Chapter 2 The two

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Terra sat down next to Zane. Mattheo sat across from Zane. Blaze sat across from her. Zane looked at Terra and asked," So what have you been up too you know my mom is gonna wanna you over." Terra looked at him and said," Not much really I had to be honorable discharge but other than that nothing much." Zane looked shocked and said," And yet I'm not surprised what happened." Terra looked at him and said," Due to injury I could no longer serve." Mattheo looked at her and said," Yea but how." Terra looked at him reply explosion and that's why I'm in this college." Zane smiled at her and said," I'm glad you're here." Blaze looked at her and said," You're very cool Terra." Terra smiled at them. When they finish eating pizza and Zane's phone begins to ring it is his mother. Zane begins to talk to her for a while. Terra goes outside and has a cigarette. Mattheo and Blaze looked at her out the window. Mattheo looked at him and said," I think I'm in love." Blaze looked at him and said," Same." Mattheo looked at him smiled and said," All we need to do is to find out where she lives." Blaze smiled at him and said," and get info living with no traces." Mattheo nodded yes as Zane came back to his seat and said," Okay so we're gonna basically have to get Terra to come with us." Mattheo and Blaze smiled at each other and said," Possibly kidnapped." Zane whispers in their ears planning it perfectly. When they came outside to join Terra sitting by the car. Zane started the car and Terra sat down in the back as Mattheo sat next to her and Blaze sat up front. Zane said," See you guys later." Terra walked up to her house and Mattheo and Blaze walked next door. Blaze smiled and said," were neighbors." Terra smiled and nodded yes and went inside and began to read. Mattheo looked out his window and said," Dude this is a dream come true." Blaze smiled at her looking at her and said," Now phase 2." Mattheo nodded yes as they say down drinks beer. Terra took a shower and brushed her hair , putting on comfortable clothes. Sweat pants and Black crop top . Mattheo groans said," Jesus Terra so fuckin sexy." Blaze looked at her and said," Our dream girl isn't she." Mattheo nodded yes. Terra yawned and laid down for a bit. Terra resting and she heard a car horn. Zane pulled up and knocked at her door. Terra answered and said," Go get dressed and come on Mom wants to see you." Terra looked at him and closed the door and said," Give me a bit." Terra changed into jeans and did her makeup and then brushed her hair. Terra grabs her hoodie As Zane snapped his finger and Blaze and Mattheo run in and grab her. Mattheo grabs her arms and hoists her up over his shoulder. Blaze grabbed her purse and locked her door and he quickly stepped back and took the spare of her house key. and swapped it for a random key. Blaze sat down and grabbed her as Mattheo set her down. Blaze held her and said," I got her." Mattheo held her legs as she looked at them. Zane drive with them looked at her said," I'll let you up if you come see mom now." Terra looked at him said," yes then afterwards I got to take notes." Zane looked at them said," Alright guys let her up." Blaze held her up so she moved her legs away from Mattheo lap. Terra sit up straight and stretch and smiled grab her purse real quick. As they drove a for a few minutes. Terra see a car said," Oh hell no." Zane park his car said," Yea forgot to mention it I knew you wouldn't come." Terra grab her purse and begins to walked and Zane stop her said," He change Terra." Terra begins to walked away but Mattheo and Blaze stop right in front of her said," Sorry Zane mom orders." Terra looked saddened said,"Ahh boo such a shame I actually like you two." Terra turned around see Spade. Spade smiled at her and said," You look great Terra really it nice to see you again." Terra smiled and said," Thanks can't say the same thing." Zane mom runs and hugs her tightly said," All these years sweetie all these years you look amazing sweetie." They all sat down and had a meal together as they all caught up. As they clean up those dishes and help put away the leftover. Zane and Spade and Mattheo and Blaze sat down in the living room full of photo's. Blaze see a picture of Zane , Spade and young pictures of Terra and Dane and Spade and Zane. Blaze smiled said," Wow you all seem very close what happened." Zane mom walked in with a tray of drink of tea. As she set it down and see the picture smiled said,"Ohh that photo is one of my favorite." Blaze smiled and said," So what happened you guys seem like you all drifted part ." Mattheo looked at the photo said," Look again bro Spade brother." Blaze looked so shocked said," Terra knew Dane . Zane smiled said," Knew him they were the closest ever. Spade then smiled said," My brother and Terra were thick as thief. " Mattheo looked at Spade said," The accident that what happen." Zane nodded as Zane mom tears up said," I'm sorry." Zane look saddened said," I know." Spade looked at him and said," It was there summer of our that year but however I caught up in some studies these guys were out for a quick errand and was coming right back." Terra was next up the stairs listening to the conversation. Zane looked for second said," A drunk driver hit us as Terra and Dane in the car they hit Dane side unfortunately." Zane took a deep breath and sighed said," Terra saved my life she drags Me and Dane out of the car that night but Dane didn't make it Terra try to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on his wound by the time the ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital he passed away." Zane took a deep breath and said," Guys don't say anything about this to her please it has been years since seen last saw her. Spade looked sorrow said," Blinde by the death of my brother cause alot of problems at court.
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