Are ghosts real?

1011 Words

"Am afraid that's the only thing that can make him forgive you as fast as you want. If you don't want to kiss him, you can just forget about asking for his forgiveness. He will come back one way or the other." "I can't do that Clar. You should have seen how angry he was when he left. I can't afford to make him wait days till he gets over my words. I want him to forgive me as fast as he can. " I don't want anything related to kissing, all I want is for him to forgive me asap. Kissing aside. "Kissing is the only thing that can make him do that. Meka is the richest person in the entire country. There's nothing you can buy that will make him happy. My opinion still remains firm and strong. " " How do you propose I do that? " " Isn't he your boyfriend? why is it difficult for you to

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