Chapter Two - A pitiful Man

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Thump, the vibration sent a chill down my spine. Suffocated screams filled the electrified air as a pitiful being before me bit down on a soiled cloth in his mouth. Terror swelled through his lungs as I pressed my foot down on his broken femur, the cracked bone shifted from under my weight as I rolled my heel on his thigh. I stood back and smirked as Remeron collapsed onto the dirtied ground, muddied dirt clung to his once handsome face with dried blood coating his left swollen eye. He won’t be pretty after this, I thought with a smirk. The spark of life that once dwelled behind his striking blue eyes dimmed as he cowered at my feet with his eyelids hung low, his lip-busted lip was blue as he struggled for air, A stagnant stench clung to our lungs as mould clung to the walls. This is the perfect place for him, I thought as my nose scrunched from disgust. Remeron’s pleads ceased as a formless figure entered the room, a dark cloak swayed menacingly against the aged floor as he approached the huddled figure with his presence reeking of death. “Make it slow, Lem,” I recited as the scar-covered man nodded at me knowingly. The cloaked man appeared massive in size as he pulled on the string that held the cloak from around his shoulders and allowed it to fall to his feet. That’s going to get dirty, I thought with a frown. He cracked his knuckles as he reached for a silver tray containing torture devices. Sterile blades shimmered against the dull light as he gripped a scalpel that appeared small in his grip. Screams could be heard from the bricked walls as his previous victims screamed from pain, begging to be relinquished from their suffered reality. I admired his backside as he flipped the blade in his palms before stepping forward. “You don’t want to be here to see this,” Lem stated. “No!” Remeron pleaded though barely conscious. “Watching you at work is one of my favourite pass times,” I said as I folded my arms over my chest. “I’m sure your sister needs you, Eursa,” he said in a gruff voice as he nodded towards the door. He never wants me to watch I thought with a frown as I reluctantly nodded. “I’ll leave you to it, then” I stated as I turned my back on them. Remeron pulled a leg in from under him, his breath was heavy and erratic as he pressed his weight back against the wall to distance himself from us. His femur protruded from the broken flesh and grated against the stone floor; the motion didn’t seem to faze him as fear consumed him. Screams filled the room as the door closed behind me, leaving the men alone, and Remeron to his fate. The latch sealed as I entered the hallway, my feet guided me to the woman I was meant to protect. My feet glided swiftly along the stone floor with the golden skirt swaying amongst my thighs, exposing my pelvic region with the waist-high slits leaving nothing to the imagination. The halls grew crowded as newly mated couples pooled before me, their faces grew alit with excitement as the thrall of the mating hunt grew to a close. Glimmers of gold flashed before me in a blinding frenzy as I rushed past them and located Deya’s presence. She stood out amongst the others with her face ashen and tears dried against her cheeks, her expression was worrying as the sight of her made my stomach drop. I should have done better, I thought bitterly as I bit my cheek. “Move!” I ordered as I shoved an intimate couple to the side. The girl yelped as her new mate caught her and glared at me menacingly, he bore his canines as he growled at my back, blood dripped down his chin as his newly claimed mate shivered pitifully within his arms. “Watch it half-breed!” he snarled. “I’ll knock you off your ass again, Anton!” I shot back angrily before turning my back on them and making my way to my sister. This half-breed can snap you like a twig, I thought angrily as I glared at him from the corner of my eye. I silently approached Deya, her grey eyes were void of emotion as she stared at the space before her, she remained still as Veyka held her up by her forearm. “Veyka,” I murmured as I met the girls quivering violet eyes. Veyka nodded knowingly as she glanced towards the floor and began to lead the way towards Deya’s room, her feet were bare as a similar golden skirt swayed at her ankles as we pushed past the crowd of people rushing by us. Veyka’s dark hair caught the light of a nearby overhung lamp, revealing a circular scar burned into her hairline, the image caught my attention and sent a shiver down my spine. The brave girl before me had once been a slave and was forced to endure horrific things within her short lifetime. I’m glad she was freed, I thought. The bedroom neared with the large door holding my attention, I breathed a sigh of relief as we approached it, only for the sense of calm to dissipate as a figure forced his way before us. “Where is my brother?!” a nervous voice shouted. I glanced up and met the eyes of Remeron’s brother, Midas. His appearance was sheepish with messy blonde hair and blue eyes that appeared they hadn’t slept for a week; his lip was bitten raw as he glanced from me to the floor as if uttering a word would end his life. His stressed appearance seemed adorable as he used the last of his bravery to confront me, his loyalty to his family was honourable despite knowing his older brother had committed a serious crime. “Midas,” I said in a restrained voice as Veyka glanced at the both of us curiously. “Surely you have heard about Remeron’s crimes,” I stated. “I-I have…” Midas stated as he glanced to the floor. “Then you know he will receive a deserving punishment,” I said as I glanced back to Midas. “But-“he started to say before I cut him off. “Midas, tell your father that he won’t be killed,” I said as I pushed past him and led Deya away before she could pass out. “Eursa!” Midas pleaded as he held his hand out as if to grab me. “Midas, that’s enough!” Veyka snapped as she glared at him before turning her back and helping me carry Deya away. “I don’t think I can do this,” Deya murmured pitifully as I pressed my hand into the small of her back and guided her forward. “It will be okay,” I affirmed. It would be better if Remeron croaked, I thought as Veyka took Deya’s hand and guide her into the room and sat her before a vanity. A salty breeze drifted into the room through the open windows causing the sheer curtains to bellow before me. I stood back and crossed my arms as I allowed my thoughts to wander as I assessed the prior events. My mind grew in a daze as a similar scent breezed past me, the distinct scent of the forest flooded my senses as I recalled the man from the hunt, his eyes were unforgettable as he held me to him. I closed my eyes and analyzed his every movement, there was a sense of familiarity to him, his presence made something within me awaken as I recalled his masked face. Who was he? I wondered as I recalled his bare chest as precipitation and sweat ran down the indentations that made up his abs. His eyes were unimaginably beautiful, a reflection of the night sky with stars as golden specks throughout the iris. Images flashed through my mind as I imagined what the man behind the golden sash looked like, he was a mystery to me, one who riddled my mind like a tantalizing tease. I want more, I realized. “How could they allow someone like that to join the hunt?!” Deya demanded as she regained her composure, her voice cutting through the air as it pulled me from my thoughts. She plopped her weight down on the antique chair forcing the aged wood to creak as she settled in the spot before the vanity. Her once perfectly golden hair was now a mess with bits of golden leaves hanging off the knotted strands. I nodded at Veyka, dismissing her with a simple glance. She obediently nodded before turning her back on us and departing the room, it was rare to see her so compliant and yet I had a feeling she was eager to hunt down Midas “He must have snuck in,” Deya murmured as she clasped her clammy hands together nervously. “I don’t think Remeron will be able to walk for a while,” I stated as I pulled Deya’s hair out of the high ponytail she kept it in. “Do you think Grae will be angry?” a voice chimed in as Aurora stuck her head into the room. “Maybe,” I replied without looking back, instead I gathered Deya’s hair within my hands and began combing the ends. Our father was a man to be reckoned with, he rose to the position of an Alpha the moment he claimed my mother, despite knowing her horrid past of captivity. He welcomed and claimed me as his daughter, an act that was unheard of and looked down upon, those of the wolf’s species were male dominant, and a female who was burdened with a child by another man either had her child killed or discarded, something that was forced on my mother the moment she entered society after breaking free from her captor. My mother, Winnifryd was both beautiful and awe-inspiring, she was a delicate creature blessed by the moon, a goddess born into the body of a shifter. She was strong despite the scars that she held; she grew mentally fragile over the years as she was forced to live through her past suffering every night through her endless dreams. My heart ached when I recalled her familiar face, despite her kind personality she had always held me at arm's length, there was never a moment of warmth between my mother and I and yet I knew that deep down she held some affection towards me. Her once brilliant silver eyes faded into an empty void the moment I was in her presence; her lips would quiver as if in a fearful trance. It would be better if I were gone, I thought as I toyed with Deya’s hair. “Deya!” a voice called out, pulling me from my thoughts. “Crimeon?” Deya asked confused as she pushed my hand away and glanced over at the cheerful girl who burst forward. Crimeon, light on her feet danced excitedly before us as she shoved an elaborate box within Deya’s hands. The ribbon holding the lid to the base was a reflective silver, a similar scent drifted from the object as Deya held it up to her face curiously. “It says it’s from Ezra,” Crimeon said curiously as she pulled on the ribbon. “Why would I care about what that mutt sends me?” Deya asked as she shook the box. “It’s addressed to Selene’s heir,” Aurora murmured under her breath as she glanced over Deya’s shoulder. “Deya!” I scolded as I gripped the box in her hands before she had the chance to throw it across the room. “Let go!” she shouted. “Don’t be foolish!” I snapped angrily as his scent drifted through me. Why am I thinking about that man again? I thought curiously as the man in the woods played on my mind. “Maybe it’s something expensive!” Crimeon stated with green her eyes lit with excitement. “You know he’s from the boonies, right?” Deya stated as I released the box the moment I was assured she wouldn’t carelessly discard it. “The boonies?” Crimeon asked confused. “Deya, Ezra rules over two thousand beasts,” Aurora stated sheepishly as her red curls fell over her eyes. “What?” Deya asked shocked, her fingers gripping the elaborate gift box harder now. She pulled the ribbon apart, tearing the box apart and ruining its beauty. An onyx silk cloth fell to her feet as she tilted the contents upside down. A clunk could be heard as an object made from a precious metal fell to her lap and rested between her thighs, a massive gem caught my eye as she stared down at it with curiosity. “What is this?” Deya asked as she lifted the choker to her face and examined the gem plated amongst a hand-crafted centre. “Why would I want something cheap looking like this?” she finished before handing the heavy jewelry to me. Cheap? I thought curiously. The gem shifted from a pale gray to a deep onyx, hints of violet appeared within the centre as I tilted it within the light, it was finely cut with an oval appearance. “Oh my god, it’s a taaffeite!” Crimeon exclaimed as she tore the necklace from my palms. “You shouldn’t touch this, Half-Breed! You’ll sully it!” she hissed as she glared at me. “A what?” Deya asked, ignoring Crimean’s insult. “A taaffeite! It’s a rare gem!” she exclaimed excitedly as she turned her back on me. “How can an alpha from the boonies afford something like that?” Deya asked, confused. “I keep telling you, it isn’t the boonies!” Crimeon snapped. “I heard his deceased father used to eat babies!” Aurora stated as her eyes grew wide from fear. “You’re so dumb, Aurora, everyone knows he kills pregnant women and eats their flesh!” Crimeon stated boldly. “These girls,” I thought as my eyebrow twitched, annoyed. “They say there is truth to rumours,” Deya stated as she took the necklace back from a reluctant Crimeon. “Eursa, take it, it’s too ugly,” Deya stated duly. “Sure,” I said as I held my hand out and took the necklace with ease. This thing is worth more than my life, I thought. The weight of the gem alone made my stomach drop from anxiety; it was something that must be protected. “Wear it,” Deya ordered. “I can’t have my older sister looking cheap tomorrow in front of my new fiancé,” she said with a smirk. Tomorrow? I thought as my stomach dropped from realization. Tomorrow we finally leave this place.
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