Chapter 18

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We were so screwed – firstly we had a pregnant woman with us that was quite literally ready to pop, secondly, I could hear feet scraping and a moaning sound as though someone was struggling to breathe. I looked up into the lit-up entrance hall, I could see two shadows, wait, make that five. “f**k” I ran towards the nearest door and wrenched it open, going back to Hannah and Scott and helping them into the room. Locking it from the inside. Scott helped Hannah to the bed, she was breathing heavingly and was going through another contraction. I stood there with no idea of what to do, we needed a doctor. I put my ear to the door trying to listen to what was happening in the hall. But it was like trying to pick out one music line in a trans club. Hannah was struggling through the contraction that she was having, they were becoming way more frequent. “I need to get help,” I said softly “No… you… can’t” Hannah tried to talk but Scott soothed her before he turned me, throwing his gun to me “Don’t get caught” he said in a gruff voice “lock the door, I’ll be back” I opened the door slowly, opening it in a small bit before I peeked out, the coast was clear… I slipped out the door, waiting to hear the click that told me the door had been locked. I walked along with the walls, a gun in each hand as I went. I stopped every now and then to listen. Hannah’s screams were coming loud and clear from the room they were in. I needed to move, I took a deep breath and bolted down the hallway stopping when I got into the entrance hall. I could hear some men shouting in the distance. I had enough light flooding in from the spotlights. So far so good. GRANVILLE’S POV I moved from door to door knocking on it to make sure everyone was in the rooms. I got to Dr. Green’s door, knocking hard on it hoping that she was asleep. Nothing. Moved over to the next door. A man answered almost instantly. “what’s going on?” the man asked “we heard the whistle,” I thought for a second before I gave him an answer “there is a breech, do you know where Dr. Green is?” “It's her turn to watch the clinic tonight,” the man said looking nervous he looked back into his room before looking at me again, “Can you get me to the clinic, she may need help” I looked at the man as he grabbed a hat and coat, I was about to talk him out of it when I heard one of the other men shouting that Scott and his wife were not in their room, I knew that Hannah was one of the pregnant women in the camp, she must be down in the medical center. “let’s get going then,” I said as we made our way down the corridor. DEVIN’S POV Trying to find the fuckers was quite literally like looking for a needle in a haystack, the school was huge and a good portion of it had been turned into farms for growing food. I split the group up into 4 groups, sending all of them in different directions. So far we were coming up short and time was playing against us. I was moving around the back of the medical center with the four other men that were with me, I watched as something went running out from the front door. I went into attack mode, signaling to my men that I had seen something. We moved quickly and quietly in the direction I saw the figure go. ZONI’S POV I kept to the shadows with the light to my right so that I couldn’t be surprised by anything I was moving quickly so quickly that I didn’t have time to stop when I suddenly saw two figures in front of me, I collided with the tallest one. Arms wrapping around me keeping me from falling. I caught his scent instantly and looked up to see Granville and next to him was Dr. Putter. I et off a heavy sigh and hugged him before I pulled away “the medical Center,” I huffed trying to catch my breath “they are in there” I turned on my heel, moving fast aaaaaand this time colliding into a body of muscle. “for f**k sakes” I shouted as I fell on my ass, “can you f*****g men not be in my f*****g way,” I said getting up off the floor and slapping Devin’s outreached hand away from me, “get your team to Clinic I snapped at him looking back at the doctor and Granville “Doc, come with me Granville get back to your check,” I said as I moved in after Devin’s group, Granville nodded and turned heading back to the rooms and his group. We slowly entered the medical center, everything was quiet except for the distant screams coming from Hannah, I turned to Dr. Putter, “Hannah is in labor” I whispered to him, an eater got Dr. Green, she needs your help” he nodded and we made a move towards the room that they were in while Devin and his men went in the opposite direction to find the eaters.
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