Sarah’s Blood

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“You said that modern-age people have shorter DNA due to part of our stands not being transferred to our offspring. So, every generation loses some of the genetic codes. You mentioned that it is lost mainly from the telomeres, which makes sense when I think about it. What I don’t understand though.” Sarah paused, looking from one face to another around her current prison. “…. is how you and all of the other Michaels haven’t been impacted in the same way. How did all of you manage to retain a full set of DNA? You aren’t going to tell me that you are immortal as well, are you?” Legalos and Tequila looked at each other without expression, then back at Sarah. “Well?” she continued, pressing for their answer. “No, we aren’t immortal.” Legalos responded to her. “You have quite some imagination. But to answer your question, none of us would have retained a nearly full set of DNA either if Dr. Yemin hadn’t intervened.” Tequila stepped towards her, leaned in, wound and secured the rubber tourniquet around her left arm just above her elbow. “Do you remember the June 2019 genetic studies of ancient people referred to as Neanderthal? It was reported through the Smithsonian, National Geographic and other popular channels to the ignorant masses that Neanderthals are a subspecies of humans. Hmmmmmm. Superspecies is actually correct. However, the ego of modern man would never admit, nor publish that.” Tequila interrupted his information momentarily, driving a needle into her antecubital. Her dark, oxygen-filled blood rushed into the test tube. “It would lengthen the time of modern man if his or her ego wasn’t hindering what was being reported.” Offered the Legalos look-alike. No matter for us though. I prefer a quicker end of all this ridiculousness. If I never have to witness another protest followed by destruction, I won’t mind at all.” “I agree with you on that point.” Sarah acknowledged. “Do you have any beer? I think I might do better with all of this if I have a couple beers.” Tequila looked at Legalos and nodded. Legalos frowned. “You owe me the first harvest from your lemon trees.” Tequila tilted back his head and laughed. “I win.” Legalos responded. “Ugh, yes, I predicted wine. She is less cultured than I thought. I still believe she would desire a fine wine if she wasn’t under so much stress.” “Sorry, Michael. We didn’t make that a stipulation when betting. You are going to give her a beer…. Or six…hahahaha… the moderns are so dependent on their vices,” “What is your pleasure, Sarah?” The Michael that she thought of as Tequila asked her. “Do you have a six pack of Coors Light?” she asked with a nervous laugh. “This is all surreal. I hope to wake tomorrow and discover this has all been a bad dream.” “I hope that I wake tomorrow with an email containing your Genome report from the Michaels at Invicta, the colleagues who you know as Drew and Devlin.” Admitted Tequila. He continued. “I am sure you have a nickname for me since we weren’t introduced out in the working world. I am curious. How did you name me in your mind?” Sarah blushed and tilted her chin as far as she could towards her chest. “I named you, “Tequila”.” Before she could explain, his deep, rich laugh filled the room. “What do you call my blonde partner who just left to fetch your beer? “Meade”, perhaps?” he said smirking at his own cleverness. “No. I call him “Legalos”. You know, the elf character from Lord of the Rings.” “I can see that.” “How do you refer to each other?” Sarah wondered aloud. “We use our worldly aliases in public of course. In private, we call each other, Michael. We are one. It is a much different society that you are used to.” “In your society, what name is used for the women?” The women are called “Mariyam”. “Is that a Biblical reference?” It is the Hebrew version of “Mary”, Jesus’ virgin mother. The person God chose to bear his child.” “Yes, it is.” “The Michael who got me into all of this didn’t mention Christianity when he was explaining the carvings on the door to the opposite wing. So why was Mary chosen as the name for the females?” “You are limiting God’s scope. Do you not think that he knew of Mariyam from the beginning…..even before he created Adam and Eve?” “You are right. Omnipotent is omnipotent. I guess I never really gave that a thought until just now.” “Why then are the Males called Michael and not, …say…Adam, Joseph, or David?” “We are named after the Michael the Archangel.” “I see.” “I will go into that later. I’m sure you know a bit about our namesake, but I know you are too tired right now to truly digest what I need to tell you. And I will not need to bother you with the details if you don’t pass the Genome test. I’m sorry to tell you that your blood was drawn for other purposes. In order for us to get a complete picture of your genetic potential, we will need a sampling of several ova. It is quite a bit more invasive than the needle I just used.” Sarah’s body stiffened at the thought. “What are you planning to use?” “I’ll show you after you have a chance to relax with of few of your beers. Alcohol doesn’t effect the integrity of the ova that we are going to harvest. Drugs used in general anesthesia don’t harm the ova either, however, they alter logarithmically more tissues. If you prove to be a candidate for restoration, there will be less damage, in general, to be restored.” Sarah looked on at him silently, nodding her head showing pseudo-understanding of his point. “You appear very nervous, Sarah. Maybe this admonition will ease your suffering. There are few modern people who have made it to the point of being tested. The fact that you are here at all bodes well in your favor, not to mention that three Michaels are under the impression that you are worthy to be tested in the first place. Your mind was what impressed Drew and Devlin. The one you knew only as Michael was driven solely by s****l attraction. His desire to make you his mate ultimately led to the behaviors that caused us to eliminate him.” Sarah’s eyes widened and started to moisten with tears at her memory. “You say that you want to save people, but then kill them without emotion. It makes no sense.” “You are considering his worth as many moderns do. His lack of self-control was too big a risk for us. However, his passion for you is for your benefit.” Tequila turned his head towards the sound of the door sliding open. Legalos stepped through the threshold grasping a six pack of Coors Light by the plastic rings that held them as a group. “Here you are. These aren’t exactly cold. Notice the mountains on the can aren’t blue.” He said with a smirk as he stalked up to her chair. Sarah tilted her head in his direction and locking eyes with him, the leather straps not as tight on her forehead. “That will definitely not do.” She returned more boldly than warranted by her current position. “That particular type of beer, an American Lager is enjoyed best when 40 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.” “It seems to me that you are just trying to lengthen your stay, Sarah.” Legalos tilted his head looking down his nose at her. “That is very clever your demanding your beer to be cold. I’m sure that Michael informed you of the physiological reasons behind why we are allowing you your request instead of just sedating you otherwise.” “Yes, he did actually.” She returned with a renewed confidence. “Please go chill those to the proper temperature if you would.” “Michael,” Legolas addressed Tequila, “Her cleverness does not seem to have been exaggerated. Please join me in taking these to the kitchen.” Legolas turned and headed towards the door at the opposite end of the room. Tequila looked at Sarah without any expression, then followed. Sarah attempted a deep breath, but the inflation of her lungs was restricted by the strap across her chest. She didn’t notice as Devlin approached the chair. “Looks like you may make it through the gauntlet.” He said with in a sarcastic tone. “I’m so sorry, Dev.” Sarah reflexively responded in an unconscious attempt at self-preservation. “You preferred that red-headed giant with sub zero IQ, to me?” Sarah’s tone pivoted 180 degrees on his accusation. “That sounds more like a statement than a question. You were late as usual. Not everyone thinks you are so damn special to sit around for half an hour without a phone call. You started the fight with Michael. It is your own fault that ended up bloody and unconscious in that alley with a broken face.” Devlin’s eyes widened, then became slits as his jaw tightened in response to her version of the night’s events when he was hauled off to have his jaw reconstructed after Michael’s one, solid blow. “I noticed something special in you. It had to do with your mind, not your body.” Devlin stared hard into her eyes. “Well, maybe you were right.” She said tilting her chin up as far as the restraints allowed. “uuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhh!” Dev let out a noise in frustration. “You are such a pain in the ass! I don’t even know why I bothered.” He turned his back on her. She could see the tension in his shoulders with every deep breath. “Michael tried to claim you. He was wrong. There is a hierarchy. Drew noticed you first. However, Drew loves you only as a friend. I was next in line. I’m not upset that Michael is dead. He deserved it.” “Stop!” Sarah said in a strained voice. “Michael has ruined my life. I have no loyalty to him.” Delvin stepped closer moving his mouth just inches from her left ear. “And what of your loyalty to me?” He pulled back to an upright position in front of her waiting for her to answer. “I-I-I” Sarah couldn’t come up with a lie while looking him straight in his beautiful blue eyes. “That’s what I thought.” Devlin turned picking and moved towards the sliding doors. “Wait! Please!” Sarah attempted to yell in his wake, her voice no more powerful than a whisper.
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