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It was one hectic day in Lorenzo Mansion, the sheer bulk of people around the personal church of the most successful 'Illegal Gang' in the entire Russia was enough to trigger an enemy attack but twice the number of guards and sentinels with merely the same intention in any case of possible terror were all fired up to carry out their awarded duties with no disturbance to the Lorenzo family. Not that the family included many members, just ranging from the head of the family; Lorenzo Dimitri and his domineering wife who was so nosy with the affairs her husband brings home that the servants sometimes, were forced to believe that she's the head. The invincible pair had 2 sons, both equally spoiled, ill-behaved and persistent with their crime records. Lorenzo Marcelo, the elder son, who, also had a son but no one knew where he came from or who he came from; the 6 years old naughty Rhett who was just perfect at getting on people's nerves but was loved dearly by every being in the mansion. Second son, the youngest and easily the worst being to ever come across in the mansion was none other than Lorenzo Alessandro.  Alessandro's temper reached skies without any return, his anger always resulted in a bloodbath and if ever he was found delighted about a certain thing, serious efforts were made to keep it that way or it was back to the bloodbath. His nature was identical to his late-grandfather, that was what he was told, so blood-curdling and chilly. The tall son was not only overly-spoiled with money and weapons but he was known as 'The Legendary Player' underground too and it didn't lessen any harmful traits from him. Upon him once choosing his eternal wife, the case was inquired and the underground informers confirmed to Lorenzo Dimitri that his younger son was after none other than the daughter of his eternal rival, Jose Natalia. A new argument arose in the Lorenzo mansion when the news reached the lady head of the family, who had zero objections with this marriage besides the point that she hated the Jose's wife. Not wanting to lower his ego to ask for Jose Natalia from the Jose, for his younger son, Lorenzo decided he would kidnap the girl but soon the older sense knocked some sense into him pin-pointing to their social status. So both gangs agreed on diplomatic terms and decided to join forces.  Jose Natalia, was someone Alessandro had met one night in the club and she knew he was just her one night stand but the latter didn't. Her being no different and just as fierce as Alessandro, fought to stop tying her to the knots of the Lorenzo when she was told about the proposal. The egoistic daughter clinched on murdering her family's reputation than marrying Lorenzo Alessandro when she ran from her home a night before her marriage after opening fire at the guards who came her way.......But the Lorenzo family still had the idea that Jose Adrianna was there and waiting to be tied to Lorenzo Alessandro. She didn't care pushing her way through her dear younger brother, Jose Mateo, in the heat of the moment. The 18 years old brother was the only being among the Jose with a heart, he inherited nothing from his parents than looks and height, the rest was just his grandparents'. He was polite, fragile, careful with his words, hated blood, a good shooter and a strategist, however he always preferred words over violence and negotiations any time. It wasn't like the boy was never taught to battle or never shown the dark sides of the world, he knew it all, yet he chose to ignore it. He was different.  The boy paced around the church in search of his mother who, though feeling tense and stressed, decided to wear her tough expression and stood in the gateway of the church, empty handed. Mateo's eyes shot up in the direction of the gate when the Father called for Natalia for the 5th time. But to his disappointment, his mother had no one with her and she wore a deadly look. Pursing his lips and feeling a lump in his throat, he tore his path through the crowd and reached his mother, whispering ever so lightly.    "Ma..... Hermana.....?", His palms were sweaty from restlessness when his mother announced.    "Natalia ran away! You heard it Lorenzo? She ran away!". Whispers curved in the atmosphere as gasps could be heard in a distance where the Lorenzos sat. Them shooting up, standing erect promptly along with a younger son not in his best mood. "This contract is cancelled!"    "What the f**k do you mean she ran away?!", Alessandro had raised his voice and reached for his gun when he realized that no kind of weapons were with him. He cursed under his breath and sprang to his feet but before he could run any farther, Lorenzo Marcelo had gotten a hold of him. "BRING HER BACK TO ME YOU FU-", a hand came flying and cupped his mouth.    "Alessandro, you're in a Church right now!"    "LET GO OF ME!! THEY'VE TAKEN ME LIGHTLY!", His nerves swelled against his temples as he his face shot scarlet from rage, now getting held back by 3 more guards. Alessandro wasn't done screaming yet when a grave voice danced around the atmosphere, it belonged to Jose Ignacio.  "We'll find you Natalia but for now, let's cool down, I am just as pissed as you are Alessandro."    His words seemed to bring peace to the fired up Alessandro but he was not down for compromising just yet. As he fearlessly made his way to the Jose, his chest broad, his eyes exhibiting mental fire, the people tensed up and among them, Mateo was the most scared one as he tugged at his mother's sleeve and stepped back. Lorenzo Alessandro's gaze clearly aiming for him. Soon the younger one found himself roughly pulled and thrown on the ground behind Alessandro as he stood erect and bold.    "Fine then. I'll take this possession of yours, Jose Ignacio. Bring me mine and I might let him go", Jose was dumbfounded, he didn't know what to utter in his younger son's defence. "But for now, I'm marking him mine".  The declaration was certainly peculiar and rare from a Lorenzo but no one dared to speak against the frightening Lorenzo Alessandro's decision. His mother covered her mouth, horror-struck, clearly not liking the idea her son presented but had no other Lorenzo but to nod her head to it. Alessandro seemed to be satisfied by his 'brilliant' idea but someone down there........someone weak knew his sister had just ruined his life without even planning on it.    "It'll be a punishment for all the Joses for being so careless regarding my Natalia." Or wasn't it just a punishment towards Jose Mateo who he was forced to say 'I do' among the crowd of people who were there to attend his sister's wedding?      "Of all you could ask for, you asked for this useless son of his!!", Lorenzo hollered, his eyebrows twitching, teeth gritting and fingers curled in to point an index at a helpless petite figure in the corner. "Good for nothing brat." He cursed under his breath but Mateo caught each letter of his comments on him. He felt dejected and lifeless, his lips trembling from the fear of days he had to spend here, or lives.    Mateo's eyes glistened in the dim yellow lights of the Lorenzo mansion, his bottom lip trembling uncontrollably as he tried in vain to hold back the urge to break down on the marble floor. His family had left, every soul which had come to attend the so-called wedding, was gone, leaving a shocked and bewildered Mateo to wonder if he actually mattered in their lives even a single bit or not. Restlessness showing from his body, he shivered, his hands before him knotted together with his fingers intertwining and vibrating from the fright. The boy gulped hard as a tear escaped his eyes, him quickly wiping the rest away, his voice gone. A chill went down his spine when the younger heir spoke, as if he got struck by thunder.    "You don't understand dad! He is the f*****g heir! A manipulative heir!", Alessandro retorted, waving his gun in the air as he added, his voice growing low. "Besides, Natalia treasures him, I am sure she'll return to save her 'little' brother." He laughed so carelessly, it made Mateo's heart stop. How can someone be so heartless?    "Whatever you do, don't let him out the mansion! I don't want people to judge me because of your Lorenzo!", Mrs. Lorenzo faked a cringe before she left to her room. Mateo inhaled deeply, trying to fight against his will to burst out right away, he didn't know where he went wrong in life to be facing this.    "Ma he's pretty though. Prettier than Natalia, if you ask me", Marcelo commented, wearing a smirk as he shuffled closer to Mateo, his hands in his pocket. Upon reaching his spot, he leaned in to reach his height, making Mateo dig his chin in his chest to inch away. A hand left his pocket and pulled Mateo's cheek lightly, him, still trying to fall back. "He's cute." But before he could arch his back away any further, iron fists balled around Marcelo's collar and pulled him up to face a raging Alessandro.    "Don't f*****g compare Natalia to this cunt", He spat, eyes bulging but the older brother was nowhere near scared and jerked his arm away. That was when Mateo came to a realisation on how much he actually loved his 'Hermana'. He kind of felt happy, just for a split second before the feeling washed away with fear.    "Yeah whatever. Take your 'possession' and f**k off to your room."    Soon Mateo was taken...or more precisely, dragged to Alessandro's room. They passed large hallways and the way didn't look any different than his own house's but each turn opened into a different hall and it confused him. If he was to wander around, he knew, for sure, he would get lost. Alessandro's hand was tightly gripped around his slender wrist, leaving red marks whenever it accidentally loosened. He hated it, he hated everything about this, if only, if only he woke up to this all being a mere dream.......if only his sister was still here........ Tears started welling up in his eyes again, making his breathing uneven as a fear of a sudden asthma attack dawned upon him.    Yes, he was asthmatic and in a hurry of the events that took place since morning, he had none of his belongings with him except for the button-up white shirt and black pants and a completely out of place black tie he was originally wearing, not even a single pen. Mateo entered this mansion alone and was stripped off of all his belongings and now he cowered before the idea of not having his inhalers and pills at hand if that ever happened. Either ways, he saw death. He had no way out except for the impossible to happen; that is the return of his sister.    They came to a halt before a long hallway lit with golden chandeliers, hanging gracefully from the high ceiling. The room to Alessandro's door was slightly ajar as they stepped in, welcomed with a dimly, well-lit room. Mateo scanned the room; candles burning alongside pots of roses, the huge bed was simple but elegant looking in its skin as a faint glow shimmered from its all looked beautiful. Alessandro let go off his wrist and took hurried steps to the resting shelves as he shouted, picking up the pots of roses and crashing them on the floor one by one.   "Didn't I tell to remove all this nonsense?!", servants hurried in and started cleaning the mess, leaving shortly. Jose Mateo propped obediently, not even moving a muscle when Alessandro harshly grabbed his arm and made him look up at him. He flinched, as a shiver went down his spine, the heir staring angrily at his face. "And you. There are some rules that you must abide by if you want a peaceful life here, that, I highly doubt you'll get because of your useless self."    Mateo bore his chin in his collarbone, scared as he listened intently, nodding. "First rule. You are not Natalia so don't even try to take her place in any way." The petite one nodded with trembling lips. "You can't leave this mansion, got that numbskull?" Nod and more shivering. "You. You have to do all my f*****g work without arguing. Wake up early and I want my breakfast and things at place". Alessandro ordered as he shook his already hurt arm, forcing Mateo to hold in his sob, him on the verge of crying. "You can't call home or have any links to your previous past. I hope I had made myself clear.", The taller guy leaned in close, his lips dangerously close to Mateo's earlobe as he whispered his last command and left to the bathroom. "And don't even try to sleep on my bed, beside me."    Then...where?  A dumbfounded Mateo questioned himself as soon as the older male left the scene. Whatever way he took this whole situation as, he couldn't help but feel like screaming at the top of his lungs after running miles away from the place. His hands made their way to his face as he cupped it and let out a faint sob to feel at ease but as soon as the tear left his already puffy eyes, more made their way out, him, soon finding himself in a very miserable condition as he sat on the marble floor. Trying in vain to muffle his cries, his hands cupped his mouth hard, his face, tear-stained by now and turning scarlet. He hated crying because it always blocked his air passage and thus caused an asthmatic attack, he unclasped a hand from his mouth and clutched at the air around the marble as his chest tightened, disabling his breathing for a split second then returning to normal, eventually causing hiccups. Mateo's needy eyes searched around the place for a glass of water or his inhaler but he found none.   The sudden hiccups lead to him coughing hard, his fist balled against the cloth before his chest when he felt like he was being suffocated from inside, his plump red lips soon took a blue tint and colour faded from his face. Mateo hung his head low, elbowing the marble floor as one hand clutched hard at his chest, sweat poured down his temples as if he was under rain, he started unbuttoning his shirt with wobbly fingers to let air touch his skin but it didn't work. Am I going to die now? Was all that replayed in his mind, as he held onto dear life, wheezing hard. A distorted image started forming before his eyes as he started to lose consciousness but not for too long when he felt the door creak open and someone hurried to his spot. It was a servant.    "Oh my god! Are you okay?". She took his hand into hers and started rubbing his palm rapidly, looking around for help. "Sir! Alessandro Sir! He is in pain!"    "", Mateo stuttered, his neck totally giving away the strength left in him. The servant nodded and left the room after calling out for Alessandro once again.    A soaking in water with his only pants on, Alessandro strolled towards Mateo and nudged his body causing it to fall flat on the ground because of tightening of his chest against his rib cage. Mateo was still conscious but Alessandro knew, he won't be for too long if his pills or inhaler didn't reach on time. He got on his knees, placing both hands on either sides of Mateo's head before inching away to check his pulse, taking his lifeless wrist in his and pressuring his vein with his index and middle finger. It was not normal. "Already dying?", he mockingly asked as he brushed the strands of hair from his eyes. The servant, out of breath, strolled to their place and handed Alessandro the inhaler, who, at first gave her a questioning look before eventually accepting the offer to set him right. He slid his tough arm under Mateo's nape and pulled it up, holding the inhaler close to his lips. He knew what to do next. When Alessandro squeezed for the dose, Mateo inhaled but it was not until a few tries that Mateo caught his pace and inhaled on time. Recovering slowly.    His body was still in Alessandro's embrace when he realized that the servant had left and Alessandro was practically half naked and his button-up shirt was open too, exposing his milky chest as it rose and fell peacefully. "I......", Mateo started, trying to elbow himself up but the taller guy, who just jolted back to reality from staring him down, pulled him back down, closer to his naked torso as he hushed.    "There there, take it easy."    "", he muttered, looking down. The taller guy cackled.    "Oh you think I care for you all of a sudden? Nah I can't have you dying right away, now, can I?". Mateo's eyes shot up, hurt filling them in the form of tears. "Woah crybaby don't, I am not in mood of pampering your useless ass again", He raised Mateo's body into a sitting position and then carried his weight up as he rose to his feet, carrying the petite one in his arms. The younger boy gasped when Alessandro's cold torso pressed against his arms, some part brushing against Mateo's own waist as the cloth fell, sending shivers down his spine "That's the couch over there. Remember the rules."    Alessandro put the lights off, leaving a dejected, confused, still in pain and weak Mateo, on the couch with all his miseries and stress for upcoming day taking root in his head.    
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