Chapter 13

1930 Words
There was no way to describe the feeling that rushed over me as the scene unfolded in front of my eyes. Eaters were everywhere, we were surrounded. One stupid decision had the whole raid team facing certain death. “This is bad,” Matt said under his breath, “You think?” I snapped back. “I told you to keep-“ “Shut up Devin. This was your fault!” I said pushing him, “I told you not to stray, what did you f*****g do?” “I didn’t stray I was looking- “ I lifted my hand to make him shut up. I had it up to here with him and his voice was just pissing me off more. I looked around for a gap in and amongst the eaters. “Okay, firstly we need to get to Nora before she makes a sound, second we need to get the rest of the supplies to the jeeps and we need to leave, Devin and I are going to take a run around to get the eaters away from the doors, you have a minute, two at the most. Make it count” I started walking towards the gap that I had spotted between the eaters. “wait,” Granville said grabbing my arm, I looked up at him and without thinking I reached up to him and kissed him “I am the fastest, Devin a close second, I can keep them busy while you guys do what you need to” I whispered “Devin” I yelled not looking at him and I darted off with him hot on my heels.   GRANVILLE’S POV I knew better than anyone else that it was a bad idea to get in her way, I watched as she ran, the eaters suddenly wondering and moving after Zoni and Devin. “let’s move it, Brett get to Nora the rest of us load and do it quickly” the men jumped into action at once, Brett had a clear line of sight and made it Nora in the jeep without a hiccup, we began loading up the supplies. I could hear a banging sound coming from a back room, “move faster they are in the building” I shouted “Help!” it was a man’s voice it sounded strained and weak but I had heard it, I moved towards the door I heard it come from.   GREG’S POV “You f*****g kissed him!” I shouted as I tried to keep up with Zoni and keep ahead of the eaters. I was fuming, I so badly wanted to punch that pretty boy's face in. “And you are an ass hole” she shouted back, I could literally hear the acid coming from her mouth “go left” she shouted and I saw her wing right, I huffed under my breath and banked to the left causing the group of eaters to split into two groups, she was backtracking to the jeeps, this was the last stretch it was do, or die now and I hope those idiots had their s**t together.   BRETT’S POV It was a mess; Devin’s jealous ass has caused so much s**t for all of us. The i***t couldn’t let s**t be, he always had to the exact opposite of what was asked. I managed to get the Jeep, Nora was in the back seat looking up at the roof, her eyes were huge and I could see she was close to tears, I grabbed her holding her to my chest and threw the Jeep into reverse, and moved it closer to the doors, I watched as Zoni and Devin split ways, time was nearly up. I looked back to hurry on the men when I realized that someone was missing  “Where the f**k is Granville?” ZONI’S POV I rounded my way back watching the group of Eaters splitting up as they followed Devin and me. My head was swimming and my chest was burning. I picked up the speed as I ran we had to get out of here and now there were no other options. I could see the building come into view the men were getting to the Jeeps everyone except Granville, I looked towards the doors, nothing. I could hear Brett’s voice in the distance  “Where the f**k is Granville?” I kept my eyes on the doors, no one was coming through again, I picked up more speed racing past the jeeps and back into the store, Granville walking towards the door with an older man leaning on his shoulder “Granville,” I said breathlessly “We need to move there is a bomb,” he said looking up at me “A what?” I shouted moving and taking the man’s other arm and draped it over my own shoulder “he… set it,” Granville said and he struggled under the old man’s weight, we moved at a slow speed. Suddenly a small sound beeped and a huge bang was heard. We were on the floor, I pushed myself up looking over at Granville that was already helping the old man up again. Everything was moving weirdly, my ears were ringing, I could hear my own heartbeat and breathing. I looked behind me the shop was in flames. Matt was running in through the door, Devin was pulling me up to my feet lifting me into his arms. Eaters were swarming again. I pushed myself out of Devin’s arms, the ringing in my ears had stopped and I could hear the shouting from the men “leave him” Devin shouted “No” Granville shouted back shoving past him with Matt helping, they got the old man in the jeep, Devin pulling me to the other. The engines roared to life and both Jeeps flew forward. “What the f**k” I shouted hitting Devin, “Brett stop we need to go back” “We can’t,” he said calmly “how are so f*****g calm, the others- “ “Are right behind us,” he said looking back, I looked back at the jeep that was right behind us in the back seat here was Granville and Matt and the old man. “Who is the old man,” I asked not looking away from Granville’s hardened face, I could see that he was giving orders to the men that were in the Jeep with him “No idea,” Brett said “Granville-“ “Is an i***t!” Devin growled “that’s two extra mouths now, one being a child that can do nothing to help around the camp. I was red and once again I punched Devin, hitting his shoulder. I heard a loud cracking. Then everyone went dead silent, that’s when I felt it. Hot searing pain run up through my arm. “Ugh, you f*****g…” I shouted, cradling my hand against my chest. “You stupid.” I sat down looking forward “motherfucker… my hand” “f**k, I didn’t tell you to punch me” he tried taking my hand in his to look at it, but I moved away looking ahead to see that we were in a safe zone. “Brett stop” I shouted, he did, causing me to jerk forward, hitting my head against the front seats headrest “mother… of… f**k” I whispered to myself as I got out of the Jeep, kicking up sand and dirt as I walked away, swearing and muttering to myself. “babe” Devin started walking towards me “Hey” I barked as I swung around “don’t f*****g babe me!” I said walking up to him and shoving him in the chest. although he took very little notice of the action “your little stunt almost cost this team their god damn lives, you went against orders” I shoved at him again, and walked away “Well maybe if you had thought your orders out more clearly- “ “what!” I shouted turning on him again. I made a move for gun struggling a bit seeing as I was only able to use one hand. “whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey” it wasn’t Devin but Granville that suddenly wrapped his arm around me to stop me from getting to my gun “you don’t want to do that Zoni” “Want to f*****g bet” I shouted trying to free myself from his hold. Devin was watching us through silted eyes, I broke free from Granville’s hold and pushed myself from him “Consider this your first warning from me” I spat and walked back to the Jeep. “Granville, switch the old man to my Jeep and Devin can take the other. I have a few questions for him.” Matt and Granville helped the old man exchange Jeeps, leaving Devin to get into the other. The engines started up again and we were on our way “you know you are being a bit hard on him” Granville whispered to me after a few minutes of driving, “Shut up before I punch you too” “You are going to have to go straight to the clinic, your whole hand looks blue.” All I did was grunt an answer in return “what were you doing back there?” I said addressing the old man “I, err…” I raised my eyebrow at his hand that was twisting and rubbing over each other “That shop was mine” he started “I put everything into it and was about to end it all when I… well I wimped out last minute. I heard the commotion outside but I had locked the door from the outside. I was lucky that this young man heard me’ “you have any skills?” I asked “I used to…” “used to?” Granville blurted out “you should have seen the bomb he made I was magnificent” “well in my time I was an engineer” “how much do you remember” “it’s not something you can easily forget’ “Everyone has to earn their keep at the camp, if you can teach the skills you know, you will be very valuable” “There is more of you?” the old man asked “I’m Zoni” I said holding out my uninjured hand, this Granville and Brett, and there in the front seat is Nora, we found her two days ago. We have a camp, it’s not much, but it’s safe” “Marshal, how... how far out?” “four-day drive, we are the raid team, everyone at the camp has a job, Granville is our mechanic, Brett is part of our muscle and I am second in command, I overlook everything” “That’s no life for a child,” he said looking at his hand I half smiled at him “No, but this life isn’t for anyone anymore”
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