Chapter 1

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Chapter 1   Autumn     Monday's are the worst it comes so fast only to end so slowly. As if we didn’t spend the whole weekend dreading for this day to come only for it to sneak up and kick us right in the face as that horrid alarm clock blazes inside our ears screaming for our attention.   My interest for high school has died ever since the tenth grade when I finally realized that being a teenager is hard but being a high schooler is even harder. Papers due, homework, GPA, testing, which college will accept you and how dedicated you are to this college?! Its maddening to see almost every kid fight for the only spot in the ivy league college of everyone’s dream. If you want the best, you must be the best.   Maintaining focus was very easy for me although. I didn’t worry about friends or boys because I have the only people, I’ll ever need in the place they call high school. My high school is full of students I could care less for and teachers who tortured me with their energized attitudes.   They’re the real alarms when you think about it. Come to class prepared and energized or else they’ll have the whole class looking at you as if you’re the one who’s done something wrong when the truth is, they should be the ones arrested for the torture they put us through. I mean having seven to eight classes a day and preparing for each and everyone of them. They have no remorse for us. Everything must be their way or no way at all.   I lay there awake with my eyes staring at the cream ceiling contemplating if I should just drop out at this moment or suck it up and get dressed. I could possibly work as a fast food worker for all my days or hangout on the streets begging for my next meal. With a heavy sigh and a lot of groaning I finally get up from my very cozy and comfortable queen-sized bed and slowly walk into my bathroom. As the bright light hums to life I shield my yes from the horrible and mistreating lights. The brightness gave my morning body a very painful headache.    I need my morning dose of coffee and fast. Finally, being able to move I jump inside the warm and inviting shower. Letting the water cascade down my body which made the goosebumps that scared me disappear as easy as they came warming me up instantly, I moan out loud from delight.   The only thing about school that I can tolerate is Sarah and Matt, being the only two people in my life that keeps me sane. I loved them both and I'm so lucky to have found such a good best friend and the most perfect boyfriend ever. Everything a girl could want. First came Sarah, she was the most conserved fifth grader I’ve ever known but very pretty with her blonde hair that flowed softly down her back and ended at her small waist while her blue eyes shined brighter than the ocean. She oozed innocence but one day fifth grade met the raft of little Sarah.   A couple of girls thought because she kept to herself and didn’t bother anyone that it was okay to mess with her. She sure proved them wrong. I watched as she poured glue down all the girls heads in art class just to prove she wasn’t scared of anything. The girls screamed and cried about how she ruined their hair, but she stood back innocent as if I didn’t just see her pour the glue onto their heads. The teacher asked me since I was the only one closest to where the accident happened and just like little Sarah, I didn’t know how those girls got glue stuck in their hair they were fine just a minute ago.   We laughed and laughed until our lunges hurt that day, we became attached at the hip, she knew my deepest and darkest secrets and I knew could trust her if a serial killer wanted my head shell to be there to tell him off so badly that he wouldn’t even want to meet her bad side and lead me to freedom.   After my shower I slip out wearing a towel around my now soaked body letting the cool air attack at my skin. Walking into my room I head towards my closet deciding on something daring than what I usually would wear to school. A cream sweater jersey with the numbers eighty-nine in big bold numbers and my denim shorts paired with my white and striped red chucks.   Today felt different somehow, I couldn't explain it, but it felt as if something exciting was going to happen. I just hope I'm ready for whatever it is.   I put on my white converses and grab my bag heading out the door. I didn't bother saying goodbye to my parents knowing that they were already at work being doctors I barely see them and when I do, they are exhausted, so I fend for myself you could say I live alone it feels like it anyway. My phone begins to ring, and I answer knowing who it is already.   "Hello"   "I'm rounding your corner now"   "Okay I'm already outside waiting"   "Okay and I picked up Matt on the way since he says his car broke down" she tells me, most people would question why Sarah would pick up Matt when he's my boyfriend but they stay across the street from each other and I trust the both of them with my life to know that they only see each other as friends. We say our goodbyes and soon she pulls up in front of my house waiting on the curb for me to get inside. I hop inside of the back seat where my lovely boyfriend was already waiting for me.   "Hey baby"   "Hey"   "I missed you so much" he embraces me into a bone crushing hug while making me straddle his lap.   "You two no s*x in my back seat"   "Oh, come Sarah just a quickie I promise we won't make too much noise" Matt teases, Sarah Let's a low growl warning Matt to stop while he's ahead.   I slap his shoulder and sit on the seat next to him respecting Sarah's rules.   "Why does she always have to stop our fun" Matt whines placing his face in the crock of my neck. I giggle slightly at the tingling sensation his breath does to my skin.   "Don't be a d**k Matt" Sarah says, glaring at him through her rear-view mirror. I laugh at them both bickering back and forth until we reach the schools parking lot. Sarah finds a spot and we all get out. I stretch my hands up to loosen my bones for today.   "Baby what's with the outfit"                     "I don't know I just decided on wearing it, why?" "You look beautiful as always you should wear this often only when I'm around of course" I smile and kiss his lips softly while he throws his arm around my neck deepening the kiss.   "Get a room you two" Sarah said with distaste clear on her face.   "We could've used your car, but you were flipping s**t so-"   "Just because I don't want to watch my best friend have s*x with you and especially not in my beautiful car doesn't mean anything" Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and glared at matt. I sighed getting ready for the argument that’s going to break out break out between them.   "Your just mad because you don't have anyone to love you like I love my baby that's all" matt fired back. I stood shocked as Sarah’s face turned gruesome red at her embarrassment about not having a boyfriend. I’ve told her plenty of times that it didn’t matter. She should wait until she’s ready but matt bringing it up didn’t make it any better.   "You little-"   "Both of you stop, Matt leave you've upset Sarah now you've upset me" I told him sternly.   "Baby I just-" "No Matt I've told you numerous times no one talks to my best friend like that" I defended. Matt might be my boyfriend and I love him so much, but Sarah is my best friend we’ve been through to much for me to change and let anyone disrespect or hurt her in anyway. I know she’d do the same for me and ill always do it for her.   "I'm sorry baby I am" he pleaded but I didn’t need any sort of an apology my best friend did.   "Apologize to Sarah not me if she forgives you than I can" He looks in my eyes for a hint of lie but doesn't find one. He sighs and makes his way around the car to where Sarah stood proudly waiting for her apology. Her arms folded across her chest and her lips pursed as she stood her ground and eyed matt as he approached her.   "Sarah I'm sorry that I was such a douche to you earlier it isn't my business to pry into your love life and I hope you can forgive me." Matt sincerely looks at her. I knew he didn’t mean what he said but it still hurt my friend.   She thinks about it for a second but being the   person, she is she forgave him. He smiles and hugs her tightly before rushing and swooping me into his arms.   I laugh out loud while he rushes into the school with me on his shoulder. He runs all the way until we have reached my locker where he finally set me down on my two feet. I rummage throw my locker putting books inside and taking books out while Matt watches my every move in awe. I give him side glances and sure enough he was watching every movement with the upmost attention. I wasn’t new these looks matt gives me. He’s always done this since the day we first met.   "Why are you always staring at me like that" I finally broke the silence but not his trance.   "Because you’re my girlfriend and I love you" he replies wrapping his arm around my waist. I throw my arms around his neck while kissing his lips softly. I felt safe and assured with matt. He’s so sweet and caring about my well being then his own everything we’ve done he’s been patient and gentle as If I would break which we both knew I wouldn’t but the thought of an seventeen hormonal boy letting the girl have the lead with no pressure whatsoever I’d say I’m the luckiest girl ever to have this crazy but oh so handsome blonde. He completes me even when I didn’t know he knew, and I couldn’t explain the feeling of having him by my side gawking like a kid in the candy store because I’m his and he’s mine.  I couldn’t ask for more other then what I have right now.   He could be so cute sometimes I just can't resist not being able to kiss him and embrace him in one of our many hugs. I love how he stares at me as if I'm the only girl in the room. Or how he lavishes me with gifts and his love it's amazing. The thing I love most about Matt is that he's himself and doesn't change from being himself for people to like him he's just a free-spirited person. People always tell us how cute of a couple we are and how we were soul mates. And I believe every word not a doubt in my mind that he's the one for me. We were made to feel this way about each other. He knows me and I know him.   "Let's get to class before we're late" he pulls me into the direction of our biology class, but I stay put.   "I have to go and do something really quick I'll probably be in class late"   "Well I'll come with you. what is it that you needed to do?"   "Mr. Stevens said something about going into the detention center to drop off the work for Evan."   "Oh well that sounds boring, but I'll come just for you"   "No go to class I'll be alright"   "Are you sure"   "Yes, now go" I kiss his lips once more before walking off leaving him grinning from ear to ear.   "I love that girl!" He shouts for all the students still lurking in the halls to hear. I smile and turn the corner making my first stop to get Evans assignments for today. *** Seven classes later I'm finally done. I don't know how he's into so many electives he must be smart.   Making my way down to the detention classroom I knock on the door before our P.E coach opens to see who I am. He makes room for me to come in while I walk to where Evan sat as I placed all his assignments by order onto his desk and letting him know all the things the teacher said.   "Thanks autumn"   "No problem" I sit in the empty seat next to him waiting there for a while, so I can interrogate him about a situation that's been on my mind lately.   "Soo"   "Soo?"   "It occurred to me that every time me and Sarah are around you turn the other way but when I'm by myself you are nice besides when you completely snapped at Mr. Stevens, but you get the picture"   "Um... well... I just... I don't even know" he sighs dropping his head into the desk in frustration. I furrowed my brows and looked at him in confusion. Why are high school boys so complicated to read. All except for my matt but seriously it’s so misleading sometimes.   "Hey what's wrong" I asked as I sat closer to him so the other troublemakers that scattered about the room couldn’t hear what was being said between me and evan.   "Promise you won't say a word"   "I promise I won't" I crossed my heart and hoped to die. Showing how serious I was about the situation.   "Well I maybe... sort of... kind of have feelings for Sarah but don't tell her okay I have to, and I promise I will once I'm able to convince myself it's a good idea"   Hearing Evan say those words has me bouncing up and down in my seat from excitement. I can't believe he likes Sarah, my Sarah. I know she likes him also, but she's scared to show her feelings hoping that he'll make the first move but he's here debating about something that could lead to great things I had to tell him she felt the same.   What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't meddle in her love life?   "Well I know something you don't" I smirked his way.   "What's that?" he answered nonchalantly. "Sarah has feelings for you too but she wanted you to make the first move and plus you avoid her every chance you get" I responded. I’ve always known about the crush Sarah had on evan. He was everything she liked in a guy. Smart, charming, not afraid to stand up for himself and handsome. She never liked too good of guys such as matt, but she’d never go for someone heartless such as the jocks she’s a bit in between I’d say.   "She likes me"   "Yes she-"   "She likes me" he whispered to himself smiling at the thought of my beloved best friend. My heart skipped beats as I knew now what I’ve started and if they don’t finish it so help me, they’ll get a piece of my mind. I can’t be spending all this hard work on a relationship that won’t happen. they better have conversation and make this thing work.   "Now tomorrow I better hear from her telling me that it finally happened or I'm coming after you" he smiles at my little threat and hugs me.   "Thank you so much autumn" I stand to leave knowing that my work here is done.   Once I'm finally out of the door I crash into someone's hard chest. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you “I uttered before looking up at the iciest cold ocean eyes I’ve ever seen.   Those eyes without a doubt had to belong to the one person I’ve never wanted to encounter. Xzavier Black, the bad boy of all bad boys. He’s rich with the power of the president inside and outside of school and now he he’s in my presence staring those icy blue eyes towards me. I stared up as he stared down at me with an emotion, I couldn’t yet decipher but as soon as it appeared it vanished. I did not move a single muscle as I was grounded by his cold and unreadable stare as if he kept me captive to tear me limb from limb and still, I couldn’t move an inch.   We stare at each other oddly until he breaks from his trance which I'm thankful for I was beginning to think that he was a statue.   "What's your name" He asked with his husky voice, I hesitated to tell him my real name but decided against it he's Xzavier after all. He runs this school and almost everyone in it. Almost. He could find out who I was and when I stepped foot into this school with just a snap of his finger. I was never scared of him, but I keep away just for my safety knowing how violent he could be to others that disobey his orders or, so they say 'rules' I never understood it, but I never questioned it either.   "Autumn" I whispered shyly, not because I was shy but because the thought of being in his presence and not knowing what he wants unnerved me to no end.   "That's a very pretty name… where you off to autumn" "Biology"   "Can I walk with you?" he asked politely. I didn’t dare show the shock and instead reply swiftly.   "It's a free country" I retorted and made my path straight for my classroom. He laughs and walks along side of me in silence to my biology class. It was weird seeing the most feared person in school act this calm and collected in my presence. I don’t if I should be worried or happy that I haven’t seen The Xzavier Black who dominates with just a snap of his fingers. Once we finally make it to the door of my biology class, I wasted no time in reaching for the handle and being out of the presence of this unreadable bad boy, but he grabs my wrist slightly pulling me back towards where he stood.   "Hey, how about you sit with me at lunch I'd like to get to know you more" He smiled, and boy did his smile shine bright. It was charming, but I didn’t dare fall into his trap.   "Oh, I'm sorry I can't but thanks for the offer" I quickly turn on me heals and head in class before he could protest any further. It was awkward most people seen him as being scary and ruthless, but he wasn't any of those things to me. He was normal than I thought he would have been. Maybe it's true what they say. Never judge a book by its cover.   Xzavier wasn't at all mean or rude to me even when I crashed into him, he didn't yell or threaten my life. He was calm and understanding about it. I just hope I never see him again after this, it's probably a good day for him today and tomorrow I'll feel his wrath.   I take my seat next to Matt and catch up onto today's work while I try and clearing my head of Xzavier Black.
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