Dragoona Island - Episode 15 - Cassie

2027 Words

I was literally running down the hallway to catch up to Blane, his one stride was like four of my short ones. Why did I have to have such short legs? Ugh! My pleas and questions were being completely ignored and I was starting to get mad as well as freaked out.   “Are you planning on making me ride your Dragon? I cannot even ride a bike! You cannot be serious about this; I could fall and die. Seriously Blane, can’t you just take me in a jeep, like a safari park tour or something?” I was getting breathless trying to keep up with him and protest at the same time. I was already exhausted, and we had not even left the castle yet. I decided on a new approach that would scare him. “Would Cassiena want you to do this? Risk her only granddaughter’s life. Especially one she only met yesterday!”

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