Chapter 4

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“Alex, Scott just asked you a question.” Lexi said under her breath and I dragged my eyes away from Andrea reluctantly, half hoping to see those ugly yellow crocs she was wore instead of the red spaghetti strapped dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. “They uh, must have met each other by chance someplace else.” I shrugged, not wanting to tell him much of it, especially not when I was teaching his precious baby sister on how to get the guy. “She was in London and she just recently returned, how could she have met him from before?” “Why don’t you ask Andrea herself instead? She’d do a much better job explaining.” Lexi said and I was glad she answered on my behalf. Scott thought for a bit and nodded after, but knowing him, he’d just forget about it especially when he had his eyes trained on the girl sitting alone at the corner of the bar. “Hey guys!” I greeted my team mates and they raised their bottles at me. “Ay, the Captain and his Vice is here! Hey Lexi!” “Happy Birthday Sam.” We bumped each other’s fist as Lexi and I slid into the empty space they made for us at the booth. “Hey Lexi, great to see you again. When’s your next gig?” Sam asked. I left them both to talk and Bryan was pulled into the conversation with my team so I took my opportunity right away to get her attention. “I’m sorry, I believe we’ve met before? I’m Alexander, and you’re?...”  I said teasingly, looking at her bare shoulders and she lifted her chin and did the most seductive kind of blink that caused me to gulp. “Why? Just because you don’t see the crocs and the tie dye shirt on me, suddenly you’re confused?” she asked, wanting to take a sip from the beer bottle. I held the end of the glass, pulling it down towards the table and she narrowed her eyes at my fingers. “Is this your first date with him?” my eyes darted to Bryan discreetly before turning my attention back at her. “No…” she laughed nervously. “Sam invited me. It’s my best friend’s birthday, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” “I thought I was your best friend.” I raised a brow and she rolled her eyes. “The keyword was ‘was’.” She shrugs, pulling the bottle a little harder from my grip as she lifted the bottle and poured the liquid into the cup. “Funny there, baby.” I said quietly. “So did you manage to impress the math nerd in your class?” now it was her turn to ask me a question as I popped a peanut into my mouth. “Nope, I decided it wasn’t worth it anymore.” “What? Am I hearing this right? Alexander Castellano walking away from a potential hook-up?” “Hey believe me when I say I have more self-control than you think, alright?” She looked at me skeptically and smiled but before she could say anything else, Bryan turned to her and interrupted whatever she had wanted to say to me. “I’ll need to borrow her for a minute or two, or maybe more.” He repeated whatever I had said to him in the library earlier and my jaw ticked, wanting to say something smart but I knew that Andrea really liked this guy and I wasn’t about to ruin the experience for her. “She’s all yours.” I leaned back into the seat while Lexi turned to look at me. “Hey, do you wanna grab a drink?” I watched Andrea’s eyes dart back and forth between the both of us with a foreign look as she tried her best to pay attention to what Bryan was actually saying to her. She looked nervous, her fingers tightly coiled around each other, but I smiled to reassure her, hopefully she’d remember what I had thought her about confidence. I took up Lexi’s offer without a second thought as we both moved over to the bar to order. “That’s the guy Andrea has a crush on?” Lexi asked the second we were out of earshot. “Yeah, Bryan Trevors, they met in London when they were both doing their internship.” “He’s pretty good looking.” She smiled as we leaned against the bar counter while I ordered two bottles of beers. I pulled a face at her and she grinned—she knew I didn’t appreciate her comment. “You mentioned that Harvard accepted him right off the bat by just glancing at his curriculum records?” “Yeah, but they won’t let me off the hook just cause I was getting a string of ‘E’s.” Lexi threw her head back and laughed. “I assume that you’re actually gonna do something about that now? Getting a string of ‘E’s isn’t something to be proud of.” “I’ve already gotten myself a tutor, thank you very much for your kind suggestion.” I said, grabbing the two bottles of beers and Lexi slapped a 5 dollar bill on the counter. “Hey, I was about to pay for these” I protested. “You paid for dinner, I pay for drinks—that’s the way how friendship works.” She smiled, taking one bottle from me. “Yet many girls just seem to think that’s just a myth or theory.” I shrugged, taking a sip from the bottle. “So, who’s that tutor of yours?” “I think it’s pretty obvious as to who I asked.” She thought for a bit before answering, “Is it who I think it is? Andrea?” Lexi looked at Andrea discreetly who had her back turned, laughing at something funny Bryan was saying. Good god, I sure do hope she’s not laughing at one of his many lame knock knock jokes. “You uh, got a bit of drool right here.” She pointed at the corner of lips and I caught her finger, just then, Andrea decided it was time to stretch around and she turned towards us, looking at Lexi’s fingers in my fist. “Get your slimy hands off me Alex.” Lexi laughed and I let go, turning my back against Andrea this time. “How’s that guy that you’re seeing? Is he like what? A music major as well?” I asked. ** Andrea’s POV I was paying to attention. The keyword—‘was’. Okay in all fairness and justice I wanted to give Bryan and myself, I just wanted to say I did try to pay attention to what my crush was trying to say. It wasn’t that Bryan wasn’t interesting—he was, and he looked so good in just a black shirt and jeans although the second Alex tore into the club, I felt my heart rate sped up—he was rocking a leather jacket and jeans and boy did those fit him perfectly; then Lexi walked in as well and my eyes followed the little gesture he did with Lexi, making sure she didn’t trip when someone has rushed past them at the door. I felt my heart sink a little­—watching him with another girl was exactly I had intended to avoid upon my return. As to why I was wearing what I was wearing, Sam didn’t allow me to step out of my brother’s apartment wearing just jeans and a plain blouse. He said if I wanted to impress Bryan, I had to at least make an effort to dress well. What a pain that was. So I spent another 10 minutes going through my closet and pulled out the dress that I had bought from a store in London but never gotten around in wearing it because I had a bad habit of waiting for a special occasion to do so. I even went as far to curl my hair into lose waves and did the whole make up routine. I know what you’re about to ask, did I get Bryan’s number? No. But did he ask for mine? Yes. He had asked me for it when Alex left the library. I couldn’t focus on my reading after the slight giddiness that followed when he had asked me if I wanted to head to lunch together; the boys from my brother’s team joined us at our table and Sam had asked me to join them at the bar for his birthday. So here I was, sipping on my beer when Bryan was recalling a funny moment when we were out in the streets of London, watching the night life. My back was getting sore from sitting upright the whole time, so I stretched subtly, turning my head a little and caught a glimpse of Alex holding Lexi’s hand, laughing about something. It was a really brief eye contact and he looked away almost immediately. As the night went on, the boys were already tipsy and were talking obnoxiously about they could pitch a ball from afar with their eyes closed and Bryan was just being himself—charming and unbothered with their talks but instead, engaged me in an interesting conversation until… “Hey you guys wanna play a game of truth or dare?” one of the boys from the team asked. That’s where everyone chimed in. Now I’ve not played this game in a full year, and before I left to London, this game was something we had always played whenever we came down to this bar.   *Flashback—a year ago…* It was a rainy, late September evening when the boys had just won their second game of the year and now it was time for a celebration. One too many drinks later, some smart ass from the team suggested a game of truth or dare. Andrea didn’t like that game too much and if she could avoid it, she would. But these were her friends and they just had won a game. She didn’t want to seem like a spoiled sport either, so she said yes. Before their big game today, Andrea and Alex were arguing about something—she had promised him that she’d hang out with him two nights ago but for some reason, she didn’t show up and she had a pretty damn good reason as to why she bailed. He got mad and called her out for it but she wasn’t about to tell him that the more she went out with him one on one, the more she felt herself being drawn to him like two polar opposites of a magnet. Alex was never one for commitment and he most certainly did not do relationships. She, on the other hand, would never want to risk getting her heartbroken by someone like him although she really, for the love of god, liked him. The night went on with Alex ignoring her and she called him petty for doing so. It was just that one time—okay, maybe three times in a row. But she gave the excuse that they hung out every single day but he reasoned that it wasn’t the same especially with Scott in it. She got so fed up, she ignored him for the first half of the night but actually planned to make it up to him with ice cream later, and she knew what his favorite flavor was. Sam noticed of course, he knew Andrea had a thing for Alex, they occasionally talked about it but Andrea didn’t go much into details because when it ever got too serious, she’d always brush it away. Alex went first, whilst now smirking at Andrea while she tried her best to keep her distance. “Scott, truth or dare?” “You already know its dare bud.” Scott nodded his head and his friends cheered for him, all except Andrea who called her brother a perverted pig. “I dare you to go hit that girl up and buy her a drink.” “That chic has a boyfriend.” Scott turned his head slightly to look at the girl who sat at a far corner of the bar. “She also couldn’t take her eyes off you the second we walked into the bar.” Alex countered. “If I get whooped in the ass, it’s all your fault Castellano.” Scott smacked his friend in the back, sliding out of the booth and approached the girl. The rest of them watched intently to see whether the great Scott Bennett would get his ass whopped again tonight but turns out, that boy seated next to her was her cousin, so it was all good. “Now that we got it sorted out, it’s my turn next.” Sam rubbed his hands together. On the side note, these boys were pretty tipsy at the table, including Scott who had his tongue down that girl’s throat while her cousin disappeared, all but Alex and Andrea who was only sipping on some cocktail her brother had gotten her. “Now Alex...” Sam slurred and the boys tapped their finger eagerly against the table for drum roll when their Captain’s name was called. “Truth or dare?” Alex’s eyes darkened towards Andrea and she lowered her eyes, not wanting to meet his gaze at all. “I dare you to kiss Bennett’s sister while he’s not looking. The boys cheered and clapped, thankfully the music was so loud that Scott didn’t even hear them. Not only he didn’t hear them, he and the girl have both now disappeared. And mind you, Scott Bennett takes his dares very seriously. “No, no no, no.” Andrea shook her head. “Oh come on Andrea, who doesn’t want to kiss the Captain of Varsity?” one of her friends cried. “Yeah Andy, who doesn’t to kiss the Captain of Varsity?” Alex chimed in. “Someone who plans on keeping her dignity intact, that’s who.” She shot back and the boys nudged their captain, laughing. “Sam, you need to step up your game a little here.” Alex turned to Sam who sent him a knowing look. “You have two choices Bennett, either you let Castellano kiss you or you pay him a 150 bucks for not wanting to participate.” “That is the stupidest rule I’ve ever heard, Sam you take it back!” Andrea scolded as her heart raced against her chest, her eyes did their best to avoid the dark gaze that was coming from the other side of the booth. “One.. two…” Sam counted. She sucked in a deep breath as she realized she doesn’t have that kind of money—she wasn’t like Castellano who bled money and even if she had that kind of cash, she sure as hell wasn’t about to pay for some penalty of a dumb game. “Fine. But you only get 3 seconds and that’s it.” “Three seconds is good too.” Alex smirked confidently and Andrea knew that cocky look all too well. “Head someplace else, but make sure the both of you come right back and not wander off.” Sam said and earned himself a glare from his girl bestie. Great, this was the perfect chance to escape Alex since they were asked to leave the table. She increased the width of her strides and headed towards the door. She smiled to herself, thinking she had succeeded, so she began jogging but felt someone pull her right back and she slammed into a rock hard body. She gasped and swallowed hard, her heart beating rapidly as she felt her pulse quickening. “Normally girls would run my way but you’re doing the total opposite. Why Andrea? Do you find me that repulsive?” he asked her, his mouth dangerously close to the shell of her ear as his hands slid up and held her by her arms. “” she stammered. “Then what is it? Why were you avoiding me like the plague for the last two weeks? Did I do something wrong?” he asked her, backing them into a dark corner outside the bar that no one would be able to see them. “You didn’t, I was just busy.” “Busy with what?” he prodded as he spun her around, willing her to look at him. Even under the dimmed lamppost lights, she could very well make out his features. His eyes were dark, staring at her with such intensity and his lips, god she can’t even bring herself to describe them—not especially in a proximity as close as this. All she wanted to do was just… “Busy with what baby?” he asked her, his voice was more insistent now. She begged herself not to tell him the truth, she knew he would only laugh in his face and told her she was mistaken for her feelings—that she read him wrong. She knew he would push her away, just like every other girl he’s been with. Once he had his fill, he did a pretty good job in distancing himself from them, it’s like nothing’s ever happened. Alexander Castellano didn’t do commitment—the whole female community knew that, heck, the whole of United States knew that. So whatever she planned on telling him, she didn’t. But she did replay this scenario a million times in her head, him holding her so close, his dark eyes boring holes right into hers and he bombarded her with questions that would make her waver in whatever she once believed in, and then, kissing her after. “You weren’t busy with work Andrea, you were busy avoiding me and I want to know why exactly.” “It’s better for you not to know Alex, like I said, I don’t want your nose up in my personal business, I thought I made that part very clear?” Before he could reject her, she rather her do it first to save herself from getting her heart ripped and torn into pieces or die of embarrassment. “But I like having my nose up in your business Andrea, you’re the one girl that I’m absolutely comfortable with and I made sure you knew that.” He held a palm towards against her cheek gently and she forced herself not to lean into the warmth radiating of it. “Yes but I too, need my space. The last thing I need to hear from you is how good your last conquest was in bed or how many times you’ve got her screaming your name.” “Is that all you remember what I’ve said to you over the last few years?” he asked, sounding a little taken aback. “It’s all I ever hear Alex!” she said, sounding more annoyed now. “Your tall blondes who were like goddesses in bed or your brunettes with those flexible hips that could move around so languidly...” “There were no red heads included.” “What?” she asked confused. “I don’t sleep with red heads, baby.” “What the hell does that even mean?” she herself knew she was a red head and she felt a familiar ache of hurt reaching her chest, but before she could ask him to explain himself… “Because if I were to sleep with a red head, it’d only be you and you only.” “And what makes you think I’d…?” She didn’t even get to finish her sentence and he slammed his lips onto hers, making her toes curl instantly. There was absolutely no time to process what was going on because this all happened so fast. She didn’t even try to pull away because even if she did, it would be highly impossible with that vice like grip he had on her hips. His lips moved against her like butter, he slid up one hand from her hips to her face, pulling her closer as if she wasn’t stuck to him like glue already. He pressed himself against her and she moaned, probably feeling what she did to him now and she smiled against his lips with the knowledge of ‘Hey, I did that to Alexander Castellano’. “Don’t go, please.” He said in between their kiss. She knew what he meant—news of her leaving to London was already spread around the team like wildfire but she knew if she wanted to keep her heart in one piece, she had to stick to the decision she made herself. This kiss won’t change anything and she knew that, it was just a matter of time before he discard her like the rest once he realized the mistake he did. And then what? She still had to force herself to put a smile on her face for the rest of her life—pretending like nothing happened. It wouldn’t help, especially when her brother was best friends with this boy kissing her and there was certainly no way she could escape that fact she would have to see him for as long as she lives. “I have to Alex.” She said, a small moan escaped her lips when he broke their kiss and trailed his lips against her neck, leaving trails of kisses until he found her sweet spot that make her insides coil with want and she pushed herself up against him, hopefully he too knew what he could do to her. “I want you to stay baby, stay for me, please.” He basically pleaded with her and she found it hard to say no, especially when his fingers were skimming the bare skin just above the hem of her jeans. She held onto his shoulder blades for support when his lips trailed against her jaw and back to her lips, kissing her once again. She forced herself to pull away from that kiss in attempt to stay level headed. “Stay for you and then what Alex? Why is it that you want me to stay?” she asked.  He looked at her, his eyes in a daze with confusion and something else. “If you leave then, who’s gonna be my study partner in the library? Or come to my games to cheer for me? Who’s gonna be my taste tester after I whip up something new in the kitchen? Or be my wingman, introducing girls to me?” “You want me to stay because of all that?” she asked, looking at him in disbelief. She was mostly angry now, angry because he wanted her to stay because of his selfish reasons and not because he wanted her. “Yeah I mean, of course there are many other reasons why I want you to stay but those were the important ones.” He tried to explain. “Be your wingman and introduce my friends to you?” she practically scoffed at him. “Don’t you have enough tramps to sleep with that you would need more? Study partner? Alex, picking up nerdy chicks out of their seats in the library and into your bed isn’t exactly called studying.” She rolled her eyes. “Why are you so angry Andrea? I mean, all I did was just answer your question and here you are calling me out for something that I’ve been doing for a while now.” “Oh ho, you have no idea Alex. I’m sick of being at your beck and call whenever you need me, which includes you wanting to hang out with me but make the whole day just about you and what you like to do!” “Because it’s always been that way Andrea! Whenever I asked you what you would like to do, you’ll say nothing. So I take it upon me and plan something for the both of us. How is that making a whole day about me?” “Do you f*****g realize that whenever you call me to hang out but then disappear for at least an hour when you see a girl and then you make me wait for you at like what? A café or in a damn mall, or even your car. What the f**k Alex, who even does s**t like that? “You said you were okay with waiting!” “Well what am I supposed to say? No? Is that it? Is that what I should have said instead?” she yelled, stepping away from him now with disgust. “Christ, what the hell is wrong with you tonight? Why are you talking as if like I forced you into all these?” he too, had his voice raised. “Because!” she begin, her lips quivering and her eyes were glassy. “Because what Andrea?” he pressed, annoyed at her because he himself wanted to know what was it that was repressing her. “You know what? Let’s just forget this whole argument ever happened. I need to get back inside before the boys think we’ve already left.” “Andrea...” his voice was full of warning. “Don’t walk away from this argument, not like baby, please.” “Stop calling me that!” she may or may not have screamed in frustration at his face, causing him to stop in his tracks and he stared at her with confusion in his eyes. She has never spoken that way or react like that to him. No matter how mad they both got, they would never yell at each in an argument so this was the first. “Don’t ever call me that again, I’ll never be yours Alex.” Her green eyes filled up and a stray tear rolled down her cheek and she turned around just as quickly, taking in a deep breath. “I’ll never be yours.” ** //Present time// Alexander’s POV Andrea and I shared a knowing look, it’s as if we were able to read each other’s minds at the single mention of the game. Andrea lost interest in the conversation with Bryan as she paid more attention to her empty cup of beer, toying with the cheap glassware. “You look like s**t Alex, what’s wrong?” Lexi asked me. “Just remembered something that happened some time ago.” I answered, looking at Andrea. “Whatever it was must’ve left some bad imprint on you to look like that.”   “You think?” I sighed as I moved around my second bottle of empty beer.  Scott was long gone from the table and was now talking to a girl who then made it clear that she wanted to leave the bar with all the incessant touching. This scene felt all too familiar. “Okay, who would like to go first?” one of my team mates asked. Lexi leaned against her seat, messing with her phone while I peeked over her shoulder. “Is that who I think is is?” I trailed and she grinned. “Yes it is, now would you please stop being so nosy and get your face out of my phone.” She pushed a finger against my temple and I chuckled, nudging her on the shoulder. “The two of you sure do look together, although Castellano looks like a useless piece of accessory next to you.” “Why? You feeling left out? You wanna be her arm candy instead, Trevors?” I grinned and Bryan sighed. Andrea rolled her eyes, knowing I would never back down from a banter. Lexi scoffed as she wrung her arm around my shoulder, “Oh trust me, this guy here is not a mere accessory.” “Oh wow, that is sure rare to hear you commend me like that, Lexi Stone, well done.” I said sarcastically. “I thought you preferred my brutal insults more than anything?” Lexi stuck out her tongue at me and I chuckled. Andrea looked up momentarily, watching our exchange and got up before whispering something to Bryan which he asked her if she wanted him to come with. She shook her head before patting his shoulder, sliding out of the booth; I watched her disappear into the dark hallway that led to the bathroom. “The boys tell me that you and Andrea go way back huh? With you and Scott being best friends?” Bryan asked. “Who wants to know?” I raised a brow. “I do. I’m actually pretty interested in her, Andrea’s well, she’s unique.” “Why do you even bother telling me something I already know?” I looked at him, my face tilted in a certain defiant way that had him sit more uprightly. “But why do I feel like you’re not too happy with the idea of me hanging out with her? Are the two of you perhaps, exclusive best friends or something?” Lexi pulled the edge of my jacket— it was her way of telling me to calm down when I was about to lose it. “Even if we were exclusive, I still don’t think I owe you an explanation for that. Besides, you very well know the reason why I don’t like you. You being here in Harvard, vying for my spot all for what Trevors? The fame? The girls? Is that it?” I didn’t blink at all when I spoke to him but he was calm and collected, I had to give him that. “Fame and girls are the last two things on my list Castellano, I simply don’t want the only things that can keep a man like you happy, your title, however…could be a good motivation for me to start with.” “Alex…” Lexi’s voice was firm this time when my jaw clenched. Bryan watched me closely, it’s as if he was waiting for me to take the first swing at him. If I ever were to start a bar fight, know that this was all his fault. “Weren’t you ever taught to not take things that don’t belong to you?” “I don’t take things Castellano, I earn them. And it has come to my attention that you aren’t doing well in your studies and that gives me the leverage in this little game that we’re playing. But too bad for you, you’re on what they call—the losing end.” I watched a boy walking through the same walkway that was heading to the bathroom and realized that Andrea was taking longer than usual. “As much as I would love to stay and have that little cat fight with you, I have something I need to handle, now if you would excuse me…” I trailed, sliding smoothly right out of the booth and went after Andrea. “Hey girlie, love that dress on you. Isn’t you brother the great Scott Bennett? Vice Captain of the Panther’s but how could he let his baby sister out of his sight dressed like that?” “Move along, for the last time, I said I’m not interested.” I heard Andrea say. “Why not? Aren’t we all here for a good time?” “Get away from me, what is wrong with you?” she sounded annoyed. “Come on, don’t be like that, it’s just a peck.” “Stop that, get away from me you scum!” I heard her say. The lights here were dimly lit and there was no one walking in and out of the hallway—the stench of stale alcohol and cigarette smoke would make any person with a weak stomach retch. “Baby you there?” I asked and Andrea looked up. “Ale…” before she could say anything, the person who was cornering her up the wall tried to make a move at her. It took me all but just three large strides to get to where the bastard was and grabbed him by the collar of shirt, pulling him back harshly until he fell ass first on the ground. “Are you alright? Did he touch you?” I asked, holding her cheek at first before moving them to her arms to check for bruises but it was impossible to see under this bad lighting. “Hey who the f**k are you…?” the boy complained, getting up. “Who the f**k am I? You’d better take a good look at this face before I restructure yours.” I threatened. “Alexander?” the person’s eyes widened. “That’s who. Just what the f**k were you think when you had put your hands on my girl?” I spat. Andrea said nothing but stayed behind me, a hand circling my arm. “Hey man, I didn’t know she was yours to begin with.” “Well now you do. You’ve really got some nerve showing up when you know we’ve got a whole football team out there to whoop your flat ass.” I advanced towards him and he shuffled backwards, tripping over his crossed legs. “Now, apologize to Andrea.” I said sternly. “Why should I? I mean, look at her dress, she’s basically asking for it.” “You did not just say that to my girl.” I grabbed him harshly by the collar one again but Andrea pulled my jacket. “Alex, please just let it go. He’s not worth it.” “I said apologize to the lady.” I seethed, shaking him so hard that probably egged out the fear that crossed his eyes before he mumbled a careless apology. “Alex, please let’s just go.” Andrea said shakily. “You’re lucky Andrea’s willing to let it go. If I hear you doing this to any other girl on campus, best believe me when I say I’d pluck your balls right off without blinking, you hear me? “Alex!” Andrea said and I dropped him like a sack of potatoes. I hadn’t taken two steps before he said, “Why would you want to protect an undeveloped girl like her when you can get every other girl on campus in bed?” That’s it. “No, no Alexander!” Andrea turned around but I let go of her hand and charged towards the boy, swinging a fist right into his jaw, causing him to stumble once again to the ground. “You son of a b***h, don’t you even look at her!” I gave him another swing on his nose. “Don’t you ever touch her again...” I grabbed his collar, forcing him to look up at me, watching fresh blood spew out of his nostrils. “Don’t you ever go near her again, do you understand me?” I prepared for another swing and he covered his face instantly. “No, please I’m sorry!” he begged. “Lasciarlo andare, Castellano.” Andrea said firmly, “Per favore.” She was the only girl who spoke Italian to me and she knew I loved it when she did so, something about her speaking in that language soothes the f**k out of me, even I can’t quite put a finger to it as to why.  “Let it go Alex.” She said again and I dropped the kid in front of me. “Don’t ever let me see you again or I swear to god I will do so much more than just hitting you.” I threatened. “Outside, now.” Andrea said to me once we were in the clearing. When we passed by our table, Lexi shared a knowing look. Bryan was about to get up and approach Andrea but Lexi caught his attention, asking him about something. I muttered a ‘thank you’ before catching up with Andrea.  
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