Getting Worked Up

1354 Words
[Jaxon]       Sunday morning, I woke up at eleven. I couldn’t believe I slept twelve hours. Usually, I struggle to make it to five. Juniper was staring at me when I opened my eyes. I smiled at her. Her hair was a mess and she still had some sleep at the corners of her eyes, but she was beautiful.     “Do you need help to the bathroom?” I asked.     “No, Garrett came to help me. I texted him. You were sleeping so deeply. I didn’t want to wake you.” She smiled.     “How’s your stomach?”     “Empty.” Juniper made a little face and stuck out her tongue.     I moved quickly and pulled her mouth against mine, slipping my lips over her cute little tongue and nibbling it playfully. She sighed and pulled me closer. My chest tightened. I loved the sounds she made when I kissed her.     “You guys want to stop eating each other’s faces and have some actual food?” Gary snorted from the doorway.     We pulled away reluctantly. Gary went to pick up Juniper and carry her to the table. She held on tightly. Yesterday, she’d told us she was afraid of falling and hated being carried.     I visited the bathroom and joined them a couple minutes later. Teddy had made some grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. There was diced cantaloupe on the table. Juniper seemed to be enjoying it.     She was talking to Teddy about the book we were reading. He was grinning and asking questions. It was nice to see them interacting when it wasn’t covering something up, fighting, or coping with her problems. Gary was enjoying watching them, too. We shared a look. There was a lull in the conversation and I decided to use it.     “Today, we’ll head out at three. We’ll send the kids to the park and have a meeting to go over our plan for the barbeque. They should be back around the same time Kenny and Morgan get there. We’ll start putting together the food. Once the Merritts arrive, we’ll talk to the boys. There isn’t a part for Juniper in this. We just need you there to get them to come. If it gets overwhelming, just tell me, Gary, or Teddy you’re getting tired. I’ll bring you home. Okay?” I said.     Juniper smiled and nodded. I knew she’d been worried about having to deal with Hank. I wasn’t going to let her be alone with him. Everyone had a side job of keeping them from ever being out of sight together.     After lunch, I helped Juniper to pick out her clothes. She made me leave while she changed. I stayed near the door in case she needed me. When I’d offered to help, she’d blushed in a completely stunning way. Juniper ordered me out of the room.     I realized, the least dressed I’d seen her was at the hospital. No matter how painfully aware I was of the ways I wanted to touch her, I was so concerned that I hadn’t thought of the ways I hadn’t seen her yet. My mind started conjuring images of her in lacey negligées, sexy underwear, nothing but a smile… I sighed in frustration.     “Are you getting yourself all worked up over the fact that she’s right behind that door, probably naked?” Gary snickered quietly while leaning against the wall opposite me.     Teddy had gone to change and put together the pasta salad Juniper was planning to make before the hospital visit. At this point Gary was the closest thing to a brother I had. He was about six years older than me, but had the serious air of someone much older. His relationship with Teddy was what I think mine and Juniper’s would've been like if we hadn’t had to deal with the issue of Hank.     “I don’t think I’m going to survive the next week, Gary. I’m pretty sure she’s forgiven me for the stuff on Friday. Her mind just sinks into that place sometimes. I think I’m going to be fighting Hank for the rest of my life, even after he’s gone.” I whispered.     “Are you planning to give up, or are you going to actually stick it out?” He asked.     “You know the answer. She’s my heart. I’m never going to give up unless she stops loving me. I’d never force her to stay with me if that happened.” I admitted.     “Good man. I’m gonna go help Teddy. We’re leaving in an hour. You park in front of the house so Hank can’t block you into the drive. I want her to be able to leave if she gets uncomfortable.”     “Got it.” I smiled.     “I’m dressed.” Juniper called out from the room.     “See you there.” I told him and went to be with my girl.   [Juniper]       We pulled up in front of Bobbi’s house. I was nervous as heck. The dress Jaxon helped me decide on was one of my least favorites. Not because of the cut, which was cute. It was tight on my chest, but high cut, showing no cleavage, and dropped down loosely under my bust.      Most of the reason I didn’t like it was the color. It was sage green, one of Hank’s favorite colors. I had another dress with the same cut, but it was pink and I didn’t want to compete with Kendra’s hair.     Jaxon got out of the car and pulled the wheelchair from the trunk. I told him I could walk, but he wanted me to rest for as long as possible. This morning, I’d considered rescinding the rules we’d made. He was really caring and attentive. It reinforced the fact that my mind had gotten away from me on Friday.     I decided not to cancel the agreement, though. If nothing else, I could fight the next bad brain attack with the fact that he followed the rules and was everything I knew he was. I couldn’t wait for school to be over so we would have more time together. The trip to Idaho excited me, too. Time with only Jaxon, and absolutely no chance of seeing Hank, thrilled me.     When we got to the little porch, I saw there was a ramp going up the stairs.     “Beau and Mattie put it together so you wouldn’t have to be carried up. You should’ve told me earlier that you were afraid of falling, sweet. Why weren’t you afraid with your friends while you were dancing and they were tossing you around? How did you manage to twirl upside-down?” Jaxon asked.     “I… I don’t really know. I just wasn’t. They’ve never dropped me. With the pole thing, maybe it was because I was in control and not someone else.” I responded softly.     “So it’s about trust, too. I’ll have to remember that.” He said.     The screen was locked open so we wouldn’t have to open it. Jaxon was reaching for the door handle when it opened. Carson squatted down in front of me.     “Hey, little sister. Sorry, I didn’t come see you yesterday.” He smiled.     “Don’t worry, Carson. I wasn’t really in the mood for visitors. You’re going to my graduation next weekend though, right?” I asked.     “Sure am, Juni-bug. Camille and I’ve been shoppin’ for a graduation gift all week. Got you the perfect present.” Carson winked.     “Move, so I can get her inside.” Jaxon ordered.     “I guess I gotta share you with everyone else now.” My brother grinned.     He walked back into the house and Jaxon followed with my chair in front of him. I was wheeled into the big living room. The décor was simple and comfortable. There were two large couches and two armchairs situated around a large coffee table. On the far wall was a big screen TV. I was guessing the table held a lot of snacks on the weekends during football season.     Jaxon positioned me in the empty space next to one of the chairs. Bobbi brought in a kitchen chair and sat it next to the other armchair. Teddy and Garrett were directed to sit there. Once everyone was seated and the kids went off to the park, with instruction to be back by four-thirty, we began our meeting. 
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