Chapter 16

1122 Words
Granville’s hands were all over my body, his movements mimicking mine as I moved, his lips finding a part of my skin to kiss. he moved me so that I was now facing away from him he kissed the back of my neck biting the sweet spot where my neck and shoulder met. I had to admit to myself that when I was with Devin, things didn’t feel this way, it felt almost mechanical with Devin, where it just felt natural with Granville. I laid in Granville’s arms watching as the wind blew the trees outside, winter was close by and I could feel the slight chill that was in the air. I figured it was after lights out, the world around us was in darkness, I knew I had to leave the room and get back to the real world. But I was finding it harder and harder. If I was honest Devin was pissing me off more and more every day. I guessed it was because he was sort of in the way of Granville and I being together. I felt like I owed him something although I wasn’t sure what that was. I looked at my hand that was wrapped up in a cast. Devin had a hard shell but inside he was loyal, sweet, and maybe even a bit too protective, something I had stopped being when Granville joined the camp I felt a pang hurt for Devin. I had never thought I would have to choose between the two. I sat up and slowly got out of the bed, quickly picking up my clothes and putting them on. I looked around the room for something I could leave a message on. “Running away already” I felt my blood go cold, I looked back to see Granville sitting up in the bed. I bit my lip, he had the biggest smile on his face. “it is already lights out you are stuck here” he said coolly watching me as I stood up and pulled on my boot “well I guess being second in command makes me special” I winked at him and leaned over to him kissing his cheek, “I have something that needs to be dealt with now, it can’t wait” “say no more” he waved me off, I unlocked the door and slipped out with one last air-blown kiss. corny as f**k! DEVIN’S POV I had walked up and down the room for what must have been the millionth time. Where the f**k was she. Maybe that old cook Porta was right about Zoni, it was hard to wrap my head around that though. I snapped my head up and towards the door as it softly clicked open. I turned to grab the hand that came through the door, Pulling Zoni into the room “where the f**k have you been?!” I didn't mean for it to come out like a shout but that’s exactly what happened. She pulled her hand from mine her expression instantly going dark. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised as he looked at me “it actually has f**k all to do with you” she snapped “since when do you question me like that” “since that pretty boy showed up” I snapped back to her. She stood her ground though, even though I was in her face, she didn’t even flitch. Sometimes her stoniness bothered the f**k out of me, you could never tell what the f**k she feeling. “Granville” she hissed at me “his name is f*****g Granville” “So that’s where you were? f*****g Granville?” I snapped hitting my fist against the door causing it to shut closed. She lifted her chin slightly looking up at me with an icy stare. She dropped her arms and took a step closer to me. Now getting up in my face as she spoke. “it. Has. f**k. All. To. Do. With. You” she said slowly, trying to make her point. I shoved her back against the wall, accidentally making her head hit against the wall. She let out a whimper, but within seconds was shoving me back away from her “This is over” she hissed at me “we are over” she shoved at me again as she shouted the last word. I saw red, I couldn't help myself I grabbed Zoni by her throat and pushed her back against the wall hard “You are mine” I roared at her, this, in turn not only cost me a punch in the face but a hand in a cast to the groin. Yip, I should as for a f**k known better to that. I held onto the goods as well as my nose as I was sent down to my knees. ZONI’S POV The door flew open, Granville was standing in the doorway along with Brett. “what the f**k?” shouted Brett, he was the first one into the room, looking down at Devin who was clutching his balls and now bleeding nose.  I pushed my self upright, rubbing my back slightly as I moved towards the cupboards, I looked back at Granville “you up for another roommate?” his replying smile was 100 watts I started pulling my belongings out of the cupboards into a bag. Granville and Brett stood in the doorway while I got busy. Devin having recovered got up and walked over to me. Wiping his bloody nose off on his arm “Babe please, you aren't thinking straight,” he said trying to stop my movements by holding onto my hand. I pulled my hand from his, glared at him, and carried on with the task at hand. “Babe” he tried again this time taking both my hands “Don’t babe me” I hissed at him as I pulled my hands from his again. “you are erratic, you know that your jealous ass put me and everyone else on the raids in danger, you were willing to put the youngsters into harm's way” he grabbed my hands again, slighting pushing me, the movement cause Brett and Granville to move from the doorway, into the room I looked at the two in a sign to stay out of it. Once again pulled myy hands from Devins grasp and shoved him back and carried on grabbing my things. “Porta was right” he suddenly boomed. 
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