Chapter 8

1472 Words
Devin POV Zoni was no were to be seen and neither was that pretty boy Granville. I figured she would be showing him around the camp however I had not seen that bright red head anywhere. “Hey” came a shout from the distance “eater!!” there were a few screams that sounded, some of the men began running towards the commotion with guns in hand “hold!” Zoni’s voice reached my ears, making my slow walk suddenly break into a full-speed run “I said to hold” she shouted louder, she had her gun pointing at something, I pushed past the crowed “What’s going on?” I asked, most of the people around her ducked at the sudden booming of my voice but not her, her eyes were dead, on target on the eater that was implied on the one spike “It climbed the wall,” Zoni said softly lowering her gun and pulling out a knife from her boot she walked up to the eater and shoved the knife into its skull, pulled the knife free, and threw it at Porta’s feet, staring at him hard. “Make the necessary changes to the walls and fences”, she turned to the men, “and make sure it’s done in the next 12 hours if you want to continue living here” she turned back to Porter again before walking off. her gun slung over her shoulder The men started moving about and started preparations on the new task for the day, “That girl is a feisty one,” said someone from behind me I turned my head a fraction and gave a nod, not actually knowing they could see it or not. After a bit of hesitation, I run after her “Zoni” I said grabbing her hand which she pulled away from my grip her eyes huge as she looked at me “you okay?” I asked stroking the back of my hand down her cheek “Perfect,” she said faking a smile as she started walking again “Where are we going?” I playfully asked her “You should be there helping” she pointed back at the men that were starting to move some heavy-looking spikes and poles “they need the muscle,” she said softly. She gave a heavy sigh, “but” she said as I turned to walk back towards the wall “I might need you, we need to find a new raid area I’m heading to Mike” Zoni’s POV “These areas here, here, and here are dead zones. Either all supplies have been taken and depleted or it's overrun by eaters” I said pointing out on the map in front of us “the areas overrun might have supplies but the risk is too much to go on ‘might;” I let out a sign of irritation, “we are going to have to travel east to find anything, west and north are out” I said sliding my hand over the map “it’s going to take longer” Mike seemed to be talking to himself more than us, he then looked up “the camp will be left unprotected for longer than a month, most of our men go these raids. Shouldn’t we look into moving the whole camp?” he asked seriously while petting the head of one of his three big dogs. “My boys can only do so much” “train the younger boys” Devin suggested “that way we have some muscle to look out for the camp while the rest are on raids” “Most of the teenagers are girls,” I said in a quiet tone, “their mothers will never agree to that” “So you suggest what?” Devin said irritably “Move, quite honestly, pack up the camp and move. We have enough cars and transport to get everyone out of here and search for new ground. You saw what that thing, what it was able to do” Devin kept quiet when he heard my answer, it was Mike that spoke “You know something don’t know?” he asked, his hand coming down on the table slowly as he leaned closer to me “No, not for sure. Dr. Leonard says that the virus might be mutating, but he isn’t sure himself, so I can’t be. I tried discussing it with Porter. He thinks the best interest is this” I pointed to the west, “find another raid area” “Well if that’s what he thinks is best then I guess…” started Mike “You can’t honestly believe it is, you, just said it yourself that we should be moving on” mike was quiet for a long while, “Okay so this is the area that one camp was overrun, and this is where the guys that took over the police station were, this area is probably a dead zone. We need will have to move towards the city” “That could be overrun by eaters” Mike questioned “It’s the best chance we have, these runs are gonna have to be at the most ten days, and we are going to have to collect enough to last more than a few months to make this work” I watched a series of emotions run over Mike's face, he walked to the other side of the room where his three massive dogs lay on a couch and plopped himself down “I’m not saying,” he said with his face in his hands “that moving is the best option right now but, if the raids have to venture out that far we might be able to track down a prison or another large building that could work to our advantage” “Every camp that we know that has been run through was because they got too comfortable with the living conditions,” I said kneeling down in front of Mike “We have too many children and loved ones to make that mistake as well” I looked at his beloved dogs. “You need to think of your own boys,” I said softly “what would you have me do? Go against Porter?” “Not alone no, I need all the commands on my side with this, we will not make a move until we are all on the same page” I stood up again as Mike nodded, he leaned back and one of his dogs put their head down on his lap “Mike, we found something in room 40” he looked up with a smile on his face “Let me guess, all grey looks like a bread loaf, four legs” “Sounds about right,” I said trying not to laugh “What the hell are you two on about?” Greg asked looking slightly uncomfortable “The cat that Granville found in his room, she’s huge so I assumed she was being fed” “Ditsy, yes, she visits me and the boys every few days for food, eats quite a lot for such a small thing, she belonged to Mr. Black” “What? I didn’t know he had a cat” “No one did; she was closed off in that room for nearly a week before I found her” “Guess the bite wasn’t the only secret he kept” more to me than to anyone else, Mike continued as though I had said nothing “Speaking of Black, how is Granville?” “He’s back in the room sleeping, Dr green told him if he didn’t take it easy, those stitches would open up again and he would be straight back to the medical center, speaking of which they are going to be doing a blood drive soon. Should get everyone on that. Mike only nodded, I turned to see Greg had an unreadable mask on his face but his arms were crossed over his chest and he was standing up sight like a bouncer ready to take someone out. I shook my head and made my way t the door. Looking back to see that the only movement that Greg had made was to turn to face me again. I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking, “you can probably go help at the walls” I shouted back to him.
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