah blew wind from His mouth to the tree of eternal life beside the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it is clinging to. The tree of eternal life suddenly glows, and billions of small fruits drop on the ground and turn into white specks of dust. Yswah blew wind from His mouth again, and the clouds of dust are directed toward the earth, delivering his breath of life to humankind. "Go and bring as many souls of my children back into this garden. The time has come for them to leave the earth and live with me in eternity," Adonai commanded. The army of divine creatures, billions of them, suddenly grew gigantic wings and started to fly towards the earth. Their confirmed assignment is to harvest as many human souls as they can, and the clouds of dust will guide them.  The serpent watched in silence as his Father set His divine plan in motion. "You are quiet my child," Adonai addressed the serpent as he was about to leave. "There is nothing to say Abba. Your Will is always done," they are alone in the garden as his brothers went on their most incredible mission for humankind. "You don't like my plan," Adonai said without resentment toward the serpent. "As always, You are easy on the humans," the serpent is bitter. "Ah...jealousy, it is your greatest weakness, my child, even back then when I first created their kind and you disapproved," more than the serpent’s appearance, Adonai looks inside its heart. "And now you are welcoming them back to the garden where you once shunned their ancestors away. What did they do to deserve eternal life with You here?" The serpent’s resentment is now apparent. "Maybe because they are not as jealous," Adonai chuckled, teasing the serpent all the more. "The dust of eternal life will find its way to those who chose to be with me. Others who are left behind will not be happy,”  Adonai was also referring to Kein.  Being omniscient and omnipotent, He already knew what the serpent was thinking. "Not if I can help it," the serpent hissed quietly. " are planning something again?  Another test?”  Adonai likes challenges especially coming from his prodigal creation, Serpens. He cannot blame it, though. It used to be His most beautiful and brilliant masterpiece. Serpens transformation to what it is right now should have humbled the serpent, yet it turned its heart to stone -- a very cold uncompassionate obelisk -- so proud and tall. "Yes, a test if these humans truly deserve your love. I can do that Abba, right?" Serpens split-tongue flickered in and out of its mouth. “Of course, the gift of free will is yours as much as it’s theirs,”  Adonai said, smiling. “Very well, goodbye Abba," the serpent slithered its way out of his Father’s Presence. "Goodbye, my child. I love you," Adonai meant every word. Lies!  The serpent thought to itself, feeling its bitterness. ****** RATED R18+ 2076 Anno Domini. Sofia opened her eyes, still not used to not being able to sleep. She’s the same before her infection with the RPTR21 virus, yet somehow different. She couldn't figure out the difference, though. At twenty-two, Sofia is the 3rd in line to the Danish throne. Being very important and influential, her family got access to the infamous KSi22 vaccine developed by Kein Serpens Industry (KSi). Even ahead of its schedule of market release and at its very early testing stage, Sofia got herself inoculated. She doesn't know about the complete history of the virus mutation. She’s a GEN. V, babies born during the height of the pandemic. All she knows is that it started early in the 21st century as common but deadly flu. The world has been combating the virus and its mutations for decades now. KSi is at the forefront of the most significant biological war, providing hope to humankind.   It was her brother Jens who first got the symptoms, and it spread fast to their household. She remembered bleeding through all holes on her body before being inoculated and then total darkness. When she woke up a year ago, she never got to sleep again. Still locked up in KSi lab for observation, the days are dull, but the nights are the worst. She kept asking for her family, but the hospital staff only told her they are fine in isolation. "What's wrong? Am I not cured yet?" Sofia asked Dr. Peters, whose ring on his finger tells her of his marital status. Nevertheless, he and his staff take good care of her and give her everything she wishes except to see other people, especially her family. "We still have to observe the possible reaction of your body to the vaccine. It’s still better to be safe than sorry," Dr. Peters looked at her with such sympathetic eyes. She has nothing to remember except the faces of her attending medical staff and the dark eyes and skin of Dr. Peters. Her nights have been occupied by him lately. Ugh! He's twice my age. Stop it, Sofia! You are from a royal bloodline. Behave! She argued with herself. Irritated, she got up from her hospital bed and ate again, for the hundredth time. Yet, she never gained weight nor was satisfied. Fine! I'm the same but not the same! She thought to herself again. Outside her room, Dr. Peters is observing Sofia with Kein and Caiphaiz through a one-way mirror. Dr. Peters is honored and humbled by the presence of the President and CEO of Kein Serpens Industry. They are the very heroes who developed the vaccine that magically healed the infected even when the victims were on the verge of death. Dr. Peters inoculated Sofia a year ago. She had lost a lot of blood and was dying, yet he was amazed by his patient's quick recovery. That's why he is very much on top of her progress daily. "Anything new to report?" Caiphaiz asked. Dr. Peters guessed Caiphaiz’s age to be a decade his senior, but he can't be sure. If he couldn't guess Caiphaiz age, he is confident that Kein is in his late 20's or early 30's. Dr. Peters can't get over the boy’s charm.  The genius young man behind the super vaccine fascinates him. The public rarely sees Mr. Kein Serpens. Yet, to be in his presence can make one feel very intimidated. Kein dressed impeccably in an expensive tailored long black coat covering an equally well-crafted suit that hugged his body perfectly. His right hand is resting inside his side pocket.   Standing silently beside Kein makes Dr. Peters feel like he is in the presence of god. There's something about Kein that pulled you in. His skin is glowing white, smooth, and possibly soft to touch. His body is lean but well built in his towering height of 6'5. Above all things, it's the eyes -- those rare reddish violet eyes -- never fail to send shivers of fear and awe down Dr. Peter's spine. “Ehrm," Dr. Peters cleared his throat before looking at his digital chart. It took him a while to shift his gaze from eyeing Kein intently to answering Caiphaiz. "Her appetite is constantly elevating. We are still checking her metabolic rate. But, she doesn't sleep and...her cell...” Dr. Peters’ voice trailed off. "What about it?" Kein finally spoke, but his gaze was upon Sofia, who had finished eating and went back to bed, tossing and turning with her eyes closed. Kein is stroking the fruit inside his right pocket, finding comfort in knowing it is there. "It is not's as if she's not...aging....and she's not scarring as well even with too many needles poking her skin," Dr. Peters explained excitedly. Everything about Sofia fascinates him. "How about pain?" Kein asked. "Oh yes, she feels pain," unfortunately, Dr. Peters thought. Dr. Peters wondered why Kein reacted more with Sofia being able to feel pain than having unique abilities. He doesn't know what's happening with the other patients, though. His team focus is on Sofia, and they have been living in the facility for years now, ensuring that the virus will not infect front-liners such as himself. His wife is safely residing with him, but two of their children already died a year before KSi started the human trials for their vaccine. Too bad his children could have survived like Sofia had it been available to them during that time. He looked at his watch. He wondered where Ida, the night nurse, is. She's to accompany him during his final check-up of Sofia for the day. "It's time for my final round, would you guys care to join me?" Dr. Peters is determined to ace this rare chance to impress Kein. "We will watch from here," Caiphaiz said, stepping aside to give Dr. Peters access to the door. "Very well," Dr. Peters seems to hesitate, thinking of Ida. Of course, it’s unethical for him to check a female patient on his own. "Oh, I'll page your nurse for you. Go ahead," Kein looked at Dr. Peters directly, and it startled the doctor. Dr. Peters drew his breath sharply, those eyes....he then moved to open Sofia's door.   Sofia's eyes opened as soon as she heard someone come in. YES! She thought I’m soooo bored. "Good evening Sofia," Dr. Peters greeted his patient enthusiastically. "Dr. Peters!" Sofia moved quickly that she’s in front of the doctor in a blink of an eye.   "Woohoo! H-how did you do that?" Dr. Peters couldn't keep his surprise. Another physical development? Speed? He jotted something on his digital chart. "Did what?" Sofia tried to look at what the doctor is inputting his chart. Dr. Peters controlled his excitement, put back the gadget in his lab coat pocket, and led Sofia to her bed. "Here let me take a quick look at you," Dr. Peters turned his head to the door. "So where’s Ida?" Sofia noticed that Dr. Peters checked the door twice. "She will be a little late," Dr. Peters turned his attention to Sofia again after checking his watch. He is a little uncomfortable touching Sofia without the presence of his nurse. After his usual routine of checking her eyes, ears, nose, throat, and pulse, he decided not to go any further, although he is curious about Sofia's quick movement and wants so much to check on her more. He suddenly felt irritated that nurse Ida was late. As Dr. Peters pulled back, Sofia stood up real quick and removed her hospital gown. "Err... without Ida, we will skip the other part of the test," Dr. Peters turned his eyes away from Sofia's naked body and tried to take his gadget out of his lab pocket to record his findings. Sofia is quick to stop him, though. "Why not? I'm ready," she grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast. "How about my heartbeat doc, is it good?" That’s it! Sofia thought, the reason why I always think about Dr. Peters nightly, I’m freakin’ horny, and he is always the last one to touch me every night. "Don't joke around Sofia," Dr. Peters said seriously and pulled his hand away from Sofia's soft breast. He had to admit, though, he is a little bit aroused and somehow glad that Ida is not around. Being his only patient, he grew fond of Sofia.  Too bad she’s almost the same age as his son. Clark would have surely liked Sofia. "Look, we have visitors watching," Dr. Peters tapped the wall, and Sofia saw the other side of the one-way mirror, but no one was out there. "Hmmm..." Dr. Peters tapped the wall again, darkening the glass window again.  He’s a little disappointed that his guests left already without saying goodbye. Then he looks at Sofia, who is smiling at her wickedly. Fire is dancing in her eyes. "Don't joke around Dr. Peters," Sofia said in a grave tone, thinking that Dr. Peters is just messing with her about the visitors. Sofia moved closer to her doctor. For the first time in a long while, Sofia smiled, and she’s thrilled. She is having the best night of her life, and she wants more. She slowly retook Dr. Peters hand while looking at his dark eyes intently. Then she placed it on the mound between her legs. Dr. Peters mind is racing, No! No! No!  Then Sofia guided his finger inside her, and Dr. Peters mind shut off. Sofia was wet and warm inside. The doctor lost his resolve as she squeezed his finger while biting her lip.   He found himself inserting more fingers and pushing them deeper inside her.  Sofia’s encouragement exited him that his breathing was heavily labored, despite trying to conceal his arousal.  It’s for medical purposes. I can explain that it is necessary to… “Ohhhh,” Sofia's moan is music to Dr. Peters' ears.  He had been focused on his work and still grieving for his children that he and his wife... well... It has been a long time. "Let's have a different test tonight huh doc? Please...I promise I'll pass with flying colors," Sofia’s mouth was on his. "Hmmm... you taste good," Sofia licked and sucked her doctor's mouth with enthusiasm.    Dr. Peters is ahead of her though, he pulled out his fingers from inside her and pushed her down the bed, then he spread her legs wide open and licked her wetness like a bear hungry for honey. I deserve this! I’ve been working so hard, so she’s my reward. Dr. Edwards kept convincing himself that what he’s doing is right. "Oooooohhhhh. Yes! Yes! Yes!" Sofia was in ecstasy that she came twice, and the doctor swallowed every fluid off of her. Then Sofia sat up and removed the doctor's clothes in one go. "Sh*t you’re strong!" Dr. Peters took a mental note despite feeling intoxicated from tasting Sofia.  Her smell was off, yet she tasted sweet, sickly sweet that it’s addicting. Sofia is gaping at her doctor’s naked body.  This is the first time she will experience a man of color, and Dr. Peters is still hot even in his forties. When her eyes focused on what’s hanging between the doctor’s leg, warm fluid flows down her thigh again. “Your enormous!”  in one quick motion, Sofia tossed Dr. Peters in bed like a paper doll.  He is almost twice her height and weight. How did she do that? The doctor wanted to be scared, but his lust wouldn’t allow him.  Then Sofia is on top of him, engulfing his erection. Now, it’s his turn to moan.  Sofia moaned louder as she rubbed herself against him, squeezing him tightly. Her hips moved in a rhythm of her ecstasy, pulling Dr. Peters inside him harder! Deeper! Faster! He screamed, and Sofia joined him. "My lord, should we intervene?" Caiphaiz asked Kein. They were watching intently, quickly moving away only when Dr. Peters checked on them. They intended to give Dr. Peters and Sofia the privacy they much needed.  Unfortunately, Dr. Peters, a weak human as he is, gave in to their bait. They’d tried this test before with the other survivors.  To protect the humans, Kein ordered them vaccinated but without RPTR21 virus in their system, the humans just got high on Kein’s blood, numbing them, but they remained mortals, fragile and expendable. "No. He is collateral damage," Kein is actually aroused by what he is watching.   Sofia's big o****m came, and she savored every moment of it. Gosh! If this is how good it is to have s*x, I will not allow Dr. Peters to leave.   Her naked body is arching backward while her eyes are on the ceiling. Then she finally lowered her head to smile at Dr. Peters sweetly. “Thank yo…ahhh!” Sofia’s smile met with Dr. Peter’s dead eyes. Extremely upset, Sofia pulled herself away from the doctor and saw blood coming from his body that’s cut in half. "W-what?!?" Sofia put her bloody hands on her mouth to stop her scream, and then she tasted him, and he tasted better than her multiple orgasms. Unable to control herself, Sofia licked Dr. Peters’ blood off of him. She is always hungry. Even if she ate all the food that she requested, she’s still hungry. She's chewing on Dr. Peters abdomen now, and his insides tasted even better. "Ohhhhhh! Yum!" Sofia rolled her eyes with pleasure. She's in so much ecstasy that it overpowers the guilt and fear she initially felt. Then she found Dr. Peters’ heart, now Sofia is in heaven as she took a big bite from it.   That's when the door to her room opens, and Ida screams.
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