Chapter 10

1746 Words
The drive to the dead zone was horrible, cars littered the roads, the roads themselves were breaking up and slowly disappearing altogether, making it extremely hard to navigate. There were no signs of anything alive, even the plants seemed to be struggling, bones from animals were scattered along the sides of the roads, any homes or buildings that we passed were slowly decaying and falling apart. Some were even overgrown with vines and weeds. On the upside, not one eater was seen throughout the whole drive. My worry started when we came to a stop. It was dead quiet, nothing to be heard not even a cricket. We slowly got out of the car, looking around the area. I had stopped outside of an automobile store “We get in, take as much as we can and get the f**k out,” I said we walked up to the door of the store, I very carefully tried to push the door open. Didn’t budge. I frowned at the door thinking that if it had been locked this would make it a lot more difficult. I felt a breath on my neck, my whole body went cold  “It says pull” Granville’s voice whispered into my ear. That’s when I saw the damn pull sign. I let out a small huff. Pulling the door with a bit too much oomph. It gave way with a loud stretching noise. We all stood frozen to the spot waiting and listening. After a while, I walked into the shop with Granville and Brett right behind me. “Okay get whatever you can for Jeeps and let's go” I whispered slowly walking down ales of wrenches and spanners. I grabbed a few and carried on walking seeing all kinds of fragrances and seat covers, the men had gone to the back of the shop and were steadily pulling things from the shelves and getting them to the car. “Stop” whispered Brett he was looking around, seemingly on high alert “What?” Matt called out, “Shhhh” Brett replied, the faint sound of dragging and rustling was coming from a closed-door, Brett moved over to it and placed his hand on the door it was closed, but something was behind it. He signaled to the others to carry on but with cation. I walked to the back to help out, that is when I heard the dragging get louder.  I followed the sound deep into the back of the shop, there was no power so it was becoming darker as I went in further. I held my hand over the front of the torch so that there was just enough light to see around me, now and then letting the beam free… big… mistake… The beam of light lit up across the room, revealing a whole crowd of eaters, “f**k’ I whispered as I clapped my hand in front of the beam again, but I was too late they had seen it. I moved quickly turning and heading back to the front of the shop, trying to keep ahead of the eaters that were now taking chase “Eaters!” I shouted, “get out!!” I heard movement up ahead, glass shattering, and serval things being dropped “Wait” someone shouted, “we cant-“ “move” came another voice “she’s faster than us-“ with all the commotion happening I heard a door fly open as I reached the counters that lined the back of the shop, more eaters were pouring out the door, at a speed. The roar of the engine of the jeep started, I looked up to see that the eaters were now blocking the window that had been smashed to get out quicker. I had to divert “s**t, s**t, s**t,” I said under my breath as ran looking for an opening, the jeep was moving in a zig-zag formation to shake the eaters that were now trying to push their way into it. I circled around the set of windows looking for a weak spot. I stopped grabbing the nearest object and threw as hard as I could. Climbing through the window “Zoni” I heard someone shout before pain shot through my scalp. The snarling sound of an eater right behind me with a fist full of my hair. Pulling its hand towards its mouth, making my head jerk back. I was trying to reach into my boot to grab my knife, I grabbed it, but the eater pulling my hair tugged harder making me drop it “no” I shouted. Was this seriously how I was going to f*****g die… being caught by my f*****g hair?! Oh please don’t let this be how I f*****g die Granville's POV  This was not f*****g happening. I kept looking back at the window, it was completely blocked by eaters. “where the f**k is she?” I shouted as the car moved this way and that to get free from the eaters. A smashing sound comes from the side of the building, Matt threw the car into gear moving it as fast as he could. “there she is,” Matt said loudly, I moved to open the door, holding my hand out “Zoni” I shouted trying to get her attention. That’s when her whole body was pulled back. An eater was standing behind her, her red hair was fisted in his hand and he was dragging her back in. She was reaching for something near her feet, her fingers produced a hunting knife from her boot. “My heart sank when I heard her shout. I jumped out of the jeep without thinking about what I was doing grabbing the knife that dropped from her fingers, I slashed the knife down going through her red ponytail. Grabbing her arm and pulling her to me and lifting her up as I bolted for the jeep again. The jeep sped off as soon as the door shut with booth Zoni and I laying in the back seat. “You okay?” Brett said looking back “are you bit?”   Zoni’s POV “No,” I said. Yanking the elastic band from my hair to run my fingers along my scalp to try sooth it “it just caught hold of my hair” I looked at Granville holding out my hand “knife” I said wigging my fingers at him “Um… I dropped it” he said shrugging his shoulders. I wiggled my nose and took a deep breath “remind me to kill you later” “Hey I just saved you, you were nearly killed” “You could have been killed for coming back!” I shouted “it’s nothing personal or anything but that’s the world we are in how. Live or die” I shifted up and sat back down in a huff crossing my arms over my chest and keeping my eyes forward on the back of Matt’s seat. The hours ticked by as we drove soon nightfall had come,  “going to need to find a place for the night,” said Matt tapping me on the shoulder as I drove. I shook my head; we were out of the dead zone but we still far the other raid party. I didn’t want to stop yet, we had to get there and soon. “There is a motel coming up,” Brett said from next to me “the one we stopped at last time, there are two rooms that we make sure are kept clear” I shook my head again “come on Zo, we are all tired and you have been driving for 5 hours,” Matt said his hand on my shoulder. I let out a sigh and turned off the road towards the motel. The place was completely deserted and some of it was crumbling. As soon as the Jeep came to a stop the men started pulling things from under the seat, Brett was digging in the glove box and pulled out two keys. He handed me one and pointed to door number 5, “You guys take 5, we will be in 2, try to keep it down” Brett winked at me, got out of the car, and walked over to the door marked with a 2. Granville was on his way to the door marked with 5 already. I opened the door and got out the jeep, closing it softly and locking it so that no one could take it if someone happened to come by. I threw the motel door key to Granville so that he could unlock it. He went in without a word or looking back at me. I walked in after a minute or two, Granville had lit two candles in an attempt to make some light. “look I-” I started but he raised his hand to stop me, he went around the room looking under the bed, and behind things. I closed the door after me, keeping my back to the room while I laid my forehead against the door. A hand slammed down on the door next to my head, making me spin around. Granville’s face was inches from mine, his second hand coming down on the door too, cornering me against the door and himself. His lips were smashed against mine for a second before he pulled away “Nothing personal,” he said, his voice was low and held a light growl, “but” he pulled me to him, his lips coming down on mine again, full force and full of need, he lifted me up pulling my legs around his waist as he slammed me back up against the door, pulling his lips from mine again “you,” he said “are” he whispered in my ear “mine” he started kissing my neck, softly biting and sucking on my shoulder as he pulled the straps of my top, eventually pulling my top off roughly as he walked us over to the bed, dropping me onto the bed before pulling off own shirt and kneeling over me again. 
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