#Chapter 116: Burning

1600 Words

I woke up slowly to the smell of burning trees and smoke. I felt the heat of it on my back and still tasted sweetness in my mouth. I choked and tried to cover my mouth, searching for the source of the fire. I felt the heat, but it wasn’t so close that I couldn’t get away. I felt terrible, dizzy, and nauseous. I dragged my body away from the fires, trying to get further into the forest and away from the fire. I heard something roar and the ground began to shake as if something was coming toward me. Was it another beast? Had the fire been set by Shiloh? Maybe one of the vampires that had been attacking the van? Where were they? Were they still nearby waiting to grab me and drag me to Damian? Who was the person who pulled me out of the van? What had he done to me? My stomach lurched. I did

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