Dragoona Island - Episode 27 - Blane

1697 Words

I stared at Cassiena blankly wondering how I should respond. There seemed no point in lying to her, but at the same time she would be furious at me for eavesdropping for as long as I had been. I decided to fabricate the truth slightly.   I cleared my throat. “I heard the last few minutes of the conversation. At first, I listened to see if it was just Flora then I realised it was Dougal. I went to leave when I heard Cassie’s name mentioned and then for some reason, I felt the need to listen in. Once I have divulged to you what has occurred between us then I am sure you will understand my reasoning.”   Cassiena picked up her cup of tea and took a sip before responding. “So, you are mates? I cannot say I am surprised, when a well-behaved, obedient dragon acts up over a female, it is usual

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