Chapter 2

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~Callahan~ Dominic dragged us to the head warrior training session this morning. He apparently has to scout out who he thinks will do well. Get a list of potential new head warriors. I hate watching people fight. I like to fight myself. Lets me blow off steam. Dom says I'm a hothead. Owen thinks I just need to get laid. We're standing with Jeremy Hull, our best head warrior when two people walk over. One of them is Lela, Jeremy's younger sister. Owen starts looking at her like he wants to devour her. I shake my head. He can never keep it in his pants. He has a problem. But it surprises everyone when he offers to drive her to school so that she doesn't have to get up so early every day. He's never done something like that before. Something's up with him. The other person with Lela is Torrin Seaver. Jeremey says he's the best trainee they have. If Dom should pick anyone, it's him. He's standing close to Lela. Maybe they're dating? I heard someone say that Torrin was gay, but that could've been just a rumor. These two seem close enough to be dating. Owen keeps eyeing how close they are. When Lela shot down his offer for the ride, saying she's okay with Torrin driving her, Owen looks irritated. Lela holds Torrin's hand and walks away to start training. I can't help but stare at their hands. Why does it bother me that they're holding hands? "Is your sister dating that guy?" Owen asks Jeremey. "Who, Torrin? Oh, god no. They're just friends. Have been forever. My sister won't date anyone till she finds her mate. Doesn't want to get attached. Plus, I'm pretty sure Torrin is gay." Jeremy says. "What makes you think he's gay?" Dom asks, not even bothering to turn around from where he's looking at the training. "Oh, well like I said, Lela and Torrin have been friends for years. Before I found Shay, I obviously lived at home and I always heard them talking about guys they liked or thought were hot." Jeremy says. "Even Torrin?" I ask. Why did I ask that? "Well, I never heard a name, but from what I did hear, Torrin has had a crush on the same person since childhood. My sister called Torrin the 'eternal bachelor' because being gay obviously isn't allowed and the guy is straight, I guess." Jeremy says. Why does this bother me so much? "Well, he won't have to worry about that for long." Dom mutters. "What do you mean?" I ask. Dom looks down at the ground. "Nothing. Just forget it." "Alright," Owen says. Dom nods and turns back to the training. Owen smirks and looks at Jeremy. "So, you think your sister would go for me?" I look at Jeremy and he's shaking his head. "Man, I just told you. My sister won't give anyone the time of day until her birthday." "When's that?" Owen asks. "In two weeks. A few days before prom." Jeremy says. Oh yeah, we have prom this year. I almost forgot about that. We spend the rest of the training session just watching everyone. At least the other guys do. I find where Torrin is training and watch him the whole time. He's training with Alan. They're pretty much matched in size, but Torrin is faster and easily takes down Alan over and over again. Alan can't even catch his breath before Torrin has him pinned. He's a good warrior. He'll easily make it to be a head warrior. When training is over, Torrin looks over right at me. s**t, he knows I'm staring at him. Just then, Lela comes up to Torrin, causing him to look away for a second. I take this chance to leave. I follow Owen to his car. Before I get there, Dom stops me. "You know, you don't even try to hide you you're looking at." Dom says. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say. "Cal. You know I don't care about s**t like that. I'm not my dad. I'll support you either way and you'll always be my beta." Dom says to me. I look at him. "I appreciate that Dom, but I don't need support. I was looking at Torrin because Jeremy said he's the best trainee, not because I like him or anything. I'm not gay." "Alright. I just thought you did. This isn't the first time I've seen you staring at him and I wanted to let you know." Dom says, backing away. What does he mean? He's seen me looking at Torrin other times? Does this mean other people have too? I turn away and get in the back of Owen's car while Dom gets in the passenger seat. We drive to school and the whole time, I'm thinking about who it is that Torrin would like. I've never seen him around other guys except for training. He's always just with Lela. "What's wrong, man? You've been quiet this whole ride." Owen asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Nothing. Just got up too early this morning. Couldn't sleep." I lie. Owen looks at me, skeptical, but shrugs it off. "So, do you guys have dates to the alpha's dinner this weekend?" Owen asks us both. Dom rolls his eyes. "My dad is throwing this dumbass party just so that he can invite all his alpha and beta friends to bring their daughters. He's hoping one of them will be my mate. If I bring a date, he'll blow a f*****g gasket." Dom says. Owen and I just laugh. "Well, that doesn't mean we can't bring dates. Cal, who are you bringing?" Owen asks me. I give him a look. "I'll be going stag, same as our alpha here." I tap the back of Dom's headrest. Owen sighs loudly and dramatically. "You guys are so boring! I'm going to ask Lela." Owen states proudly. "Dude, her brother already told you she's waiting for her mate to date anyone. You really think she'll agree to be your date?" Dom asks him. "Of course. I mean, who can resist this?" Owen flashes a big smile at Dom and Dom just rolls his eyes. "Eyes on the road, dipshit." Dom crosses his arms, "Just let us know when you're asking her. I want to see how hard she shoots you down." "Oh, I definitely want to see that too." I laugh. "Whatever. Just you guys wait. Next time I see her, I'll ask her." Owen says as we pull into the school parking lot. I look around and see Torrin and Lela getting out of Torrin's car. "Well, here's your chance. She's right there." I lean forward and point to where they are standing. Owen parks the car and gets out. "No problem." Owen says smugly. He starts walking over to Lela. She notices and has a confused look on her face. Dom and I follow him. I look at Torrin and he's looking right at me, but quickly looks away. "Hey, Lela!" Owen calls, "I had a question for you." "Oh, great." I hear Lela mumble and I can't help but chuckle. Owen shoots me a glare and I just shrug. "So, you know that Alpha Dorian's party is this Saturday." Owen starts. "Yes, I do." Lela says. "I was wondering if you'd be my date." Owen says, flashing her the same smile he gave in the car. I look at Dom and roll my eyes. Dom just shakes his head. Lela's eyes go wide and she glances at Torrin, who in return just gives her a look that says 'I have no idea what's happening'. "Uh, I'm sorry Gamma, but I already have a date. So I can't go with you." Lela says. What? I thought she didn't date? "Oh. And who would that be?" Owen asks. I can tell by his tone his ego is a little bruised. "Um...Torrin is my date." Lela quickly grabs Torrin. His eyes go wide and he gives Lela a questioning look. "Really?" Owen says. "Oh, uh, yeah. Sure." Torrin says. He looks like he was caught off guard. "Are you guys dating?" Owen asks. I go up and smack Owen on the back of his head. "Ow! I was just asking" Owen rubs the back of his head. "Uh, no. We're not dating." Torrin says, clearly uncomfortable. He looks at me and looks away so fast, I thought I might have hallucinated it. "We're just friends. I don't date. Sorry, but we have to get to class." Lela grabs Torrin's arm and they turn to walk into the school. Owen watches them leave, sulking. Dom and I just start laughing. "How's that ego of yours? A girl finally said no to you." Dom says, smacking Owen on the back. "My ego is just fine. She's just playing hard to get. She'll crack eventually." Owen says, still staring after Lela. "This is pathetic, Owen. If you aren't her mate, she won't even give you the time of day. You have to move on." I tell him. "Nope. She's my newest target and I never lose." Owen says, smirking. Oh great. This should be fun. ---------------------------------------------------------- ~Torrin~ "Did that just happen?!" Lela whisper yells at me. "Yeah, it did." I say. "Why does he keep approaching me? Wasn't me rejecting him once enough?" "I guess not." I say. I keep thinking about Cal. He was looking at me almost the whole time Owen was talking to Lela, giving me a cold stare. "Ugh, gross." Lela says. I just nod as we walk to our lockers. They're right next to each other and we have our first class together so we always walk together. "Am I really your date to the alpha dinner? I thought you didn't want to go?" I ask. Lela turns to me. "I don't want to go. I just said that so that he'd leave me alone. You and I are going to have a movie night that night." Lela says. "Alright good. I really did not want to go." I laugh. We close our lockers and turn to head to class when I bump into someone, dropping my books. I look up to see Cal standing in front of me. "Crap, I'm sorry Beta Callahan. I didn't see you there." I say before bending down to pick up my books. He follows and picks up one as well. "I didn't mean to stand so close to you that you bumped into me. I just came to say you did really good at training this morning. Alpha Dominic will be considering you for a head warrior." Cal says to me, handing me my book. I take it and thank him. "Also, lying to the Gamma is usually an offense." Cal says. I look at Lela and her eyes go wide for a minute before Cal continues. "However, Owen is just looking to get into your pants, so I understand your reasoning. But just so you're aware, he has his sights set on you now." Cal turns around and walks away. I turn to Lela and she looks at me shocked. "Has he ever talked to you before?" Lela asks. "Not since we were kids." I say. I can't believe he talked to me. Why did he come to us? Why didn't Alpha Dominic tell me this? And why is he warning Lela about Owen? Does he like her too? "Well, today is officially super weird." Lela says. I shake my head and we go to class.
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