Chapter Eleven: Watchtower Revelation

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As soon as Victor's headlights drove off, Hannah immediately ran up to the watchtower in her house. She remembered that she could get a burds eye view of everything around her property up there. Victor wouldn't be able to hide from her. She could still see Victor's headlights leaving her driveway through the telescope. She paid extra close attention to where those headlights would take him. However, it wasn't a huge surprise to her that his headlights didn't go much past her driveway. No... his headlights took him directly to...Allison's house down the road! Now, maybe he was just collecting the rent at 9:30 pm at night, or maybe he was stopping over for coffee, but it was much more likely that he was going there for s*x! Why, you ask? Well, for one very bug reason...because Hannahleft him with a boner! "Ah ha, she thought... I'm putting my PI skills to good use now!" Hannah's intuition was right. There was something up with Victor, and she was bound and determined to figure him out. Just then, Hannah's suspicions were confirmed. The light in Allison's watchtower stairwell turned on. Hannah looked further into the telescope. She did feel a little bit guilty, but she also knew for her sanity that this was what she needed to be doing. When she did on further, Hannah got more of a show than she bargained for! Allison and Victor began tearing each other's clothes off in a heat of passion, right in the very watchtower! Shocked, Hannah then watched as he pushed her body up to the glass, spread her legs wide, and f****d her from behind. "Oh my God,: Hannah hollared to herself! She no longer felt guilty watching them. Then she remembered that he was lying to her...cheating bastard! Hannah then began to feel bad for Allison. Hannah was sure that Allison didn't know that Victor was trying to hook up with her earlier. When they were finished, the watchtower lights turned off. Hannah had half expected to see his headlights drive off again, just as they had when he left her place... but they didn't. "Does that mean that he stays over there," Hannah wondered? "Where is the Husband," she sputtered. "Do her kids know Victor stays there?" Although they were very young in age. "Maybe Victor is her husband," she was now beginning to let her imagination run wild. Whatever the case may be, Hannah decided that she would find the answers to all of those questions that were eating away at her, and she would torture him in the process. Hannah didn't appreciate being made a fool of. If he had just told her that he had a girlfriend, she wouldn't have even had any initial conversations that went beyond their landlord/tenant relationship. No, he did this purposefully to her. He had been pursuing her and very hard, in fact. This wasn't just a whim flirtation. This was calculated. Two could play at that game. If it was one thing that Hannah did not feel guilty about, and that was making him pay! So, for starters, Hannah began texting him that night, not long after he had just banged Allison in the watchtower. Not just one simple text either, but hundreds of texts. Hannah had planned to keep him up for hours! She knew that he wouldn't dare not respond to her messages that night, especially since he had just gotten back in her good graces. Hannah also figured it would put a strain on the relationship with Allison. If she was indeed his girlfriend or worse, his wife, and saw him up all night texting, that was sure to cause friction. Hannah was all about causing friction for Victor! "I really appreciate that you came over to apologize tonight," Hannah started texting him. 5 minutes later..."I really want to get to know you more!" 10 minutes later..."I do want to eventually be able to get to that level with you!" Another 10 minutes later..."You are so sexy!" 8 minutes later..."My mind keeps going back to that night we shared together!" 10 minutes later..."What are you wearing?' 6 minutes later..."Talk dirty to me, Daddy!" This went in for hours! Hannah kept baiting him more and more for conversation until she sent her last message to Victor around 1 am. It stated, "I'm going to let you sleep, Mr. Chase. I do have to get my beauty sleep before I head to Tuscon in the morning!" That should piss him off, she thought! ....... Bright and early the next morning, Hannah got in her jogging clothes, put on her sneakers, and hit the trails. It was 7 a.m., and she was a woman on a mission, even though she did only get 6 hours of sleep! She felt energized and ready to uncover more! she had to fully get a grasp on what she was dealing with, so when she confronted Victor, she would have evidence. When Hannah left the house this time, though, unlike most times, she went out the back entrance of the house, down the back deck, and through the trails in the woods. She figured that if there was a trail from Ellen's house that Edward had used to visit her, then it was probably likely that there was also a trail to Allison's house. And guess what? She was right! Hannah jogged down the wooded trail towards Allison's house. She wanted to see if Victor's Porshe was still in the driveway. And guess what else? It most certainly was! Hannah then decided to see if she could sneak up towards the house and get a better peak. However, just as she did, Ellen and her family drove over to Allison's House in her mini van. Ellen and her three kids all got out of the van and headed inside Allison's house. "What was happening? It's way too early for a playdate,"she thought to herself! "Aaaaah, haaaaa, Allison and Victor are going to get caught," Hannah thought excitedly. When Ellen sees Victor, the cover will be blown for those two. Hannah crept further towards the entry window, being careful not to be seen by anyone. When she peeked inside, though, she again saw more than she imagined. Victor greeted Ellen with a big hug...and then a passionate kiss! WTF is going on? Who are these neighbors of mine? Next, Victor hugged each of Ellen's kids. Both Allison, Ellen, Victor, and the 5 kids all joined each other in the dining room for breakfast. "He's a polygamist," she almost screamed! She wanted to scream, but it was more like a whisper. "No wonder he built the three houses...for his three wives! Oh God... he wanted me to be his third wife," she gasped. Don't get me wrong, Hannah didn't care how people lived, but he claimed to be single. This relationship is completely in the dark. He tried to trick her! "I slept with that pig," she almost began to vomit in her mouth! Hannah decided that she needed to get out of there and fast. So she jogged back home through the woods. ....... When she got back to the house, she sat for quite a while on the back deck and just thought about all that she had just seen. "What else had he been lying about, she wondered? "How does he know so much about her? How did he know that she liked wild flowers and chocolate covered strawberries? Why does he always call during vulnerable times? Did he set off the fire alarms?" She still had a million questions whirling in her brain. One thing she was sure of, though, was that she would not be so open to an honest and vulnerable in her home going forward. "For all she knew, he had it wire tapped or something. Hell, he may even have put a tap on her phone, or a tracking device, the sick fucker, her imaginationran wild"
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