
1087 Words
Shane POV “Shyra just give it a shot,” I told her as I handed her the undies. Other women in the store were staring at us, and she was blushing. “Shane, stop it. Everyone is making fun of us,” she said, her white skin glowing. Pink tints had developed on the cheeks. I shrugged and handed more undies. I winked at her and said, “Go try it once, then call me.” She dashed into the changing room, glaring at me with a playful grin. In the Ladies undies storeroom, I was with my wife Shyra. She’s reserved and shy. We met at a friend’s party and met after 6 months of dating. Because of her beauty and quiet personality, she was the centre of attention. I fell in love with her at first sight, but asking her out on a date proved to be the most challenging assignment I’ve ever undertaken. She had turned me down several times since she refused to date any boy. After so many rejections, I was adamant about getting here. We began our relationship when she agreed to go on a date with me. I couldn’t wait to marry her. I’ve had the feeling that I’m quite lucky to have her in my life. From the first kiss to the first s****l encounter, I was her first. Today is my birthday, so as a present, I’ve asked her to wear whatever I’ve requested of her to wear. When I bring up her gorgeous figure, she still blushes after two years of marriage. She believes I’m mocking her, but how can I tell her how beautiful she is? “Please come, Shane,” I said. She said something to me as she peered out the window of the changing room. With her pink glossy lips, she produced a sweet pout. I walked into the changing room and shut the door. I drew my eyes to her creamy skin, which the bra had moulded into her like a glove. I massaged her neck in a circular motion. “Shane, we’re in the changing room,” she whispered and mumbled, closing her eyes. “Please put an end to this.” I pressed her against the walls and sniffed her breast in the centre. I grumbled, “You looked so sexy.” She nuzzled me with her hand on my shoulder. “Not here,” she said. I drew away from her and let out a long sigh. I’m not sure how I’m going to persuade my bashful wife to change her mind, “Can you tell me why you called me?” “I can’t hook my bra,”She moved away from me. I nuzzled my index finger down to her ass. “Shane,” she mumbled. Why is she so bashful and innocent? I came out of the trial room huffing after hooking up her bra. I don’t want to compel her to comprehend me, but she must do so at some point. It isn’t my fault that she is my wife and that I am incapable of self-control. “Please, give me the bills,” I begged to the girl behind the desk, her face smeared with makeup. She unbuttoned the first button on her shirt while flashing her artificial eyelashes. “Do you want more, sir?” she inquired seductively as she approached the counter. “Thank you, but no. Please hurry and send me the invoices,” I begged. I may be annoyed by my wife’s innocence, but I am completely committed to her. Only she arouses me. I ignored her and took out my purse, which the counter girl understood. Under her breath, I heard her snort. Shyra then placed the bag on the counter and frowned. I pushed the credit card towards her, turning away from her. “I’ll be waiting for you outside the store,” I remarked her and walked out. It was pointless to be upset by her innocence, so I swallowed my frustration. She returned later with several shopping bags and sat in the rear seat of the car. “What did the counter girl say to you?” she enquired, her brows sharply raised. “She was attempting to be courteous in her dealings with me,”I teased her with a stiff smile. As she became envious of the counter girl, I felt a surge of excitement. She huffed and folded her arm over her chest. “How could you say such things?” I couldn’t help but smile at her envy. She had the audacity to get upset with me for the first time. “Do you know what I did?” She wasn’t like you in the least. She wasn’t shy or reserved, and she didn’t ask me to go,” I remarked quickly, expressing my displeasure with her. I fixed my focus on her, who sat still. I was remorseful for maybe harming her. “I’ll be more brave and confident than she,”she said as her eyes flicked her gaze to me. I was about to apologise to her for the teasing she had received. She sat in her seat and hovered over my lap, her lips enticingly grabbing mine. She caressed my hair with her delicate fingers. In our two-year relationship, this kiss was different. As she dominated the kiss, she had a glint in her eyes and radiated heat from her body. She sucked my tongue to show her power over me. She will be my dominant huntress if she treats me as a slave. Because it depleted our lungs of oxygen. To breathe, we drew apart. As she blushed after each kiss, my heart pounded with joy. Instead of blushing and scratching the back of my neck, I was scratching the back of my neck today. “I believe we should keep it going at home,” she smirked and sat back down, gathering her thoughts. She reapplied her lipstick. “Do you be Shyra, my wife?” I enquired. Her aggressive attitude caused my eyes to widen and my jaw to drop. She has transformed dramatically in just a few minutes. She stroked my lips with her index finger. “Baby, just wait for the show,” she said to me. She gave a gentle chuckle when I gulped down my surprise. For me, it is going to be a night of surprises. Is she truly transformed, or is she playing a practical joke on me?
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