Chapter Two

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*AT THE BAR* "LET'S PARTY EVERYONE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR AND JUMP WITH ME. JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, WOAAAAAASHHHH!!" The music echoed throughout the bar. Women who are very drunk and almost naked are dancing on the dance floor. There are also women who continue to grind their bodies and hips with various men. Tan simply averted his gaze from the situation he was witnessing. He was sitting quietly in a corner, sipping his favorite wine. Blazing desire. They're at Uptown Funk. One of the most well-known and best bars in town for the wealthy. Bachelors, millionaires, billionaires, and tycoons, they are all present in that bar, whatever they are called. He went to the bar after his friends called him. He didn't want to go because he wasn't in the mood, and he got into a fight with his girlfriend Carol, but he couldn't do anything because they had already picked him up. So, even though it was against his will, he just went along with it. "Hey, dude. What are you doing? We're on a bar and having fun and yet the look on yoursel face doesn't show nay enjoyment. I was like you're not enjoying this, man." one of his friends Marco said. As he approached him, he was carrying a bottle of wine and dancing. "It's because I really don't. I'm not in the mood now, Marco. Just let me be here.." he said boredly, sipping the wine he was holding. "Dude, you should enjoy instead of staying there on the side." He said. "Ah, I know why you're not in the mood. Thinking about Carol again? Just let her be, man. It's not like she will leave you with another man. She's chasing her dream and instead of getting mad at her, I think you should be happy." said another of his friends who was with a woman when he approached them, Enzo. He suddenly remembered their disagreement. Carol wanted to go to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a model, but Tan was against it. He was aware that the distance would cause her to lose time with him and their relationship. Their meetings and conversations will be limited as well. He can fly to New York on his private plane, but it's not the same when she's right next to him. He'll be affected. And Carol was mad by his decision to prevent her from achieving her goal. She stated that he appears to limit and forbid her from doing the things she desires and enjoys. He just sighed, remembering their fight. "I wasn't stopping her to whatever she wants to do in life because I know that's the best for her. But what's so hard about trying to understand me? She knows how much I love her and how much I want her by my side, but leaving me just like that? That's completely ridiculous." He explained to his friends. Enzo scoffed because of what he said. "Dude, you're the one who couldn't get the situation. You just said yourself that you're not stopping her from anything what she wants and yet you don't want her to reach her dreams." He shook his head. "That's not what I meant." "Dude, that's what you are saying now. Come on, dude. You're making us look like stupid here. You're the one who made her leave you. Maybe you were too hard on her that's why she decided to leave without telling you because she already know that you won't let her leave." Enzo said again. He thought of it. Was it really his fault why she suddenly got mad at him? Perhaps his friends are right? Perhaps he is overly strict and possessive with the woman, and he doesn't understand what she wants. Perhaps she had considered leaving him because of his possessiveness. No, she can't do it. Carol will not do so. They've been dating for almost three years. And he is madly in love with Carol. He goes insane just thinking about her leaving him. He will undoubtedly go insane. And if that happens, he might do unthinkable things. He sighed deeply. "I really could not understand now. I don't know what should I believe." He said frustratedly as he messes his hair. When they heard his response, his friends sigh. "Tsk. If you're still not convinced about it, you can just think over it when you go home. I'm sure you'll find the right answer." "Let's party now!" Marco exclaimed happily, motioning for a toast. Tan gets up from the couch and toasts with his friends. He won't think of it now. He'll just enjoy the night before going to see her and telling her that he's already decided to support her dream of becoming a famous model. He smiled and sipped the wine he was holding while listening to the music. *THE NEXT MORNING* Tan awoke with a severe headache. He climbed into his bed, his mind racing. He muttered under his breath, "f**k! I really need to stop drinking." He stroked his head before attempting to stand but failing. He took his phone from his bedside table and noticed that it was already 9 a.m. and that he needed to see Carol. So, despite the fact that his head is spinning and he's about to puke from the hangover and severe headache, he manages to stand and walk to the bathroom to wash himself. He hurriedly changed his clothes and went downstairs to the living room when he was finished. He noticed her mother, who was sitting on the couch and appeared to be in distress. "Good morning mom," he said as he kissed her on the cheek. His mother simply smiled and nodded at him. "Is there any problem, Mom? You don't look fine and you're acting weird." He asked and look around. "I haven't seen, Dad. Where is he?" he asked, adjusting his polo. She simply stated, "He left earlier." "Ohh." he replied, nodding. "Son?" his mother asked, her voice sad, and she looked at her, puzzled. "Is there anything problem, Mom? You look very bothered?" he worriedly asked. He'd never seen her mother so concerned before, and it bothers him to see her like this now. His mother simply looked at him, shook her head, and smiled warmly. His brow furrowed in response to the abrupt change in mood. He blinked twice and noticed that her mother's face was glowing. The sadness he had seen earlier vanished and was replaced by a radiant smile. *Perhaps I'm just seeing things?* He thought to himself. So he shrugged it off. "Uhm, okay then." he said and stood up from his chair. "By the way Mom, I'm going somewhere and might not be able to come for lunch so don't wait for me, okay?" He said before kissing his mother again. He drove his car while carrying his car keys in his pocket. Along the way, he smiled broadly. He can hardly wait to see her. He missed her terribly. He took out his phone and dialed the woman's number, but no one answered. But he called several times more and received no response. *Perhaps she's still sleeping? * He made a shaky motion with his head. Then he'll simply surprise her. He drives on, thinking about the woman he loves the most.
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