1492 Words

  Hunter.   She fainted in my arms, her head fell on my chest, and inchmeal her heavy breathing started calming down. Her luscious dark hair shined even in the dark, her skin was shimmering in sweat and soft as rose petals. She looked like a goddess.   I didn't deserve her. I didn't even deserve to touch her.   After how I'd behaved with her over the years, I didn't even deserve to talk to her.   I had f****d up very badly. In the ways to erase her from my heart, I had committed something I can't even fix now. She deserved happiness, and I'd taken it away from her. She used to be so happy and I took that smile away from her face just for some sick fear of losing her.   Aria had been and always was the most beautiful female in our pack, everything about her was beyond astonishing. Her

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