Dragoona Island - Episode 2 - Cassie

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I stared at the photograph as if waiting for something to happen. As if the man in the photo was going to introduce himself to me… if only!   The man in the photo looked big, not in an overweight kind of way, more in a huge, tall man sort of way. He looked like a professional wrestler or something similar. He had big broad shoulders, very muscular and handsome. Wow was he handsome! He had a chiselled jawline, the kind you only see on movie hunks like Chris Hemsworth. In fact, he could have been Thor’s stunt double, he was that big. It was his eyes that had me fixated though, I felt like I was staring into my own eyes. Maybe it was the flash of the camera, but his eyes had the same amber-fire look to them that mine do. There was no question he was my father. This handsome Thor looking man was the man that my mom was too upset to even talk about.   Just thinking about it made me choke back tears.   I put the photograph to one side and looked through the other items in the gold trinket box. There were bits of paper, one was a receipt, and the other was a ferry ticket. I studied the ticket, there was a tiny gold dragon embossed on the corner, other than that the ticket was completely white. I turned it over and read the gold lettering ‘Dragoona Island – 1 Ferry Passenger’. I had never heard my mom mention such a place, but there seemed to be a lot that she had kept from me. Where could it be? Was this where she met my father?   I went to get my laptop then remembered the shower was still running. I had forgot all about my shower and grocery shopping, my new discovery completely distracting me from my need for such trivialities as showering and eating. I decided a shower was necessary, but the grocery store could wait.   I ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time in my haste to get my shower and back to researching Dragoona Island, I had to know where in the world it could be. I might even have grandparents, siblings… maybe even a father. I had to know more.   After a very quick shower, I didn’t even wash my hair as I had forgotten to get the shampoo. I quickly dried off, pulled on some yoga pants and a pink sleeveless shirt and went to open my laptop. I had never been more eager to open my laptop as I was right now. I typed into the search bar, careful not to make any spelling mistakes, this search was the most crucial one I had ever undertaken. I waited; the loading symbol was still working… how long did it take to search for an Island? Suddenly an answer I did not want to read popped up ‘Your search for Dragoona Island found 0 results’. No! That can’t be right. I retyped and waited. The same message popped up seconds later. I tried a third time, fully expecting the message to say, ‘We don’t make mistakes, stop wasting our time lady’.   I went and refilled my coffee cup, feeling defeated, I slumped down on to the sofa and picked up the gold box to look at what else I could find. There was a small black velvet pouch tied with a gold ribbon. There seemed to be something hard and heavy inside it. I gently undid the ribbon and turned the pouch upside down so the contents fell on to my palm. It was a stunning gold chain; it was what was hanging on the chain that truly made me gasp though. It was a solid gold dragon pendant encrusted with diamonds and rubies for eyes. This must be worth a small fortune! Without even thinking I slipped the necklace over my head. I immediately felt the same tingly sensation I had gotten earlier from touching the box. I touched the pendant, it felt warm to the touch yet cool against my skin.   Weird, but yet it somehow felt like it belonged to me.   I looked in the box again and picked up the receipt this time. The receipt was for a place called Aggie’s Tearoom; it did not seem that important. Obviously, my mom had been there by herself, as it only had one coffee and a slice of banana loaf written on it. I went to put it back into the box when I noticed the address at the bottom in very small print. It read, ‘Scrabster, Thurso Bay, Scotland’.   No way, when was my mom ever in Scotland? My interest was suddenly piqued again. I grabbed the laptop and opened it.   I typed in, ’Dragoona Island, Scotland’ and hit search again. It came back with numerous Visit Scotland sites, offering short breaks to every other island in Scotland, but NO Dragoona Island. I was beyond exasperated. With a sigh, I decided to try a new tactic.   I typed in ‘Aggie’s Tearoom, Thurso Bay, Scotland’. I waited.   I almost shouted ‘hallelujah’ when the search came back with details of the tearoom. Thankfully, something did exist. I quickly went to maps and saw exactly where the tearoom was located. I landed on United Kingdom, I kept scrolling upwards till I reached Scotland. I kept scrolling up and up on my computer screen until I reached the location marker. I zoomed in. Scrabster was a tiny place right at the top of Scotland, I could not even scroll any higher. I felt a rush of excitement when I noticed a ferry port located on the map too.   Could that be where my mom took the ferry? Did she have a coffee at the tearoom then caught a ferry to Dragoona Island? My mind was racing with possibilities, could Dragoona Island be so small it did not show up on any maps?   I placed the laptop on the edge of the sofa and got up, I had to think, and food might help with that. I decided I was too distracted to be bothered going out to the store, so I grabbed the pizza delivery menu from the kitchen drawer instead. I decided on a simple pepperoni and cheese deep pan and called the restaurant.   I paced up and down, not even realising that I was holding the dragon pendant as I walked the length of the kitchen and back again. I looked down at it, it was almost like my touch was making it shine brighter. It must be a trick of the light, things do not just glow. I think the lack of sleep and food was affecting me more than I realised.   I sat back down on the sofa and reached for the laptop again. This time, I started searching flights and plotting a route and modes of transportation to Thurso Bay. I had no idea what I was hoping to find there, but something deep within me was pulling me to make the trip. Even if I did not find my father there, I was sure I would find something of significance. My mom had made the trip from America to Scotland for a reason. Maybe that is why I felt the need to make the trip too, it was almost like I had to follow in her footsteps. Live it through her eyes.   The doorbell went and I grabbed my purse of the counter and ran to open the door, I was keen to get back to my laptop and plan my trip. The delivery guy looked me up and down, his eyes landing on my chest. I cleared my throat and he finally looked at my face. He smiled and handed me the pizza box. I had no time for flirting, so I shoved a twenty-dollar bill into his hand and shut the door on him. I was not normally so rude, but adrenalin was coursing through me and if I did not book my flights now, I was going to chicken out altogether.   I popped open the box and my mouth began to water as soon as I got a whiff of cheese and pepperoni, I really was hungrier than I realised. I took my first bite, an involuntary moan escaped my lips; it was that good.  I wasn’t sure if it was all the excitement of the last couple of hours, but this was the tastiest pizza I had ever eaten. I ate another two slices in quick succession then closed the box. I washed my hands and downed a large glass of water. Now, I was ready to finish what I started. I held the dragon pendant between my fore finger and thumb as I picked up my purse and carried it over to the sofa with me.   I got comfy, pulled my brand-new credit card from my purse and took a deep breath. I figured I could afford a little indulgence after the large inheritance my mom had left me, plus I would get the money from the sale of her house eventually too.   I went from site to site, booking flights, buses and trains. There was going to be no simple way of getting all the way to the top of Scotland. I had to fly to Glasgow, take a train to Inverness, then a bus to Thurso, then another bus to Scrabster, where Aggie’s Tearoom was located… coincidentally right next to the ferry port. Perfect!   One hour later, I had booked my trip all the way from New York to Thurso Bay in Scotland. A trip that would take me at least three days travelling to get there. I didn't care though, for the first time since my mom had died, I felt like I had a reason to live.   A new purpose.   And I hoped to find it in Scotland.          
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