He sure knows the right button to press

1011 Words

"Bin!" I sharply turned at the sound of Kamara's voice. "Kamara?" I blinked to make sure my mind wasn't trying to fool me by conjuring up Kamara. Meka was standing beside an excited Kamara. His mouth was curved up a bit. "Am the one Bin," She ran towards me, and I enveloped her on a bone crushing hug. "I've missed you," I breathe out. My anger completely evaporating the moment I saw her smiling face. Being separated from a person you've been with for most of your life isn't an easy experience to go through. "I've missed you more." She smiled. Breaking up from the hug, she flopped down on the bed. I was still bin doubts of this. Trying to be sure its Kamara am seeing, not a product of my imaginations. Most times your mind and memory can be total badass. "How did you come here?"

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