Chapter I: Decisions

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Bryna’ POV     I was seating at my desk daydreaming about my boyfriend, Travis. I have been debating if I should end our relationship. I have to admit that he is a good guy. He has a great career as a lawyer for one of the biggest law firms in Philadelphia. He is every woman’s prince charming but he just not my prince charming. Lately, he has been asking me to set a date for our wedding and how he wants to start a family. I just don’t think that I am ready for that type of commitment. My job keeps me traveling at least every other month. I’m the CEO of my own clothing company named “Stylin Tho”. My secretary, Cindy, voice startled me when she spoke through the intercom. She says, “Ms. Reyes is coming to see you.” I pushed the intercom and said, “Thanks, Cindy.”     Lazaye walks into my office and takes a seat in front of my desk. She is the executive manager for my company, my childhood best friend, and my roommate. We started the company after we graduated from college.   “How’s the boss lady doing this morning?” “Fine, Lazaye. How are you? You left home early this morning.” “Yeah, I had to approve some sketches that were due this morning. Did you hear from the broad of directors?” “No not yet. I guess they haven’t found a new investor.” “What about the fashion tour? Do you think they are going to cancel the tour?” “No, we just have to discuss some cutbacks for our upcoming show.” “Cutbacks… We are already overbudget.” “Lazaye, I already know that…” “Well, let’s just see what happens at the broad meeting this afternoon.” “Have you pack your bags yet, Bryna’?” “No, I haven’t started yet. I plan on packing tonight.” “You always wait until the last minute… You know we leave in the morning.” “Don’t remind me.” “Seem like someone not happy about going on our baecation.” “No, I am happy. I definitely need to relax and regroup.” “Or get laid… How’s things going with Travis? I haven’t seen him around lately.” “Travis is ok… He is working like we are.” “Bryna”, what’s going on with you? I usually see Travis in his boxers every morning. Since he proposed to you, I seen him like twice in six months.” “I don’t know… I’m thinking about ending my relationship with Travis.” “Girl, why would you do a silly thing like that… Travis loves you and the best thing for you.” “I know, Lazaye. It’s just that he isn’t doing it for me no more… We outgrew each other. I can’t keep putting him off. He wants me to set a date for our wedding.” “Bryna’, just set the date… You will never find another man like Travis.” “Lazaye, there is something missing when it comes to us.” “Yeah, you are looking for romance. Anyway, I think Ryan is going to propose to me on the trip.” “Yes, I am… Romance and s*x is important in a relationship. How do you know that Lazaye?” “I found a jewelry receipt in his pant pocket last night.” “Did the receipt say it was a ring?” “No, but I have a good feeling about this.” “Well, if he does… What will be your answer?” “Hell yes… I love Ryan. Unlike you, I want to grow old with him and start a family.” “Well, I am happy for you… I’m just not ready for all that…” “Bryna’, Travis is not going to wait for you forever. If you didn’t want to get married, why did you accept his proposal?” “Let’s just start preparing for our meeting.”      We started to work on the sketches for our upcoming fashion show, “Desirable”. The fashion show will feature different types of women’s lingerie. Once we were done reviewing the sketches, we headed to the conference room for our broad meeting. During the meeting, my mind wandered back to my relationship with Travis. We mat in college four years ago. The first two years was great. We had s*x anywhere and everywhere. We stayed in each other dooms every night. Ever since he started working at his law firm, our relationship took a turn for the worse. Travis only interest is working and becoming a partner at his law firm. He proposed to me six months ago. I only said yes to his proposal because didn’t want to hurt his feelings in front of his family and friends. Now, I know… I should have been honest with him and myself. We barely see each other and when we do, he always talking about work. We have no s*x life. Everything about our relationship have to be planned around his work schedule. I know if I decided to continue with this relationship, I will be missing out on what I need. I really don’t know what I need right now. Lazaye interrupted my thoughts by kicking me under the table…     She whispers, “I know the meeting is boring… Let’s go shopping when it’s over.” I whisper, “I suppose to have a date with Travis tonight.” She whispers, “Have you made a decision?” I whisper, “No, Lazaye. This is not an easy decision… He is going to be devastated.” She whispers, “Then don’t break his heart.” I whisper, “What about my heart?” She whispers, “Give Travis a chance and talk to him about how you are feeling. He may change for you.” I whisper, “I’m not hopeful that will happen.”     I continue to listen to the managers about the budget for the last fashion show. The managers indicated that the “Desirable” show will be the last show if we don’t find an investor to cover the entire fashion show budget. I informed the managers that I was looking into applying for a business loan. They gave me the budget layout for the next fashion show. s**t, I know that I am not going to get a business loan for $100,000.     Lazaye whispers, “You can always ask Travis to be an investor.” I whisper, “No, I told you that he was not an option. I don’t want him apart of my business.” Before the meeting was over, I received a text from Travis stating he had to cancel our date due to him working late. I guess I will see him at the airport. I whisper, “Lazaye, change of plans. Let’s go shopping.”     Lazaye and I went to King of Prussia mall. After our two hours shopping spree, we decided to eat at Ruth’s steakhouse. We sat at a booth and ordered our drinks. “Lazaye, where are we staying at in Jamaica?” “We are staying at the Rockhouse Hotel & Spa. Ryan says that it’s his family new resort in Negril, Jamaica.”     Lazaye has been dating Ryan for the last six months. I love their relationship… Ryan is so in love with Lazaye that he would do anything for her. Ryan became friends with Travis after Travis helped him with legal paperwork for Ryan’s family new resort in Atlantic City. Ryan is originally from Negril, Jamaica. It’s hard to tell because he doesn’t have their strong language accent. Ryan stated that his parents sent him and his siblings to American to attend school and live with his grandparents. I say, “That’s sound fancy. Glad I didn’t have to pay for this trip.” She says, “Yes, it was very nice of Ryan to surprise us with a vacation.” I say, “Are you ready to meet his family?” She says, “Girl, Yes! That’s my other fact that he is going to propose to me. After six months of dating, I am finally going to meet his family.” “Well, I hope so for his sake he proposes to you. Did he tell you anything about his family?” “Yeah, he said that his father died when he was 12years old. He stated that he has an older brother who took over the family business, and a younger sister.” “What about his mom?” “He said that his mother stays at home and that she helps out in their community. So, what’s your plan after you dump Travis?” “I don’t have a plan. I am going to focus on work. I want my clothing line to be international.” “Bryna’, we are living our dream… Now it’s time to settle down and start a family.” “Lazaye, we are only 25years old… We have time…” “And we are getting older… I don’t want to be 40years old trying to have children.” “You will get everything you dreamed of, Lazaye.”  
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