Chapter 2

1279 Words
I awoke to the sound of rain outside of the cave I was in. Sleeping in wolf form was nice. You don’t get as stiff as if you slept in your human form on a cave floor. When I got my eyes adjusted to the dim light coming in the cave entrance, got up and stretched my limbs. I wonder what time it is? I slowly creep to the entrance and take a small sniff of the air trying to see if anyone was out there. I don’t smell anything. Hopefully the rain will have washed my scent away from the search party. I go over and grab the bag I brought in my mouth and poke my head out of the cave to get a look around. I don’t see anyone so I slowly come out. I look around for good measure before taking off again. I have no idea where I am but please goddess help me find solace. I prayed to the moon goddess multiple times ever since last night. I hope she can hear my plea. After a few hours of running, I’m getting tired again. I look around to see if I can find water and a hiding spot for a few minutes. I soon found a small pond where I drank so much it made my stomach hurt. Once I had my fill, I looked around a little and noticed I wasn’t too far off from a mountain, so I head in that direction knowing mountains usually have caves. I climb around 30 feet up the mountain and come across a big enough opening for me to get into. I should be safe in here for a little bit. Once I get inside, I shift to my human form and put my clothes on. I grab the little bit of food I have and began to slowly eat. Since not eating at all yesterday I didn’t want to eat too fast and upset my stomach. I ate half of what I brought, wrapping up the rest and storing it back in my bag. I sit down against the cave wall and pull my knees up to my chest and put my chin on them. ‘Nyx are you ok?’ I asked her. Nyx: Yes, Everleigh but I do have to warn you. I have noticed a little movement around us while you were running. They were not close but they were not too far behind us. Oh no. They caught up to us. I can’t go back. I refuse. I can’t do it again. I started breathing really heavy and my heart started pounding before Nyx spoke again. Nyx: I did not sense that they were from our pack. I haven’t sensed anyone from our pack yet. I also don’t believe they are rogues. With hearing this my heart rate slowly went down. ‘Are you sure?’ Nyx: Yes. Wait. Close your eyes and listen. I did as she commanded, letting my hearing get better with one less sense obscuring it. I hear that pad of paws hitting the ground in the distance. ‘Nyx, what do we do?’ I asked freaking out. Nyx: I have a feeling we need go out there and wait for them. I have a good feeling, Everleigh. ‘I don’t know Nyx. I’m scared and I really do not want to go back to our pack.’ Nyx: Everleigh, please trust me. ‘Ok.’ I sighed before standing up and walking out of the cave in human form towards the bottom of the cave. Once at the bottom I don’t see anything so I find a tree and hide behind it peering around to see if I can see anything. I close my eyes again letting my hearing get better. I hear the wolves getting closer but they are slowing down. They are maybe 500 yards from where I am. If I hear right there is probably five of them. I hear a growl and jump were I’m hiding. I open my eyes and wait on the impending doom I’m about to experience. Nyx: Breath Everleigh. It’s alright. I really believe they will not hurt us. Calm down. They are almost here. ‘I trust you Nyx.’ All of a sudden, I hear the steps getting closer and closer. My heart rate picks up again before I start hearing the heavy steps of human feet waking close by. “I know you are here. Come out now!” Demanded a deep male voice. I stood terrified where I was shaking uncontrollably. I couldn’t move. “If I have to come find you and drag you out here it will not end to nicely.” Said the male voice again. “I will give you to the count of five. That’s the nicest I can be.” He said annoyed. “1….” No, I can’t do this I thought to myself shrinking down the tree to sit on the balls of my feet with my head in my hands. “2….” But if I don’t go out there it will be worse. “3….” He said as I heard him take a step in my direction. No please don’t. I don’t want this. Please just let me be. I thought to myself. “4….” I knew I was in trouble. I got down on my knees with my head bowed and turned the corner away from the tree in to their line of sight. As I did that, I seen that someone had taken a step towards the tree. I tried to scamper back but my foot got caught on the root of the tree and I fell face first onto the ground. “Well, well, well, what do we have here.” A different male voice said. “Looks like a rogue.” A whimper left me before I could stop it. I slowly got back on my knees keeping my head down and trying not to let my tears fall. It didn’t happen. A few stray tears leaked out before I could stop it. “Doesn’t smell like a rogue Dev.” Said the first guy. Out of the corner of my eye I see feet moving towards me. They balance on the balls of their feet and kneel before me. I’m frozen in my spot. I see the persons hand come towards me and I flinch. They pause for a moment for moving their hand again a little slower. I close my eyes expecting the person to hit me. It never came. I feel warmth spread up my jaw line as they place their finger under my chin and raise my face upwards. I keep my eyes closed willing the falling tears I’ve started shedding to stop and not make it worse. The person who is holding my chin up is using their other hand to move my fallen hair out of my face. “Open your eyes.” The guy demanded. I shook my head and whimpered. I didn’t want to see them hurt me. As if knowing what I’m thinking the guy holding my chin whispers, “Come on darlin, open your eyes for me. I promise I won’t hurt you.” I whimpered and let a few more tears out before opening my eyes. The first thing I see is beautiful light purple eyes with a gray ring around it. Then I smell him. Bourbon and cedarwood. My wolf is going crazy. ‘Nyx?’ Nyx: Mate. Mate. Mate. I gasp at the same time he says. “MATE!” Next thing I remember is falling then everything is black.
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