Letting Go o of my pride

1066 Words

Leaving the establishment behind, I wasted to time whatsoever and phoned the male whose number was given to me. He picked on the first ring, "hello this Udk, how may I help you?" "Good evening sir am Binna from_" "Am sorry I can't be of help to you Binna, it's an order I don't want nor intend to disobey; I can't help you", he cut the call without much Ado. He didn't even accept my greetings, he just up and cut the call just because of the mystery male who's working his evil pranks on me. How did I end up offending the said male? how did he get to know who I am? it doesn't take a genius to know the man on question must know who I am for him to go through all that just to see that no one helps me. What will he say I did to him that he's willing to allow my sister die just because of so

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