Ten: Mistake?

1662 Words
Alice's breath was ragged, her thighs soaked and sticky. Did humans always have such odd sensations? She'd never explored this form, not like this. Every touch sent shivers racing up and down her spine as if she was a fine instrument being plucked one string at a time. She'd settled on using two of her fingers to press against the throbbing bundle of nerves. Pressing it, pinching it, rubbing it in fast tight circles. She whimpered as her lower body tensed. It was the same kind of sensation she got when she was on a hunt and ready to run at her prey. The anticipation of that big moment. Each muscle tensed as her pants got louder. Oh Goddess, if the pack heard her, this would be such a disaster! But it felt far too good to stop. She bit her lip to bite back the loudest of the moans. Her body shook as she got closer. Slick fluid leaked out of her, her arousal scent was so strong that Justa himself would surely smell this. Even a human wouldn't be able to mistake this for anything else. Hopefully, Mark wouldn't be following Justa back.  Goddess, that human didn't have a chance. He might not want anything to do with her, but there was so much she wanted to do to him. She'd get a new chain, a strong one that even she couldn't break. She'd tie him down spread-eagle on this very bed. Alice bit her lip at the thought. Normally mating would just involve mounting him and being done with it, but she wanted far more than that. What would it be like to make Justa experience every emotion she was? Did his breath hitch if touched? What did he taste like? She licked her lips as she imagined licking her way up his body. How surprised would he be when she used her powers to turn the kisses like ice? Would he moan or would he just shiver? And she'd turn the inside of her mouth hot, the barest hint of above average, and take him into her mouth. Alice's soft moans turned into a long keening one as every muscle she had tensed up and her own body shook. She blinked and looked down her mouth open in a perfect o.  Had she finished with just visualizing that? Before she'd even got to imagine the more fun parts of this form? She stayed there as she struggled to remember how to breathe and she pulled her hand away from the sensitive area with a deep satisfied sigh. Now she wanted a real nap.  The air was perfumed more than shed imagined. Alice sighed. She really would be in trouble if anyone else came in here. She slipped from her bed and headed to the bathroom. She never used this thing, but in desperate times.  She'd leave the bed with her scent. It was far too dangerous for her to smell like this.  Her hand was on the doorknob when she tensed. Voices reached her ears. Male rumbles came closer. Mark's voice and Justa's each distinct enough that they didn't blend into each other, talking about food of all things. "I don't think you should go farther." Justaas voice was muffled but distinct enough for Alice to hear details now.  "Out of the way." Mark's voice had deepened and a deep growl rumbled. Shit. Alice wasn't about to let Mark kill Justa over a stupid mating instinct.  Fuck it. Alice let her hand fall off the handle and strode to the dirt entrance to her house. Justa was standing with his arms outstretched as Mark growled at him with his eyes pure gold. Double f**k. Alice gestured a stop motion at Mark and the second in command found himself pinned against the other side of the tunnel as he snarled and fought against the invisible bonds of wind that pushed into him. "Mark!"  There was no intelligence in that gaze. The beast had taken him completely over.  "Go inside," Justa interrupted as he reached out to her. The bag on his back bulged with his findings. "I'll handle this." Alice resisted the urge to laugh at him. What did a human think they were going to do against a wolf? Mark would shift soon, and she'd have to fight him, possibly to death. She pushed more force and the dirt around him eroded as his heavy body was pushed deeper into it. "As your Alpha, you will stop this. You will get hold of yourself. I'm not a plaything for you. I will kill you if you push me." Mark's growling stopped as if he was a wound-up toy that ran out of juice. The golden eyes faded as he wrenched his neck back and revealed his throat. He closed his eyes. "Alpha," he grunted. "Forgive me." "You will stay there until I choose to let you down," Alice answered. "You dared to threaten me. You are lucky I don't rip you apart where you stand for this. Instead for your loyalty to me, I will give you this opportunity to repent. If you come down before I allow it, I'll rip your d**k off." Justa had stood to the side as she handled matters and he nodded at her as she walked by. He didn't even look at Mark as Justa followed Alice back into the house. "Sorry," Alice mentioned over her shoulder not quite turning to look at him. "I could have handled this better." Justa was stiff as he made sure to keep several feet away from her. "I'll put these things away in your kitchen. I'll get ready to go to sleep myself. I trust you can resist the urge to give in to your animal instincts?" Okay, maybe her mentioning ripping Mark's d**k off hadn't been the smartest thing she'd said or done today. But if she didn't force her second to obey her now, things would just get worse.  But it was no wonder that Justa watched her with wary eyes. So much for her seduction plan.  Then again if he slept he would be surrounded by her scent as he did so. Maybe it would awaken his own animal and she wouldn't mind that. "Get some rest, Justa. I'm going to take a shower before I address the pack about your help." She just hoped she didn't make a fool of herself trying to figure out the contraption. She'd never used most of the things that came with a house besides the bed. There just was no point. Besides, if she was inside the bathroom she didn't have to face up to her failed plan. Justa sighed as he slid a hand through his two-toned hair. "I do appreciate it you know." "Appreciate what?" Alice frowned at him. "You're fighting against your animal instincts." He chuckled. "Well, almost all of them. But you're not trying to push me, you're not trying to attack me, and you're even keeping your distance. Maybe you have something else planned, but I wanted to thank you." Alice winced. Would he still feel like that if he crawled into her bed? Her scent was everywhere. It would be so obvious what she'd done there. "You're welcome. And I do trust you. If you want, you can have your own room, without me staring at you all the time." Justa chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that. I might take you up on that offer tomorrow, but for now, I just want to get some rest." He glanced over at her rumpled bed. "Is the offer for resting on that still available? I had a bit of trouble today." "Trouble?" Alice frowned. "What do you mean?" "Not anything serious." Justa watched her now. His nostrils were flaring and darkness entered his eyes turning the blue almost into a smoke color. "It was just a wolf that wasn't too keen on you letting me stay here. Mark took care of it." "What did he say?" Alice's smile was gone. Who the f**k cared about her smell right now. She would rip the wolf apart.  "I don't know the names of your pack. She just said that you would get tired of me eventually, and when you did the pack would tear me apart." "Tell me what she looked like. I will not have anyone in my pack act like that. I'll banish her. No, I'll tear her apart in front of the others as punishment." "Stop," Justa glared at her. Alice took a step back from the glower. "What?" "There's no need to be brutal. She said something and then walked away. Nothing was done. Please, calm down. I hate it when people lose their tempers." Fuck. Alice's head chin dropped to her chest. Did he hate her after her show of power with Mark? But that was necessary! She couldn't have let herself just be taken by him. Why was all of this so complicated? "Alice, just go take your shower. We'll talk tomorrow. I'm tired and I'm going to get some sleep."  She couldn't even find it in her to answer him. Instead, she watched as he headed to her small pallet against the wall, and he got under the covers.  Oh, Goddess. Why? Why would he not want to go sleep in his corner as he had before? Why did this man insist on sleeping where she had pleasured herself, to the thought of him?  She wanted to smack herself. No. She wanted to smack him! He was going to crawl under those covers, he was going to smell her! Even as a human she'd made sure. "Rest well, I'll talk with you when you get up," she whispered as she turned. Heat climbed the back of her neck and blazed on her cheeks. How could she be so stupid? What had she been thinking? Now that she was satisfied for the moment? She was completely regretting her spur of the action decision.  Justa didn't stop her and she slipped into the bathroom closing the door behind her. She leaned against it as she shivered. What was she going to do if he hated her for this?  Or worse, if he got disgusted. The idea made her slide down the door until her ass hit the tiled floor and she stared numbly at the shiny white tub.  What had she done?
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