Chapter two - She has problems

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Austin's POV: Hi, my name is Austin Brown. I graduated from university two years ago. Now I am working in a construction company. All the workers are divided into teams. I work with two men. We wait for someone to call and say they want to renovate or build a house. Each project takes us a different amount of time. The shortest one we did was for a month. The good thing is that after the project, we have a free week for rest. I have two best friends, but we don't go out often. Let's say that all of us are busy. One of my friends, Devan, got a girlfriend. I don't know how it happened, but it's good for him. After all, he deserves to be happy. My other friend, Josh, got married to his girlfriend. Now they have two kids together. He has a little sister who became the most important person in my life. I might be single, but I love taking care of her. She is like my little sister. I mean, no matter that we are not related. Rosie looks like an ordinary girl, but she isn't. She has problems. The thing is that she doesn't want to share them with anyone. I'm trying to make her speak. It's not easy. I thought that growing up, she would be carefree. I mean, like every other teenager. Sadly, that is not the case. She became close to herself and didn't make other friends. Currently, I am her only one. It's not like I mind, but she needs to be with people her age. I will always be with her, no matter what happens. That's why even if she is mad at me, I won't leave her. I have never cared for someone so much. I don't know why I do it, but I like it. That feels nice. Well, one day, someone else will take my place. I won't be the overprotective brother, but I will make sure he is the right guy for her. After all, I don't want her to get heartbroken. That is the last thing I want to happen to her. She already has enough problems. I hope that we'll always be so close to each other. For the past week, Rosie has been at home often. She only comes when there is a problem or if she doesn't feel in a good mood. Now I'm thinking. I don't remember when was the last time I saw her happy. In high school, I never had problems. The same can be said for her brother and Devan. We had good grades and understood each other with everyone. It's not like we have talked with every student. I want to go to school and understand what is happening. Well, that might make things worse for her. I better wait. Currently, I am at work. One family wanted to build a house. They have one but will sell it when this one is ready. The land where it will be built is big enough. At least rich people pay us more money. Well, the price for the materials is equal for everyone. We only buy what we need. Once, a family complained about how much some of the stuff cost. I showed the receipt. I'm not the one pricing them. We can get the cheapest ones. The problem is that, after a month, they will have a construction company again. - Boys, what are your plans for the night? I might surprise my wife with something. - Pete said - What is that something? - David asked - I don't know. She likes one specific perfume, but it's two hundred dollars. - So what? We got paid well the last time. You can afford it. - I said - I know, but she will ask for something else. I don't want to spend all my money on her. - Pete said - You can spoil her from time to time. - Boy, I am not like you. - Like me? What am I? - Single. You don't have to worry about such things. - I do have things to worry about. - Like what? - I don't need to share everything that is going on with me. - Oh, do we have a girl involved? - David asked - It's not what you are thinking about. - You can share with us. - No, I won't do it. - Is she pretty? - She is eighteen. - What? Are you talking about Rosie? - Yes. To who else do I have to talk? - I thought a girl finally came into your life. - That will happen only if I let her. - Which means never. - Pete said and laughed Sometimes, Rosie comes to visit me at work. That happens only if she needs something. It can be for support or advice. Most of the time, it's her best friend. I might be working. Well, I will always have at least five minutes for her. If she needs me, I will leave everything I'm doing and go to check on her. I can find another job but won't find another friend like her. It was almost 4:30 pm. We work until 5 pm. Sometimes, we stay longer if we have started something. For now, we are still building the foundations of the house. That will take at least three weeks. These people want to have a big one. Of course, if the weather is horrible, we don't work. No one wants to work in the rain. I was taking my stuff when I saw Rosie. - Hey. I am almost ready. If you want, you can wait for me. - No, I went for a walk. That's why I stopped here. I will go somewhere else. - Where? We can go for dinner. - Thanks, but I promised my parents to be home by then. - Will you mind if I come with you? - Not at all. I would love that. Mom invited Josh and Kylie with the kids. - Dealing with two little girls is not easy. - Is this why you are single? - No. I will go and take my things. We'll go home so I can take a shower. Later, we can go for a walk. Is that ok for you? - Perfect. - Good. I like to go to work with a backpack. It's not like I have many things in there, but it's a place where I can leave them. When I was ready, Rosie and I walked home. I need to take a shower every day because I smell bad. Well, I work every day. I can expect to smell like vanilla. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Rosie on the bed. She was thinking about something. I dress in the bathroom if she is at home. After all, she is a teenager. I don't want to give her wrong intentions. I took my wallet, keys, and phone. Then we walked out. I won't go to her house with empty hands. After the walk, we went to a grocery store. I bought some sweets. - You better keep these away from the girls. - Rosie said, chuckling - Don't worry. I will hide them. Soon, we were in front of her house. Rosie opened the door and let me in. Believe it or not, this place is like my second home. It was hard for me when I moved out alone, but it was needed. Now I love it. Being alone is not that bad. - Austin, hello. I'm so happy to see you. - miss Carter said - Me too. Here, I bought something. You better hide it from the little monsters. - I said, and she laughed - I will do it, for sure. Come in. Everyone is in the kitchen. - Hello. - Hey, man. I didn't expect you here. - Josh said - If you want, I will go. - No. I haven't seen you in a while. How is your single life? - Will you stop with this? It was funny in the beginning. Now, it's getting annoying. - I will be in my room. - Rosie said and left - What is going on with her? I haven't seen her like that. - You haven't seen her at all. - I mumbled to myself - What? - Nothing. I will be back. - I said and walked to her room I knocked on the door and walked in. Rosie was on her bed. It's visible that something is bothering her. I wonder if it's only the comments people make about me. I have the feeling there is something else. - How was school today? - The same as usual. - Which means? - Why aren't you downstairs? - Because I want to be here with you. Is it that bad? - No, but you haven't seen Josh in a while. - You too. - He doesn't care about me. - That is not true. Is this the problem? - No. I said it to avoid the real one. - So you confess. - Please, not now. - Rosie, I only want to help you. - I know. - You can share with me. I won't tell anyone. Do you know how many secrets I keep from your parents? That is because you pleased me not to share with them. If they understand this, they won't trust me anymore. I'm doing this for you. Now tell me what happened. - I tried to talk with a couple of girls today. - The ones who make comments about me? - No. Other girls. - What happened? - They ran away from me. I only said hi. Now, do you believe me? - Believe you about what? - The problem is in me. There is something wrong with me. - Not that again. I have told you many times. There is nothing wrong with you. - Then why they don't want to talk with me? I was about to answer when miss Carter came and called us for dinner. I smiled and said we would come in five minutes. This conversation is not over. I will do everything possible to bring her self-esteem back. We went downstairs and sat at the table. Josh and Kylie were around the girls from two sides of the table. I was next to Rosie. I want to make sure she is in a good mood. Soon, miss Carter put the food on the table. Everything looks delicious. I have eaten here many times. The other good cook I know is my mom. All of us were eating except for Rosie. Mostly, she was playing with her food. I looked at her, but she did not notice me. - You have to eat. - I said, whispering - What? - You can't starve yourself. - I'm not hungry. - Rosie, are you ok? Why don't you eat? - Josh asked - I'm fine. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. I'm eating. - she said and took a bite - Ok, then. That was. Here is the main difference between Josh and me. I ask Rosie questions until I find out what the problem is. He drops everything when she says what he wants to hear. That might work with someone else, but not with her. This girl likes to keep her problems to herself. That's why I have to push more. Otherwise, she won't tell me anything. Soon, she went to the bathroom. I want to follow Rosie and talk with her again, but I don't want it to look like something else. - Man, you need to get a girlfriend. That way, all of us can go out. - Josh said - So you don't want to go out with me because I am single? - No, I didn't say that. - That's how it sounded to me. - Have you heard of triple dates? - Yes, and I'm not interested. Go and find someone else. - Why are you against it? Girls don't bite. - It's a personal decision. Can't you respect that? - I am your best friend. Won't you tell me? - Do you tell me everything you do? No. I don't need to do it, either. - Yes, but most of the time, Devan and I are with the girls. Feeling like a fifth wheel is not something we want for you. - It's ok. I have other things to do, and hey! - I said when someone tickled my back - We got you. - the little girls said in sync - What was that for? - Auntie Rosie told us to do it. - Tell auntie Rosie that it wasn't good. - Ok. - they said and left I turned around and saw her sitting on the stairs. She waved at me and smiled. I can delete this smile from her face, but I won't do it. The thing is that I don't know when I will see it again. I managed to transfer the conversation from me to something else. I have nothing against my best friend. The thing is that I want him to leave my love life in peace. When no one was watching me, I got up and went to sit next to Rosie. At least she is not bothering me. - Why are you hiding? - I'm not hiding. I prefer to watch everything from afar. - Because? - Because that way, no one will bother me. - Do you mind that I'm here? - No. I can stand you. - she said, chuckling - I'm glad to hear that. Now, can I ask you something? I'm serious. - Sure. - When will I see your good mood back? - I don't know. - Are you sure? - Can we talk about something else? I was about to say something when the girls came. They were leaving, and they wanted hugs. These two are adorable. Josh and Kylie were at the door. Rosie went to see him. I know she wants to spend time with him. I'm afraid he doesn't want to do it. She asked when he was free, and he said he would check his schedule. When he had free time, he would spend it with her. That's when she got mad. Rosie passed me, walked into her room, and slammed the door. I know it hurts her, but I don't think I'm the one who has to tell him about it. That is between them. I walked into her room and sat in front of her. - Are you mad? - No. - Why do you keep lying to me? You know that I will understand the truth in seconds. - He never has time for me. I don't know what to do. He is jealous that you are all the time with me. At the same time, he doesn't do anything to fix our relationship. Since he moved out, he barely looked at me. - Do you want me to talk with him? - That is the easiest thing. If he does it one day, that will be because someone told him. Josh won't do it because he wants to. - I think you two need to talk a lot. - I know, but he is the one who has to make a move. I don't want to beg him for anything. After all, I have you. - she said with a smile - Look, I appreciate it, but it's not the same. - It's better than nothing. Rosie and I kept talking until 1 am. Sometimes, I forget about the time when we were together. It's good that she doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. She told me to stay for the night, but I denied it. We are only friends. Also, I will see her tomorrow. I might work for months on a project, but only on the weekdays. My weekends are free. I try to spend as much time with her as possible, but she has to be around other people, too. She needs more friends, but she doesn't trust anyone. I feel bad that she has to go through this. That's why I will help her. I hope that my best friend will get her happy mood back soon.
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