49. He Left

2327 Words

It’s a bitter pill to swallow— to love someone so intensely yet unable to bridge the divide that has created between the two. ~ A. Gupta . VIOLET I Wasn’t ready to face him yet, not after that day when he told me that he won’t give me my dream and never become part of it. All these days, I had spent pretending that my heart doesn’t hurt. I went on with my life like he hadn’t stomped all over my emotions and my dreams to be with him. To build a family with him like Mad had with Bree, and now Dom was getting with Kiara. Next, it will be Brandon and if fate had it one day it will be Alex but if I stayed with him and I won’t, because he wouldn’t let me. Now as I stood in my small apartment, facing him, palpable tension surrounded us. There was a dot of blood at the corner of his lips where

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