WEEK 3 + Course Name/the name you like.

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6:00 am, Spencer wakes up. Like most every morning, prepares his coffee and prepares for the day in a moment of silence. Taking a moment to wake up in silence on his backyard patio. By his heel, merlin sits waiting and watching for the wildlife to descend from the trees. A few weeks back Spencer built with his bare hands a very wonderful wildlife feeder. Designed to facilitate the safe feedings of squallel and birds. Spencer sits there still as he ponders his day, as he ponders the dog and as he pounders the run he's planned this morning. He makes the attempt to exercise a couple times a week, learning early on that frequent exercise can really promotes a strong mind, body and inner spirit health. Sitting their for a while, sipping on his coffee just waiting and thinking. Like merlin, he knew any moment now there would be wildlife coming out for a bit of breakfast. Seeds and nuts are on the menu once again this morning. Just as they thought, a bird came from out from nowhere and perched on the platform, swooping in to begin their feast. Just about that time, martin hears the sounds of his neighbor starting his day. John! a great neighbor and friend to spencer, or let's just say as good as a friend can get when you meet as neighbors and the vibe of college dormitory and substance abuse lingers in your eyes and on your cloths. Not to say or to assume that anyone is acting or planning to act out of character. However we all know how far the human mind can go when involving complex dynamics such as substance abuse and the thought of a college frat houses. Mom and Dad would say, John! Spencer! 'your using way to much drugs again'. Why don't you take a break for a while?  And they would respond by saying it's 'none of your business', or something simple like that, of course that's an exaggeration, there much to kind and respectful to there parents in this story. Of course you know as men, when you dont wanna get caught up in complex judgemental scenarios, we attempt to stay far away from the root of the problems. People like ourselves usually dismisses and disregards such perspectives and statements. On the other hand, Spencer nore John was like that! neither one of them cared much about what other people thought about them, and as a matter of fact no one cared about what they did with their friends, or in private for that matter. By this point both the dog and Spencer has dazed into trance staring at the bird on the approach toward breakfast. Spencer sips his coffee in contemplation, wondering if the birds he spotting is ever gonna make their move. Merlin stares at the feeder with a sense of wonder and anticipation as Spencer refocuses his attention and stares at the grill, thinking about the weekend to come as he sips his coffee in amazement and wonder at the wildlife on the approach. He's been wanting to finish construction to his backyard, hoping maybe one day he could build that perfect backyard. A few years back after purchasing this place Spencer had a backyard inground pool installed and he has loved every minute since the installation. Every now and again he will host extravagant backyard pool parties, where he invites all his friends and friends of families. Think of it as a chance to have a very exclusive interaction with your favourite people in a quiet and secure setting. Maybe not quiet but at least we have the opportunity to throw a decent secured party every now and again. After sitting their for a few minutes longer, Merlin spots something. Something peeking it's head out of the bushes. A squirrel. Merlin just sat there in contentment for a moment, ears barely risen and tail almost wagging, as if he was happy to see the activity that the new installation was drawing in. Then suddenly the squirrel leapt out from the shrubbs, landing on the the railing of the deck, paused and stared directly at Merlin and Spencer, as if hunger and curiosity has overtaken fear and natural instincts. Just like previously assumed, there is no doubt their gonna be seeing more of mr.squirrel to come by the way in which he simply and calmly scurried over to the feeder and begin to feast upon his morning breakfast. Merlin just sat there alongside Spencer, quiet, humbled, gazing and just watching and waiting. The bird, a red bird, one that appears to be a cardinal kindly moved, shuffling around to make room for the squirrel as he drew closer to the feeding site. After settling down to begin his feast, the bird did the same thing, aware and hungry, they both begin to feed alongside each other in a harmony that can only be expressed by the animals. Spencer calmly reached down and gently stroked Merlin on the top of the head. Merlin wags his tail in excitement in response to Spencer's touch. With the morning coming to a close and the sun getting increasingly higher in the sky, spencer concluded his cup of coffee and makes his way back inside to prepare for the run to come. Merlin right on his heels and as excited as he to be starting the day in this manner. Spencer collects his thoughts, gets dressed, grabs the lead and heads out the door with Merlin hot on his heels and more ready than ever to experience the morning. 
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